James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Analysis of Practice


Prerequisites: Credit level in TH3962 and Distinction level in TH3963 TH3964
Inadmissable Subject Combination: TH4011 TH4021

Contact hours as negotiated with the Head of College through the supervisor. Full year.

Available, at the discretion of the Head of College, to all students with a BT or equivalent qualification undertaking the BT Honours (Practice) degree.


Head, College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre.

Students will undertake a number of tasks relating to the analysis of creative practice process and product.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop the technical and aesthetic aspects of performance or production;
  2. develop a critical appraisal and evaluation of current research in theatre;
  3. become competent in a range of research techniques;
  4. further abilities in working as an independent researcher and practitioner by following an individual program of research.

Assessment by a number of tasks by negotiation with their supervisor relating to the analysis of their practice both prospectively and retrospectively.
