Postgraduate Award Requirements
Postgraduate Courses
Research Activities
1.1 The graduate degrees shall be:
Master of Applied Science | MAppSc |
Master of Astronomy | MAstron |
Master of Astronomy Education | MAstronEd |
Master of Computational EngineeringCourse not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course. | MCompEng |
Master of Engineering Science | MEngSc |
Master of Information Technology | MInfTech |
Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration | MInfTech-MBA |
Master of Science | MSc |
Minerals Geoscience Masters | MMinGeoSc |
1.2 There shall be awards of:
Postgraduate Diploma of Computational EngineeringCourse not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course. | PGDipCompEng |
Graduate Diploma of Astronomy | GDipAstron |
Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology | GDipBiotech |
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology | GDipInfTech |
Graduate Diploma of Science | GDipSc |
Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering Course not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course. | PGCertCompEng |
Graduate Certificate of Astronomy | GCertAstron |
Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology | GCertBiotech |
Graduate Certificate of Information Technology | GCertInfTech |
Graduate Certificate of Science | GCertSc |
1.3 Doctorate awards associated with this faculty are:
Doctor of Astronomy | DAstron |
Doctor of Tropical Environmental Management | DTropEnvMgt |
(Award requirements are shown on pages xx-xx) |
1.4 Higher Doctorate awards associated with this faculty are:
Doctor of Engineering | DEng |
Doctor of Science | DSc |
(Award requirements are shown on pages xx-xx) |
The degree of Master of Applied Science may be undertaken in the schools and institutes listed in Schedule A below.
2. A person may be approved to enrol for the degree if that person has qualified in this or another recognised institution of higher education for a Bachelor degree or its equivalent provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the appropriate Head of School, is satisfied that the candidate has sufficient qualifications and/or experience for admission to candidature.
A student for the degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 36 credit points.
3.2 The 36 credit points from 3.1 above, shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements set out in the selected major of study or as decided by the relevant Head(s) of Schools.
3.3 A student must complete at least 18 credit points in the discipline in which he/she is taking out the degree or as specified by the relevant Head(s) of Schools.
A student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in three teaching periods and not more than two calendar years in the case of a full-time student and normally in six teaching periods and not more than four calendar years for a part-time student. The minimum period of candidature will be one calendar year.
Advanced standing may be granted for:
5.1 subjects completed in the Postgraduate Diploma of Science or the Graduate Diploma of Science offered at the University, to a maximum of 24 credit points; or
5.2 equivalent subjects completed at this or another recognised institution of higher education, to a maximum of 12 credit points where that subject has not already counted towards an undergraduate degree.
Exemption may be granted for a maximum of 9 credit points for relevant subjects completed at the undergraduate level provided that additional postgraduate subjects approved by the Head of the appropriate School are completed to bring to 36 the total credit points completed for the degree.
If the research option is taken then the submission of the original and two copies of the dissertation or report on an approved research topic is to be submitted for examination.
7.2 The Heads of the Schools in which the student is registered shall nominate the names of two examiners. These may both be internal or one or both may be external.
7.3 The dissertation or report normally is to have a minimum value of 12 credit points and a maximum value of 15 credit points.
7.4 The faculty, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree or require the student to submit to further examination.
7.5 On completion of all requirements to the satisfaction of the faculty and on the recommendation of the school, the faculty will recommend the award of the degree.
7.6 A copy of the dissertation or report shall be kept in the school and/or in the Library.
A student who has complied with all the requirements, together with all other relevant statutes and requirements shall be recommended for the award of Master of Applied Science.
A student who has completed the requirements of the Master of Applied Science including the attainment of at least a Credit grade in the project option may apply to the Head of the appropriate School/Institute for approval to enrol in a Master of Science.
Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology
Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Marine and Tropical Biology
Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences
see also Courses, Master of Astronomy
1. A Master of Astronomy may be undertaken in the Centre for Astronomy in the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
2. A person may enrol for the Master of Astronomy if that person:
2.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate for the field of study being selected; or
2.2 has completed the requirements of the Graduate Diploma of Astronomy; or
2.3 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2.
A student shall normally complete the requirements for the degree in three teaching periods of full-time study or its equivalent. The maximum duration shall be three years full-time (six teaching periods) or its equivalent.
A candidate shall normally complete a total of 36 credit points of which 30 are core subjects. Any variation to this must be approved by the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
5. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures.
6. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Master of Astronomy.
A student who has completed the requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy and/or the Graduate Diploma of Astronomy may be given full advanced standing for the credit points in the Graduate Certificate and/or Graduate Diploma towards the Master of Astronomy provided the Graduate Certificate and/or Graduate Diploma of Astronomy awards are surrendered.
8. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the Faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses may be granted advanced standing for that subject by the faculty, up to a maximum of 18 credit points.
see also Courses, Master of Astronomy Education
1. A Master of Astronomy Education may be undertaken in the Centre for Astronomy in the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
2. A person may enrol for the Master of Astronomy Education if that person:
2.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate for the field of study being selected; or
2.2 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1.
A student shall normally complete the requirements for the degree in three teaching periods of full-time study or its equivalent. The maximum duration shall be three years full-time (six teaching periods) or its equivalent.
A candidate shall normally complete 36 credit points of subjects listed under Postgraduate Courses. Any variation to this must be approved by the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
5. The candidate must complete the four compulsory core subjects (24 credit points). At least two of these subjects must be completed before the student commences the Education subjects.
6. The candidate must complete a total of 12 credit points of the specified Education subjects.
7. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for the Masters degrees.
8. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of Master of Astronomy Education.
A student who has completed the requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy and/or the Graduate Diploma of Astronomy at this University may be given full advanced standing for the credit points in the Graduate Certificate and/or Graduate Diploma towards the Master of Astronomy Education provided the Graduate Certificate and/or Graduate Diploma of Astronomy awards are surrendered.
10 A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program may be granted advanced standing for that subject by the faculty in accordance with the University’s Framework for Postgraduate Courses.
see also Courses, Master of Computational Engineering
Note: The Master of Computational Engineering is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
1. The degree of Master of Computational Engineering shall consist of 36 credit points of study.
A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Computational Engineering if that person:
2.1 has completed a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours, a Postgraduate Diploma, or a Bachelor of Engineering with a minimum of two years of experience in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, civil, environmental, manufacturing, materials, mechanical or mining and/or additional education experience, such as the Research Methods course, which the Head of the School of Engineering deems as a demonstration of research potential; or
2.2 has completed a Bachelor’s degree in an allied field (eg Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemical Engineering), which is considered adequate by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Engineering; or
2.3 has a qualification from another faculty or institution accepted by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2 and with the approval of the Head of the School of Engineering.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed for the specified program under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 36 credit points including:
3.1.1 24 credit points of coursework and 12 credit points of project work; or
3.1.2 30 credit points of coursework and 6 credit points of project work; or
3.1.3 36 credit points of coursework.
3.2 Each student shall follow a course of advanced study and investigation including self-study, attending lectures and tutorial classes as prescribed for each subject.
A student who has completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering or the Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering may be given full advanced standing for the credit points in the Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma towards the Master of Computational Engineering provided the Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering is surrendered.
4.2 A student who, at another institution of higher education, has passed a postgraduate subject which is deemed by the School of Engineering to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses, may be granted advanced standing for that subject, up to a maximum of 12 credit points.
Each student shall complete the requirements for the degree, either full-time in normally not less than one year nor more than two years, or part-time in normally not less than two years nor more than four years.
Assessment may include any or all of the following: assignments, a research project, report and oral presentation, quizzes, tests and examinations.
6.2 A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of Master of Computational Engineering.
see also Courses, Master of Computational Engineering (Bridging)
Note: The Master of Computational Engineering (Bridging) is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
This program incorporates the Master of Computational Engineering with an additional 12 credit points of bridging subjects to allow candidates, who would otherwise not qualify, to gain entry to the Master of Computational Engineering.
