James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Research Practice


Prerequisites: Distinction level in TH3962 TH3963 TH3964
Inadmissable Subject Combination: TH4012 TH4022

Contact hours as negotiated with the Head of College through the supervisor. Full year.

Available, at the discretion of the Head of College, to all students with a BT or equivalent qualification undertaking the BT Honours (Research) degree.


Head, College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre.

The BT(Honours) program is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of practice-based research and to provide students with the opportunity to develop performance products to enhance their individual creative portfolio. Depending on staff availability students are able to undertake their research interests from the following areas: acting, directing, sound, lighting, set, costume, writing for stage, vocal studies and movement.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop practice based research skills.

Assessment by two major practical projects (60%); a seminar presentation (20%); a major essay (20%).