Please note that the “Bridging” nomenclature does not appear on the testamur. Refer to Requirement 6.2 below for more information.
1. The degree of Master of Computational Engineering shall consist of 48 credit points of study.
A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Computational Engineering (Bridging) if that person:
2.1 has completed a Diploma or Bachelor of Engineering (without Honours) with a background in solid mechanics and/or fluid mechanics; or
2.2 has completed a Bachelor’s degree in an allied field such as Applied Mathematics, or Applied Science, which is considered adequate by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Engineering; or
2.3 has a qualification from another faculty or institution accepted by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2 and with the approval of the Head of the School of Engineering.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed for the specified program under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 48 credit points.
3.2 The course of study shall include four bridging subjects, equivalent to 12 credit points of study, as specified by the Head of the School of Engineering. An additional 36 credit points from the Master of Computational Engineering course of study shall be undertaken as:
3.2.1 24 credit points of coursework and 12 credit points of project work; or
3.2.2 30 credit points of coursework and 6 credit points of project work; or
3.2.3 36 credit points of coursework.
3.3 Each student shall follow a course of advanced study and investigation including self-study, attending lectures and tutorial classes as prescribed for each subject.
Students transferring from the Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering or the Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering may be awarded advanced standing for subjects studied under the Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma provided that award is surrendered.
4.2 A student who, at another institution of higher education, has passed a postgraduate subject which is deemed by the School of Engineering to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses, may be granted advanced standing for that subject, up to a maximum of 12 credit points.
Each student shall complete the requirements for the degree, either full-time in normally not less than one and a half years nor more than two and a half years, or part-time in normally not less than three years nor more than five years.
Assessment may include any or all of the following: assignments, a research project, report and oral presentation, quizzes, tests and examinations.
6.2 A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of Master of Computational Engineering. (Please note that the “Bridging” nomenclature does not appear on the testamur.)
see also Courses, Master of Engineering Science
To qualify for admission to candidature an applicant shall have completed the requirements for:
1.1 Bachelor of Engineering with HonoursIt is expected that normally, the Honours course would include a research component.; or
1.2 Bachelor of Engineering with at least two years of work and/or additional educational experience, such as the Research Methods course, which the Head of the School of Engineering deems as a demonstration of research potential;
1.3 Bachelor of Science with Honours or Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours and with the approval of the Head of the School of Engineering;
1.4 a qualification from another faculty or institution accepted by the faculty as equivalent to Requirements 1.1 to 1.3 and with the approval of the Head of the School of Engineering and the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee (BPSC).
The Master of Engineering Science is predominantly a research degree. The candidate will conduct a research project that is approved by the BPSC.
2.2 The degree may include coursework up to the value of 9 credit points that is either specified by the Head of the School of Engineering or desired by the candidate in order to broaden or strengthen the student’s knowledge of his/her research area.
Each student shall complete the requirements for the degree, either full-time in normally not less than one year nor more than two years, or part-time in normally not less than two years nor more than four years.
A candidate enrolled for the Master of Engineering Science shall be assigned a Principal Supervisor and a Co-supervisor or Associate Supervisor who shall be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University.
The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed, normally within the first four months of enrolment for a full-time candidate; or normally within the first eight months of enrolment for a part-time candidate.
A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum during the final year of candidature.
A candidate shall submit a thesis embodying the results of the research.
7.2 The original and two copies of the thesis shall be submitted to the Graduate Research School.
7.3 The Head of the School of Engineering shall advise the Graduate Research School in writing of the names of not less than two examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the University. The student’s supervisor shall not be an examiner.
7.4 The degree may be conferred only when a final unbound copy, and normally a PDF file, of the thesis have been deposited in the Library or a written guarantee has been provided by the appropriate Head of School that the said School holds all the material necessary for the preparation of these copies.
A candidate affected by a decision of the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee pursuant to the Masters by Research requirements may appeal against the decision. Such appeal shall be instituted by a notice in writing setting out the grounds thereof and shall be submitted to the University Registrar within 28 days of the notification to the candidate of the decision appealed from.
8.2 The Appeal shall be determined by an Appeal Panel which is independent of the Board of Postgraduate Studies and established by the University Registrar.
8.3 The Appeal Panel shall consist of the Chair, Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members appointed by the Chair. Two members of the Appeal Panel shall be postgraduate students chosen in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate Student Association.
8.4 The Appeal Panel shall meet within 28 days of the University Registrar receiving the notice in writing from the candidate as outlined in Requirement 8.1 above.
8.5 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:
8.5.1 the grounds of the request for the appeal;
8.5.2 any documents relevant to the decision against which the candidate has appealed;
8.5.3 such further material as the Appeal Panel may, in the exercise of its discretion, permit to be placed before it if it considers it necessary or desirable in the interests of justice to do so.
8.6 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing; and to be represented by the Student Association Academic Support Services Coordinator, the Student Association Welfare Coordinator, or another member of the University community not acting in a legal capacity, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the University Registrar at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.
8.7 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision; or vary the decision of the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee.
8.8 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the University Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the University Registrar shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panel’s decision. The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall also advise the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee of the outcome and any recommendations made by the Appeal Panel.
8.9 The Appeal Panel’s decision shall be final.
see also Courses, Master of Information Technology
A person may enrol for the Master of Information Technology if that person:
1.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related discipline, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of a Head of a School of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.2 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, not in Information Technology nor in a related discipline, but which is considered by the faculty on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.3 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 1.1 or 1.2.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 36 credit points in one of the fields of study specified in Schedule A below.
3. To complete a subject a student shall satisfy the written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the relevant Head of School and approved by the faculty.
4. Except with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, a student may not enrol for any subject until advanced standing has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects as listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects.
5. The normal duration of this degree is 1.5 years, commencing from the date of the first classes in the program. Full-time candidates shall normally complete the requirements of this degree within the normal duration.
6. When suitable block mode subjects are available, by approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, candidates may commence this degree at the start of a block mode subject providing that full-time candidates can still complete the requirements of the degree within the normal duration.
Students transferring from the Graduate Certificate of Information Technology or the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology may be awarded advanced standing for subjects studied under the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma, provided that award is relinquished.
8. Advanced standing of up to 12 credit points may be granted for relevant previous study that has not been credited to an undergraduate award.
Schedule A – Fields of Study
A – Fields of Study E-Business
A – Fields of Study Industry Research and Development
A – Fields of Study Multimedia Game Development
A – Fields of Study Networking
see also Courses, Master of Information Technology (Extended)
Note: The Master of Information Technology (Extended) is designed for students whose background is not in IT. The course includes a bridge of four subjects specified by the Head of School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology to extend the background IT knowledge of the particular student.
A person may enrol for the Master of Information Technology (Extended) if that person:
1.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related discipline, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of a Head of a School of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.2 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, not in Information Technology nor in a related discipline, but which is considered by the faculty on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.3 has other relevant qualifications (typically a three year full-time diploma in Information Technology) which is considered by the faculty, on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.4 has completed the requirements for either the Graduate Certificate of Information Technology or the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology; or
1.5 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 48 credit points in one of the fields of study specified in Schedule A below.
3. To complete a subject a student shall satisfy the written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the relevant Head of School and approved by the faculty.
4. Except with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, a student may not enrol for any subject until credit has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects as listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects.
5. The normal duration of this degree is two years, commencing from the date of the first classes in the program. Full-time candidates shall normally complete the requirements of this degree within the normal duration.
6. When suitable block mode subjects are available, by approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, candidates may commence this degree at the start of a block mode subject providing that full-time candidates can still complete the requirements of the degree within the normal duration.
Students transferring from the Graduate Certificate of Information Technology or the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology may be awarded advanced standing for subjects studied under the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma, provided that award is relinquished.
8. Advanced standing of up to 12 credit points may be granted for relevant previous study that has been taken at the same level as the subjects for which advanced standing is to be granted.
Schedule A – Fields of Study
A – Fields of Study E-Business
A – Fields of Study Industry Research and Development
A – Fields of Study Multimedia Game Development
A – Fields of Study Networking
Admission is normally granted on the basis of a Bachelors degree in a relevant discipline with Honours Class I or II or a Graduate Diploma of Research Methods (graduates with a three year Bachelors degree) or Graduate Certificate of Research Methods (graduates with a four year Bachelors degree). It is desirable that a grade point average of at least Credit level be obtained in the research component of a research methods course.
1.2 Other qualifications will be considered for entry, subject to approval of the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, certifying that they are at least equivalent to the standard entry criteria. This normally includes the following:
1.2.1 a Bachelors degree with a final year average of Credit or better, plus working evidence of substantial self-directed achievements in ICT in activity that the Director of Research of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology judges to be equivalent to a Graduate Certificate of Research Methods;
1.2.2 a Bachelors degree plus working evidence of substantial self-directed achievement in ICT activity which the Director of Research (SIT) judges to be equivalent to a Graduate Diploma in Research Methods;
1.2.3 completion of four subjects from the MInfTech (Industry Research and Development) program, including completion, at Credit level or above, of both of the subjects Scientific Research Methods and Literature Review and Research Proposal.
A candidate enrolled for the Master of Information Technology by Research shall be assigned a Principal Supervisor and a Co-supervisor or Associate Supervisor who shall be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University.
A candidate shall apply to have his/her candidature confirmed, normally within the first four months of enrolment for a full-time candidate; or normally within the first eight months of enrolment for a part-time candidate.
A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum during the final year of candidature.
A candidate shall submit a thesis embodying the results of the research within a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 18 months of confirmation of candidature.
5.2 The original and two copies of the thesis shall be submitted to the Graduate Research School.
5.3 The Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology shall advise the Graduate Research School in writing of the names of not less than two examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the University. The student’s supervisor shall not be an examiner.
5.4 The degree may be conferred only when a final unbound copy, and normally a PDF file, of the thesis have been deposited in the Library or a written guarantee has been provided by the appropriate Head of School that the School holds all the material necessary for the preparation of these copies, and will submit to the Library in due course.
A candidate affected by a decision of the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee pursuant to the Masters by Research requirements may appeal against the decision. Such appeal shall be instituted by a notice in writing setting out the grounds thereof and shall be submitted to the University Registrar within 28 days of the notification to the candidate of the decision appealed from.
6.2 The Appeal shall be determined by an Appeal Panel which is independent of the Board of Postgraduate Studies and established by the University Registrar.
6.3 The Appeal Panel shall consist of the Chair, Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members appointed by the Chair. Two members of the Appeal Panel shall be postgraduate students chosen in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate Student Association.
6.4 The Appeal Panel shall meet within 28 days of the University Registrar receiving the notice in writing from the candidate as outlined in Requirement 6.1 above.
6.5 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:
6.5.1 the grounds of the request for the appeal;
6.5.2 any documents relevant to the decision against which the candidate has appealed;
6.5.3 such further material as the Appeal Panel may, in the exercise of its discretion, permit to be placed before it if it considers it necessary or desirable in the interests of justice to do so.
6.6 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing; and to be represented by the Student Association Academic Support Services Coordinator, the Student Association Welfare Coordinator, or another member of the University community not acting in a legal capacity, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the University Registrar at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.
6.7 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision; or vary the decision of the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee.
6.8 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the University Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the University Registrar shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panel’s decision. The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall also advise the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee of the outcome and any recommendations made by the Appeal Panel.
6.9 The Appeal Panel’s decision shall be final.
see also Courses, Master of Information Technology- Master of Business Administration
A person may enrol for the Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration if that person:
1.1 has qualified at this or another University for an Australian Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related discipline, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of a Head of a School of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate preparation; or
1.2 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelor’s degree, not in Information Technology nor in a related discipline, but which is considered by the faculty on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school or faculty, to be adequate; or
1.3 has completed the requirements for the Master of Information Technology or Master of Business Administration; or
1.4 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 48 credit points.
3. To complete a subject a student shall satisfy the written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the relevant Heads of Schools and approved by the relevant faculties.
4. Except with the approval of the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor, a student may not enrol for any subject until credit has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects as listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects.
5. The normal duration of this degree is two years, commencing from the date of the first classes in the program. Full-time candidates shall normally complete the requirements of this degree within the normal duration.
6. When suitable block mode subjects are available, by approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts, candidates may commence this degree at the start of a block mode subject providing that full-time candidates can still complete the requirements of the degree within the normal duration.
Students transferring from the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma of Information Technology or Business Administration or Master of Business Administration or Master of Information Technology may be awarded advanced standing for subjects studied under the relevant award, provided that award is relinquished.
8. Advanced standing of up to 12 credit points may be granted for relevant previous study that has not been credited to an undergraduate award.
9. A candidate who wishes to withdraw from the joint degree and convert their candidature to either the Master of Information Technology or Master of Business Administration, must complete the requirements of the degree in which they subsequently enrol.
see also Courses, Master of Information Technology (Extended)-Master of Business Administration
A person may enrol for the Master of Information Technology (Extended)-Master of Business Administration if that person:
1.1 has qualified at this or another University for an Australian Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related discipline, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of a Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology or the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate preparation; or
1.2 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, not in Information Technology nor in a related discipline, but which is considered by the faculty on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation; or
1.3 has other relevant qualifications (typically a 3-year full-time diploma in Information Technology) which is considered by the faculty on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study selected; or
1.4 has completed the requirements for the Master of Information Technology (Extended) or Master of Business Administration; or
1.5 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 60 credit points.
3. To complete a subject a student shall satisfy the written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the relevant Heads of Schools and approved by the relevant faculties.
4. Except with the approval of the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor, a student may not enrol for any subject until advanced standing has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects as listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects.
5. The normal duration of this degree is 2.5 years, commencing from the date of the first classes in the program. Full-time candidates shall normally complete the requirements of this degree within the normal duration.
6. When suitable block mode subjects are available, by approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts, candidates may commence this degree at the start of a block mode subject providing that full-time candidates can still complete the requirements of the degree within the normal duration.
Students transferring from the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma of Information Technology or Business Administration, or the Master of Information Technology (Extended) or the Master of Business Administration may be awarded advanced standing for subjects studied under the relevant award, provided that award is relinquished.
8. Advanced standing of up to 12 credit points may be granted for relevant previous study that has been taken at the same level as the subjects for which advanced standing is to be granted.
9. A candidate who wishes to withdraw from the joint degree and convert their candidature to either the Master of Information Technology (Extended) or Master of Business Administration, must complete the requirements of the degree in which they subsequently enrol.
The degree of Master of Science may be undertaken in the schools and centres in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology or the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences listed in Schedule A below. The degree shall be awarded in recognition of research or alternatively for adequate progress in formal coursework combined with research.
2. A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Science if that person has:
2.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours of this University with Class I or Class II Honours; or
2.2 qualified at this University for a Master of Applied Science with at least a 12-credit point research option with a grade of Credit or above or with research publications deemed to be of equivalent value; or
2.3 obtained from another university, qualifications approved by the faculty as equivalent to the conditions set out in Requirement 2.1; or
2.4 passed such qualifying examinations, at least one year subsequent to qualifying for the degree of Bachelor of Science or its equivalent, as may be determined by the faculty on the recommendation of the appropriate Head of School; or
2.5 submitted as an exceptional case such other evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets with the approval of the faculty.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty upon recommendation of the Head of School in which the student is to be registered.
Before permitting a person to enrol for the degree, the faculty shall be satisfied that adequate facilities are available for the studies proposed.
4.2 A student when enrolled, shall be registered in the appropriate school and assigned to a supervisor who shall be a member of the academic staff. One or more associate supervisors may be appointed on account of their special knowledge of the student’s approved program of study or in order to ensure effective supervision of the candidate during any periods spent external to the University.
4.3 Unless specialist supervision in the particular field of study can be provided by the University, study in an environment external to the University will not be acceptable as a basis for registration for the degree.
4.4 Part-time students must attend the University as required by their supervisors and approved by the faculty. Applications for enrolment will be considered only if the faculty is satisfied that the attendance requirements can be met.
4.5 Periodically the supervisor may be requested by the Head of School to report on the student’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School, the student’s progress is unsatisfactory the Head may advise the faculty, which may terminate the candidature or take such other action as it deems necessary.
4.6 A student may be required by the Head of School to attend specified courses of study.
The student shall undertake a course of study leading to the submission of a thesis for examination. The thesis may not be submitted by a student earlier than one calendar year nor later than two (for a full-time student) or four (for a part-time student) calendar years after enrolment, except that in special circumstances the faculty may grant an extension of the relevant period.
5.2 A minor portion of the thesis may cover work undertaken before enrolment provided that this work has not been used in gaining another academic qualification.
5.3 Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part of the thesis.
5.4 Students should present a progress seminar to members of the relevant school within six months of enrolment. The Head of School will report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor. All students shall present a progress report at the completion of each 12 months of candidature unless the thesis is ready for submission within eight weeks of this period.
5.5 Students may at the discretion of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor on the advice of the appropriate school be granted an extension or suspension. The period for an extension will normally be up to six months for a full-time candidate and 12 months for a part-time candidate. Suspension of candidature will not normally exceed 12 months.
On completion of the thesis an original and two copies of the thesisThe form of presentation of dissertation or thesis is available at the University Library., together with any separate published material, shall be submitted to the Registrar of the University.
6.2 The faculty, on the advice of the Head of School in which the student is registered, shall appoint two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University.
6.3 The faculty, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the student to undertake a written or an oral examination or both.
6.4 The faculty, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree, appoint another examiner or require the student to resubmit the thesis either re-written or including further research material. A student who fails to satisfy the examiners after resubmission of the thesis, shall not again be eligible for candidature for a Master’s degree in the same discipline.
6.5 Grade awarded to overall degree to be pass or fail only.
6.6 All corrections if requested are to be made:
6.6.1 if minor within three months of the date of despatch of the advice to the student; or
6.6.2 if major within 12 months of the date of despatch of the advice to the student.
6.7 Award of the degree to be conferred when the following condition has been met: an acid free copy plus supporting documentation of the thesis has been deposited in the Library or a written guarantee has been provided by the school concerned that the said school holds all the material necessary for preparation of said copy.
Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Marine and Tropical Biology
Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology
Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition
Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences
Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences
Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
see also Courses, Minerals Geoscience Masters
1. A candidate, unless admitted with advanced status, shall follow an approved course of study to obtain a minimum of 48 credit points. The normal time for completion is two years full-time study or four years part-time study.
2. The minimum of 48 credit points from Requirement 1 shall be obtained by passing subjects from Science level 5 subjects from the Master Schedule of Subjects according to the following:
2.1 24 credit points from James Cook University six credit point subjects;
2.2 a minimum of 12 credit points from external subjects offered by the Minerals Geoscience Training Network as prescribed in Postgraduate Courses;
2.3 an optional six or 12 credit points of research dissertation;
2.4 a maximum of 24 credit points for relevant past experience and study not attributed to another degree program;
2.5 other combinations by permission of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
A student shall normally complete the degree in two years of study.
4. A student shall follow a course of study prescribed in Postgraduate Courses.
see also Courses, Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering
Note: The Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
1. The degree of Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering shall consist of 24 credit points of coursework.
A person may enrol for the degree of Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering if that person:
2.1 has completed a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours, a Postgraduate Certificate, or a Bachelor of Engineering with a minimum of two years of experience in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, civil, environmental, manufacturing, materials, mechanical or mining and/or additional education experience, such as the Research Methods course, which the Head of the School of Engineering deems as a demonstration of research potential; or
2.2 has completed a Bachelor’s degree in an allied field (eg Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemical Engineering), which is considered adequate by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Engineering; or
2.3 has a qualification from another faculty or institution accepted by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2 and with the approval of the Head of the School of Engineering.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed for the specified program under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 24 credit points of coursework.
3.2 Each student shall follow a course of advanced study and investigation including self-study, attending lectures and tutorial classes as prescribed for each subject.
A student who has completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering may be given full advanced standing for the credit points in the Postgraduate Certificate towards the Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering provided the Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering is surrendered.
4.2 A student who, at another institution of higher education, has passed a postgraduate subject which is deemed by the School of Engineering to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses, may be granted advanced standing for that subject, up to a maximum of six credit points.
The normal duration for the degree is one year full-time or two years part-time.
Assessment may include any or all of the following: assignments, a research project, report and oral presentation, quizzes, tests and examinations.
6.2 A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering.
see also Courses, Graduate Diploma of Astronomy
1. A Graduate Diploma of Astronomy may be undertaken in the Centre for Astronomy in the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
2. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Astronomy if that person:
2.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Director of the Centre for Astronomy, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate for the field of study being selected; or
2.2 has completed the requirements of the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy; or
2.3 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2.
A student shall normally complete the requirements of the Graduate Diploma in one year (two teaching periods) of full-time or equivalent study. The maximum duration shall be two years full-time equivalent (four teaching periods).
A candidate shall normally complete 24 credit points made up of subjects provided in the Schedule. Any variation to this must be approved by the Director of the Centre for Astronomy.
5. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures.
6. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Astronomy.
A student who has completed the requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy may be given full advanced standing for the credit points in the Graduate Certificate towards the Graduate Diploma of Astronomy provided the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy award is surrendered.
8. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the faculty, on the advice of the Director of the Centre for Astronomy, to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses may be granted advanced standing for that subject by the faculty, up to a maximum of 12 credit points.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
AS5021:06 | The Solar System |
AS5022:06 | Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology |
see also Courses, Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology if that person:
1.1 has qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Biomedical Science either from this or from another University provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Heads of the Schools concerned, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate; or
1.2 has qualifications recognised by the faculty as equivalent to the conditions of Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 has alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 credit points. The normal period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.
3. The student will follow a course of study approved by the relevant Head of School and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty. The program may include subjects from another discipline.
4. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, a research project and report and examinations.
5. Except with the approval of the faculty, there shall be no re-examination.
6. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology.
7. Appeal procedures are as per normal University procedures for Masters requirements.
see also Courses, Graduate Diploma of Information Technology
A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology if that person:
1.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related discipline, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of a Head of a School of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.2 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree not in Information Technology nor in a related discipline but which is considered by the faculty, on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.3 has other relevant qualifications (typically a three year full-time diploma in Information Technology) which is considered by the faculty, on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study being selected; or
1.4 has completed the requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Information Technology in the field of study being selected; or
1.5 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 24 credit points in one of the fields of study specified in Schedule A below.
3. To complete a subject a student shall satisfy the written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the relevant Head of School and approved by the faculty.
4. Except with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, a student may not enrol for any subject until credit has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects as listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects.
5. The normal duration of this degree is one year, commencing from the date of the first classes in the program. Full-time candidates shall normally complete the requirements of this degree within the normal duration.
6. When suitable block mode subjects are available, by approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, candidates may commence this degree at the start of a block mode subject providing that full-time candidates can still complete the requirements of the degree within the normal duration.
Students transferring from the Graduate Certificate of Information Technology may be awarded advanced standing for subjects studied under the Graduate Certificate provided that award is surrendered.
8. Advanced standing of up to six credit points may be granted for relevant previous study that has not been credited to an undergraduate award.
Schedule A – Fields of Study
A – Fields of Study
Industry Research and Development
Multimedia Game Development
The Graduate Diploma of Science may be undertaken in the schools, centres and institutes listed in Schedule A below.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Science course if that person:
1.1 has qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Science either from this or from another University provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Heads of the Schools concerned, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate; or
1.2 has qualifications recognised by the faculty as equivalent to the conditions of Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 has alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 credit points. The normal period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.
3. A student shall select one of the disciplines offered in the schools, centres and institutes listed in Schedule A, or an approved combination of those disciplines and follow the course of study prescribed.
4. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, a research project and report and examinations.
5. Except with the approval of the faculty, there shall be no re-examination.
6. A student who has qualified for the Graduate Diploma of Science in one discipline may enrol in a further discipline in a subsequent year.
7. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Science.
8. Appeal procedures are as per normal University procedures for Master’s Requirements.
Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology
Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Marine and Tropical Biology
Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences
Tropical Urban and Regional Planning
see also Courses, Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering
Note: The Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
1. The degree of Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering shall consist of 12 credit points of coursework.
A person may enrol for the degree of Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering if that person:
2.1 has completed a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours or a Bachelor of Engineering with a minimum of two years of experience in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, civil, environmental, manufacturing, materials, mechanical or mining and/or additional education experience, such as the Research Methods course, which the Head of the School of Engineering deems as a demonstration of research potential; or
2.2 has completed a Bachelor’s degree in an allied field (eg Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemical Engineering), which is considered adequate by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Engineering; or
2.3 has a qualification from another faculty or institution accepted by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2 and with the approval of the Head of the School of Engineering.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed for the specified program under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 12 credit points of coursework.
3.2 Each student shall follow a course of advanced study and investigation including self-study, attending lectures and tutorial classes as prescribed for each subject.
A student who, at another institution of higher education, has passed a postgraduate subject which is deemed by the School of Engineering to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses, may be granted advanced standing for that subject, up to a maximum of three credit points.
The normal duration for the degree is one teaching period full-time or two teaching periods part-time.
Assessment may include any or all of the following: assignments, a research project, report and oral presentation, quizzes, tests and examinations.
6.2 A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering.
see also Courses, Graduate Certificate of Astronomy
1. A Graduate Certificate of Astronomy may be undertaken in the Centre for Astronomy in the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
2. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy if that person:
2.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Director of the Centre for Astronomy, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate for the field of study being selected; or
2.2 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1.
A student shall normally complete the requirements of the Graduate Certificate in one teaching period of full-time or equivalent study . The maximum duration shall be one year full-time equivalent (two teaching periods).
A candidate shall normally complete 12 credit points made up of the subjects provided in the Schedule. Any variation to this must be approved by the Director of the Centre for Astronomy.
5. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures.
6. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Astronomy.
A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the faculty on the advice of the Director of the Centre for Astronomy, to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses, may be granted advanced standing for that subject by the faculty, up to a maximum of 6 credit points.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
see also Courses, Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology if that person:
1.1 has qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Biomedical Science either from this or from another University provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Heads of the Schools concerned, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate; or
1.2 has qualifications recognised by the faculty as equivalent to the conditions of Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 has alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 12 credit points. The minimum period of candidature shall be one teaching period of full-time study or two teaching period of part-time study.
3. The student will follow a course of study approved by the relevant Head of School and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty. The program may include subjects from another discipline.
4. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, a research project and report and examinations.
5. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology.
6. Appeal procedures are as per normal University procedures for Masters requirements.
see also Courses, Graduate Certificate of Information Technology
A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Information Technology if that person:
1.1 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related discipline provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of a Head of a School of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate preparation for the field of study selected; or
1.2 has qualified at this or another University for a Bachelors degree, not in Information Technology nor in a related discipline, but which is considered by the faculty, on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study selected; or
1.3 has other relevant qualifications (typically a three year full-time diploma in Information Technology or a related discipline) which is considered by the faculty, on the recommendation of the head of the appropriate school, to be adequate preparation for the field of study selected; or
1.4 has other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3.
Unless granted advanced standing for previous study, a student shall follow the course of study prescribed under Postgraduate Courses, to obtain 12 credit points in one of the fields of study specified in Schedule A below.
3. To complete a subject a candidate shall satisfy the written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the relevant Head of School and approved by the faculty.
4. Except with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, a student may not enrol for any subject until credit has been obtained for any prerequisite subject or subjects as listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects.
5. The normal duration of this degree is 0.5 years, commencing from the date of the first classes in the program. Full-time candidates shall normally complete the requirements of this degree within the normal duration.
Advanced standing of up to three credit points may be granted for relevant previous study that has not be credited to an undergraduate award.
Schedule A – Fields of Study
A – Fields of Study
Industry Research and Development
Multimedia Game Development
The Graduate Certificate of Science may be undertaken in the schools, centres and institutes listed in Schedule A below.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Science course if that person:
1.1 has qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Science either from this or from another university provided that the faculty, on the recommendation of the Heads of the Schools concerned, is satisfied that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are adequate; or
1.2 has qualifications recognised by the faculty as equivalent to the conditions of Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 has alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 12 credit points. The minimum period of candidature shall be one teaching period of full-time study or two teaching periods of part-time study.
3. A student shall select one of the disciplines offered in the schools, centres and institutes listed in Schedule A. The student will follow a course of study approved by the Head of the School, Centre or Institute. The program may include subjects from another discipline.
4. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, a research project and report and examinations.
5. A student who has qualified for the Graduate Certificate of Science in one discipline may enrol in a further discipline in a subsequent year.
6. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Science.
7. Appeal procedures are as per normal university procedures for Masters requirements.
Schedule A Schools
Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Marine and Tropical Biology
Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology
Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences
Students are advised that all subjects are offered on condition that staff and resources are available.
Aquaculture | |
Archaeology | |
Astronomy | |
Biotechnology | |
Botany | |
Chemical Engineering | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | |
Computational Engineering | |
Computer Science | |
Conservation Biology | |
Earth Sciences | |
Economic Geology | |
Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering | |
Engineering | |
Entomology | |
Environmental Chemistry | |
Environmental Science | |
Exploration and Mining Geology | |
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis | |
Geography (Human) | |
Geography (Physical) | |
Geology | |
Information ‘Technology | |
Marine Biology | |
Mathematics | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
Natural Resource Management | |
Physical Oceanography and Meteorology | |
Physics | |
Protected Area Management | |
Statistics | |
Tropical Agriculture | |
Tropical Ecology | |
Tropical Environmental Management | |
Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology | |
Tropical Plant Sciences | |
Tropical Urban and Regional Planning | |
Wildlife Biology and Management | |
Zoology and Tropical Ecology |
The Master of Applied Science, Graduate Diploma of Science and Graduate Certificate of Science in Aquaculture provide training in the concepts and methods of aquaculture, emphasising tropical aquaculture generally, as well as the development and practice of the industry in Australia.
Students complete 36 credit points for the Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture as follows:
Core Subjects | |
AQ5002:03 | Aquaculture: Feeds and Nutrition |
AQ5003:03 | Aquaculture: Propagation |
AQ5004:03 | Aquaculture: Genetics and Stock Improvement |
AQ5005:03 | Aquaculture: Management of Culture Systems |
AQ5006:03 | Aquaculture: Principles and Practices |
AQ5007:03 | Aquatic Animal Ecophysiology |
AQ5009:03 | Aquaculture of Tropical Species |
BS5001:03* | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
* Compulsory except where a student has passed a subject which is deemed to be equivalent. | |
Plus | |
12 credit points of subjects satisfying the award requirements for the Master of Applied Science from: | |
AQ5008:03 | Aquaculture: Systems Design |
AQ5010:06 | Aquaculture: Production and Evaluation Report |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management |
TV5240:03 | Aquatic Pathobiology |
or | |
Level 5 AQ subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 12 credit points of research subjects. |
Students complete 24 credit points for the Graduate Diploma of Science in Aquaculture as follows:
Core Subject | |
BS5001:03* | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
Plus | |
21 credit points from: | |
AQ5002:03 | Aquaculture: Feeds and Nutrition |
AQ5003:03 | Aquaculture: Propagation |
AQ5004:03 | Aquaculture: Genetics and Stock Improvement |
AQ5005:03 | Aquaculture: Management of Culture Systems |
AQ5006:03 | Aquaculture: Principles and Practices |
AQ5007:03 | Aquatic Animal Ecophysiology |
AQ5008:03 | Aquaculture: Systems Design |
AQ5009:03 | Aquaculture of Tropical Species |
* Compulsory except where a student has passed a subject which is deemed to be equivalent. |
Students complete 12 credit points for the Graduate Certificate of Science in Aquaculture as follows:
Core Subject | |
BS5001:03* | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5300:03* | Sampling and Experimental Design |
AQ5002:03 | Aquaculture: Feeds and Nutrition |
or | |
AQ5003:03 | Aquaculture: Propagation |
AQ5004:03 | Aquaculture: Genetics and Stock Improvement |
or | |
AQ5005:03 | Aquaculture: Management of Culture Systems |
Plus | |
Three credit points from: | |
AQ5006:03 | Aquaculture: Principles and Practices |
AQ5007:03 | Aquatic Animal Ecophysiology |
AQ5008:03 | Aquaculture: Systems Design |
AQ5009:03 | Aquaculture of Tropical Species |
* Compulsory except where a student has passed a subject which is deemed to be equivalent. |
Students can study for the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy under the supervision of one or more of the academic or research staff of Aquaculture.
Postgraduate study towards the award of Master of Science may be undertaken within the School of Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology.
The JCU Centre for Astronomy offers full-time and part-time research degrees and other coursework programs. The Graduate Certificate of Astronomy, Graduate Diploma of Astronomy, Master of Astronomy and Doctor of Astronomy are delivered totally over the Internet. Details can be found on the Centre’s website at www.jcu.edu.au/astronomy. In addition, students graduating with Bachelor of Science (Honours) at a suitably high level from JCU or another University may apply to carry out research for the on-campus degrees of Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy.
The Doctor of Astronomy (delivered via the Internet) consists of coursework study and a research thesis. Admission to the course requires an Australian honours degree or equivalent in physical science or a related discipline - see the Centre for Astronomy website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/astronomy
The course is normally three and a half years of full-time study or seven years of part-time study.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
PD7605 | Professional Doctorate Research Thesis (Astronomy) |
The Master of Astronomy (delivered via the Internet) consists of coursework study and research. Admission to the course requires a degree or equivalent in physical science or a related discipline - see the Centre for Astronomy website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/astronomy
The course is one and a half academic years of full-time study or three years of part-time study.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
AS5021:06 | The Solar System |
AS5022:06 | Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology |
AS5042:06 | Pilot Research Project |
Plus | |
6 credit points from the following to satisfy the Award Requirements for the Master of Astronomy | |
AS5031:06 | Special Astronomy Topic A |
AS5032:03 | Special Astronomy Topic B |
AS5033:03 | Special Astronomy Topic C |
AS5041:06 | Astronomy Literature Review |
AS5051:06 | Scientific and Technological Developments in Astronomy |
The Graduate Diploma of Astronomy (delivered via the Internet) consists of coursework study only. Admission to the course requires a degree or equivalent in physical science or a related discipline- see the Centre for Astronomy website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/astronomy
The course is one academic year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
AS5021:06 | The Solar System |
AS5022:06 | Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology |
The Graduate Certificate of Astronomy (delivered via the Internet) consists of coursework study only. Admission to the course requires a degree or equivalent in physical science or a related discipline - see the Centre for Astronomy website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/astronomy
The course is a half year of full-time study or one year of part-time study.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
The Centre for Astronomy offers a research Masters degree and PhD for on-campus students. Research areas include:
Astronomy Education
Quantitative Astronomy History
The Master of Astronomy Education is delivered via the Internet and is available to a world-wide student base. It would be of particular interest to graduate teachers.
Students develop content knowledge in a range of astronomy subjects, construct and evaluate teaching units in astronomy suitable for their teaching levels in schools and use astronomy resources on the web for teaching-unit development.
AS5011:06 | Modern Astrophysics |
AS5012:06 | Astronomy Instrumentation |
AS5021:06 | The Solar System |
AS5022:06 | Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology |
Plus | |
12 credit points of subjects satisfying the Award Requirements for the Master of Astronomy Education. | |
ED5091:03 | Individual Subject |
ED5190:03 | Introduction to Educational Research |
ED5812:03 | Teaching and Learning with New ICTs |
ED5820:03 | Learning Technology in Schools |
ED5881:03 | Shaping Curriculum - Construction, Implementation and Review |
The Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology is designed to allow science graduates to undertake specialist study in the knowledge, understanding, issues and application of biological products in modern biotechnology. The course is two teaching periods full time or four teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator.
BC5201:03 | Biotechnology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
9 credit points from: | |
AQ5004:03 | Aquaculture: Genetics and Stock Improvement |
BC5101:03 | Genes, Gameness and Development |
BC5102:03 | Advanced Cell Biology |
MI5000:03 | Epidemiology |
MI5003:03 | Advanced Marine Microbiology |
MI5021:03 | Advanced Clinical Microbiology |
MI5031:03 | Advanced Aquatic Pathobiology |
TV5120:03 | Advanced Microbiology and Immunology |
including a maximum of 6 credit points from: | |
BC5202:03 | Special Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
BZ5501:03 | Special Topic 1 |
BZ5502:03 | Special Topic 2 |
BZ5503:03 | Literature Review |
Level 5 AG, AQ, BC, BZ, MI, TV subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. |
The Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology is designed to allow science graduates to undertake specialist study in the knowledge, understanding, issues and application of biological products in modern biotechnology. The course is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BC5101:03 | Genes, Genomes and Development |
or | |
BC5201:03 | Biotechnology |
AQ5004:03 | Aquaculture: Genetics and Stock Improvement |
or | |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
3 credit points from: | |
BC5102:03 | Advanced Cell Biology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
MI5000:03 | Epidemiology |
MI5003:03 | Advanced Marine Microbiology |
MI5031:03 | Advanced Aquatic Pathobiology |
TV5120:03 | Advanced Microbiology and Immunology |
Level 5 AQ, BC, BZ, MI, TV subjects to complete the award requirements of 12 credit points. | |
A maximum of 3 credit points of subjects outside the above may be taken with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology. |
(See Tropical Plant Sciences)
(See Engineering)
(See Engineering)
Note: The Master of Computational Engineering is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
Requirements for the award may be completed by choosing subjects from the schedule below in one of the three following ways:
In addition to the three compulsory coursework subjects, students are required to select seven of the nine elective coursework subjects and undertake 6 credit points of research.
In addition to the three compulsory coursework subjects, students are required to select five of the nine elective coursework subjects and undertake 12 credit points of research.
Students complete the three compulsory coursework subjects and all nine of the elective coursework subjects without undertaking any research.
EG5501:03 | Numerical Methods |
EG5502:03 | Solid Mechanics |
EG5504:03 | Finite Element Methods |
ELECTIVE SUBJECTSElective subjects are offered on condition that there are a sufficient number of enrolments. | |
EG5500:06 | Computational Engineering Project (6 credit points) |
EG5503:03 | Fluid Mechanics |
EG5511:03 | Computational Plasticity |
EG5512:03 | Non Linear Continuum Mechanics |
EG5521:03 | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
EG5531:03 | FEM in Soil and Rock Mechanics |
EG5532:03 | Porous Media Mechanics |
EG5541:03 | Discrete Element Modelling |
EG5551:03 | Transient and Dynamic Analysis |
EG5552:03 | Plates and Shells |
EG5600:12 | Computational Engineering Project (12 credit points) |
Note: The Master of Computational Engineering (Bridging) is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
This program incorporates the Master of Computational Engineering with an additional 12 credit points of bridging subjects, enabling candidates, who would otherwise not qualify, to gain entry into the Master of Computational Engineering. Bridging subjects will be allocated by the Head of the School of Engineering, depending on the qualifications and experience of individual candidates. Upon successful completion of these selected subjects, candidates will progress through the Master of Computational Engineering course of study.
Note: The Postgraduate Diploma of Computational Engineering is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
This 24 credit point award may be completed in a 12 month period by undertaking the three compulsory coursework subjects and choosing five of the elective coursework subjects from the schedule below.
EG5501:03 | Numerical Methods |
EG5502:03 | Solid Mechanics |
EG5504:03 | Finite Element Methods |
ELECTIVE SUBJECTSElective subjects are offered on condition that there are a sufficient number of enrolments. | |
EG5503:03 | Fluid Mechanics |
EG5511:03 | Computational Plasticity |
EG5512:03 | Non Linear Continuum Mechanics |
EG5521:03 | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
EG5531:03 | FEM in Soil and Rock Mechanics |
EG5532:03 | Porous Media Mechanics |
EG5541:03 | Discrete Element Modelling |
EG5551:03 | Transient and Dynamic Analysis |
EG5552:03 | Plates and Shells |
Note: The Postgraduate Certificate of Computational Engineering is not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted in this course.
This 12 credit point award may be completed in a 12 month period by undertaking the two compulsory coursework subjects and choosing two of the elective coursework subjects from the schedule below.
EG5501:03 | Numerical Methods |
EG5502:03 | Solid Mechanics |
ELECTIVE SUBJECTSElective subjects are offered on condition that there are a sufficient number of enrolments. | |
EG5503:03 | Fluid Mechanics |
EG5504:03 | Finite Element Methods |
EG5511:03 | Computational Plasticity |
EG5512:03 | Non Linear Continuum Mechanics |
EG5521:03 | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
EG5531:03 | FEM in Soil and Rock Mechanics |
EG5532:03 | Porous Media Mechanics |
EG5541:03 | Discrete Element Modelling |
EG5551:03 | Transient and Dynamic Analysis |
EG5552:03 | Plates and Shells |
(See also Information Technology)
The Master of Applied Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science and the Graduate Certificate of Science, in Conservation Biology provide students with general and specific skills in Conservation Biology through coursework subjects of a generic and specialised nature. Specialisation is possible in a variety of disciplines.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements.
Townsville, Cairns
The Master of Applied Science is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
or | |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
Plus | |
9 credit points from: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5420:03 | Ornithology (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, EV, MB, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Science is two teaching periods full time or four teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
or | |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
Plus | |
9 credit points from: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5420:03 | Ornithology (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, EV, MB, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Certificate of Science is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
or | |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
or | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
Plus | |
6 credit points from subjects above, if not taken as core, or from the following: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
Within the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences students can pursue the Master of Applied Science (by coursework) or the Minerals Geoscience Masters.
Select a minimum of 24 credit points (four subjects) from the following: | |
EA5023:06 | Resource Estimation and Production Geology |
EA5024:06 | Business and Financial Management in the Minerals Industry |
EA5026:06 | Special Studies |
EA5027:06 | Advanced Field Training |
EA5028:06 | Advanced Techniques in Mining and Exploration Geology |
Plus | |
12 credit points of research dissertation as follows | |
EA5125:06 | Research Dissertation Part A |
EA5225:06 | Research Dissertation Part B |
Select a minimum of 24 credit points (four subjects ) from the following: | |
EA5023:06 | Resource Estimation and Production Geology |
EA5024:06 | Business and Financial Management in the Minerals Industry |
EA5026:06 | Special Studies |
EA5027:06 | Advanced Field Training |
EA5028:06 | Advanced Techniques in Mining and Exploration Geology |
An optional 6 credit point or 12 credit point research dissertation from: | |
EA5125:06 | Research Dissertation Part A |
EA5225:06 | Research Dissertation Part B |
Plus | |
A minimum of two and up to four subjects from the programs offered within the National Minerals Geoscience Masters training program. | |
UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA subjects include: | |
KEA841 | Ore Deposit Modes and Exploration Strategies |
KEA843 | Volcanology and Mineralisation in Volcanic Terrains |
KEA845 | Geochemistry, Hydrology and Timing of Hydrothermal Systems |
KEA846 | Ore Deposits of South America |
KEA847 | Brownfield Exploration |
504 | Applied Structural Geology and Field Mapping |
506 | Exploration Techniques |
508 | Ore Deposit Models |
519 | Ore Deposit Field Trip to South Africa |
AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNVERSITY (incorporating LEME) subjects include: | |
Regolith Geology and Mineral Exploration | |
Geodynamics and Geophysics of Mineralised Terrains |
Students may elect to enrol in relevant Earth Science subjects to satisfy the requirements of several inter-school postgraduate degree programs offered in the Science Faculty. These include Master of Applied Science (Coursework) degree programs in Environmental Chemistry and Tropical Environmental Management and Graduate Diploma programs in Environmental Chemistry, Geographical and Land Information Systems and Tropical Environmental Management. Details may be found under the above headings.
The Graduate Diploma is available in the following options:
Environmental Earth Science
Exploration and Mining Geology
Geology/Economic Geology
The following guidelines apply to students selecting one of the available Graduate Diploma disciplines in Earth Sciences.
A student who has attained the standard of Bachelor of Science or equivalent with a major in Earth Sciences or another approved science discipline may be admitted.
The Graduate Diploma is available as a one year full-time or two year part-time course of study.
Entry is permitted either at the start of the University teaching year (end of February, intake A), or in mid-year at the start of Teaching Period 2 (July, intake B).
Completion of the Graduate Diploma of Science in Environmental Earth Sciences or Geology/Economic Geology requires undertaking 24 credit points of approved subjects in those disciplines.
The full-time Graduate Diploma course comprises 24 credit points of study in an approved combination of topics.
EA5101:12 | GDipSc in Environmental Earth Science or Geology/Economic Geology (Part 1 of 2) |
EA5102:12 | GDipSc in Environmental Earth Science or Geology/Economic Geology (Part 2 of 2) |
or | |
At least 12 credit points from the following level 5 subjects: | |
EA5023:06 | Resource Estimation and Production Geology |
EA5024:06 | Business and Financial Management in the Minerals Industry |
EA5026:06 | Special Studies |
EA5027:06 | Advanced Field Training |
EA5028:06 | Advanced Techniques in Mining and Exploration Geology |
EA5330:03 | Field Techniques |
EA5340:03 | Disturbed Site Repair |
Plus | |
A maximum of 12 credit points of approved level 2 and level 3 subjects: |
The part-time Graduate Diploma with specialisation in Exploration and Mining Geology comprises completion of a minimum of three of the six credit point subjects (18 credit points) offered in the Minerals Geoscience Masters program plus additional level 5 subjects.
At least 18 credit points from the following subjects: | |
EA5023:06 | Resource Estimation and Production Geology |
EA5024:06 | Business and Financial Management in the Minerals Industry |
EA5027:06 | Advanced Field Training |
EA5028:06 | Advanced Techniques in Mining and Exploration Geology |
Plus | |
6 credit points from the following level 5 subjects: | |
EA5026:06 | Special Studies |
EA5330:03 | Field Techniques |
EA5340:03 | Disturbed Site Repair |
Students who satisfy the appropriate admission requirements may seek admission to the research degrees of Master of Science (by thesis only) or Doctor of Philosophy. Refer to the Index for the Award Requirements for these degrees.
Thesis topics will be considered in any branch of Earth Sciences suitably related to staff research interests. See section on “Research Activities” for details of current research areas.
(See Earth Sciences)
(See Engineering)
The School of Engineering offers postgraduate studies leading to the degree of Master of Engineering Science.
The degree may be taken in one of the following disciplines of the School of Engineering: Chemical, Civil, Computer Systems, Electrical and Electronic, Environmental or Mechanical Engineering. The degree comprises a research thesis. Current research interests can be obtained on the School of Engineering web page at http://www.eng.jcu.edu.au.
Note: Courses in Entomology are not offered in 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted.
The Graduate Diploma of Science and the degrees of Master of Applied Science and Master of Science in Entomology emphasise tropical systems generally and encompass both pure (eg insect biodiversity) and applied (eg control of insect pests) aspects of entomology in Australia.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Rules, each student’s program, including weighting of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual candidate’s background and requirements.
The course is available at Cairns.
Environmental Chemistry courses may be undertaken in the Master of Science (by research) and Doctor of Philosophy.
(See Earth Sciences)
(See also Geography, Natural Resource Management, Protected Area Management)
The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences offers the following specialist areas of postgraduate coursework programs within Environmental Science/Environmental Studies: Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Analysis; Natural Resource Management; Protected Area Management and Tropical Urban and Regional Planning. For further details please refer to information under those headings.
(See Earth Sciences)
The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences has the best equipped geographical information systems laboratories in northern Australia and a cartographic centre which contains an extensive archive of land and natural resource information for tropical Australia.
Links with the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the CSIRO Davies and Atherton Laboratories, Cooperative Research Centres and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority ensure that students have access to a wide range of research topics and supporting spatial data sets.
The degree of Master of Science in Spatial Analysis, by research aims to promote and develop research in the theory and practice of spatial analysis by reviewing:
the temporal and spatial patterning of geographic phenomena;
the integration of spatial data and the modelling of spatial relationships;
the estimation of spatial properties; and
the simulation of environmental and social processes.
The degree is of general relevance to the social, environmental and earth sciences and is complementary to the Master of Science and Master of Applied Science program in Tropical Environment Management.
Prospective students for each program should consult with the relevant Course Coordinator to organise their enrolment.
Townsville, Cairns
The degree of Master of Applied Science in Spatial Analysis, by coursework is designed to give students a sound theoretical knowledge of spatial data, its analysis and management, combined with technical skills and project experience of direct relevance to industry. The student will be required to undertake a significant project with an applied research and development flavour, normally in collaboration or consultation with an industry group.
The course emphasises the design, organisation and analysis of spatial databases, and the integration of spatial data to address commercial, social, resource management, scientific and other needs.
Complete at least four of the following subjects: | |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
or | |
CP5520:03 | Advanced Databases and Applications |
EV2501:03 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
EV5007:03 | Introduction to Research |
EV5501:03 | Advanced Remote Sensing |
EV5502:03 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems |
EV5503:03 | GIS for Environmental Analysis |
At least two of the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV3454:03 | Natural Hazards |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
Level 5 EV electives to make up the Award Requirements of 36 credit points. Electives may, with the approval of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences include a maximum of 12 credit points of research subjects. | |
Students are advised to consult the school’s website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/ees/ for advice on selecting the campus and commencement date of their course. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Science in Spatial Analysis is a 12 month course offered by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. It aims to give participants a sound theoretical and practical education in the principles of geographic information analysis and the techniques of information system development using ecological, environmental and socioeconomic themes.
Students must complete six coursework subjects and a minor project.
Students are encouraged to undertake projects with a strong practical emphasis which address significant issues in information systems development; primarily the development of natural resource or socio-economic databases which can be applied to spatial analysis. Most projects involve direct liaison with government agencies.
Complete at least four of the following subjects: | |
EV5501:03 | Advanced Remote Sensing |
EV5502:03 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems |
EV5503:03 | GIS for Environmental Analysis |
EV5505:03 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |
and | |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
or | |
CP5520:03 | Advanced Databases and Applications |
At least one of the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV3454:03 | Natural Hazards |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
Level 5 EV electives to complete the Award Requirements of 24 credit points. Electives may, with the approval of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. | |
Students are advised to consult the school’s website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/ees/ for advice on selecting the campus and commencement date of their course. |
Townsville, Cairns
Complete four of the following subjects: | |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
or | |
CP5520:03 | Advanced Databases and Applications |
EV5501:03 | Advanced Remote Sensing |
EV5502:03 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems |
EV5503:03 | GIS for Environmental Analysis |
EV5505:03 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |
Students are advised to consult the school’s website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/ees/ for advice on selecting the campus and commencement date of their course. |
(See also Tropical Urban and Regional Planning)
Human geography at James Cook University is offered in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. The program takes a broad approach to human activities in urban and rural settings and human interaction with natural and built environments. Staff and students consider how human societies function and how this influences the nature of places, including the use of resources, environmental impacts and linkages between regions.
Students take advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of the school, which brings together physical, biological and social aspects of the environment and provides opportunity for creative and dynamic research into environmental issues and problems, particularly in relation to social aspects.
Postgraduate coursework is available through the Tropical Urban and Regional Planning program. Students interested in research degrees may qualify for entry into either a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Science program in Human Geography. Examples of current and recent research projects in this area include projects on transport and energy efficiency, investigation of village tourist projects in the South Pacific, modelling planning for outback towns and the location and economics of private sector nature conservation. The diverse environments and settlements of northern Australia provide some exciting opportunities for interesting projects in the human geography area.
Further details of opportunities for research degrees in human geography can be obtained through the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
(See also Environmental Science, GIS and Spatial Analysis)
Physical geography deals with the materials and processes (physical, biological and chemical) that shape and influence landscapes and environments. The physical geography program at James Cook University, offered through the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences takes a broad approach. It considers how environments and landscapes function and how they may change over time (including how they may change as a result of the ongoing effects of human activities). The interdisciplinary nature of the school also provides perspectives from a physical, biological and social background, facilitating creative and dynamic solutions to existing and evolving problems.
The school’s programs in physical geography have particular strengths in geomorphology, biogeography and climatology, with special emphasis being given to the tropical perspective. Postgraduate geography students at JCU enjoy access to outstanding and diverse natural locations, including rainforest, woodland, savanna, arid zone, stream, wetland, coral reef, mangrove, seagrass, soft bottom benthic and open water pelagic environments.
Students interested in undertaking research in tropical north Queensland, may qualify for entry into a Doctor of Philosophy or a Master of Science program in physical geography. Research students take advantage of field stations on Orpheus Island, Horn Island or Moreton Island, in rainforest (“Kirrama” and “Paluma”) or savanna (“Fletcherview”) habitats and at the Australian Canopy Crane Research Facility at Cape Tribulation. The University’s strong involvement with the Cooperative Research Centres for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management, Sustainable Sugar Production and Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannas also provide significant strengths in the areas of applied and strategic research.
Further details of opportunities for research degrees in physical geography can be obtained through the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
(See Earth Sciences)
Postgraduate studies in Information Technology are available at Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters levels with four majors listed above. The E-Business major is also available within the joint degree, Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration:
The E-Business specialisation is designed to provide a mix of business and marketing skills, multimedia production and support skills and computer networking skills. It provides a path for business, commerce and other non-computer science/information technology graduates, as well as for CS/IT graduates, seeking to move into IT/E-Business intensive industries such as finance, banking and retailing.
The newly introduced Multimedia Game Development specialisation suits graduates from any field with a CS/IT background and teaches the necessary skills to enter computer game and animation development careers. The aim is to produce developers who are also well-rounded IT graduates with an understanding of design, story-telling and culture. As well as the traditional IT subjects, the students will study animation, advanced graphics, design, virtual world creation, character and plot development and the ethics of computer games.
The Networking specialisation is designed to provide the ‘convergent IP technology’ skills of computing, networking and software that underpin the operation of the on-line IP-based business world. It will provide an upgrade path for computer science/information technology graduates, seeking to move into the networking industry, as network designers, network administrators, system integrators, WWW designers and web masters and intranet supervisors; suitable for careers in networking intensive industries such as telecommunications, media, entertainment and finance.
The Industry Research and Development specialisation is designed for information technology/computer science graduates seeking careers within the product research and development sectors of the Information and Communications Technology industry. This specialisation provides a coursework introduction to research concepts and skills, builds IT systems and software development skills and provides advanced knowledge in specialist areas; suitable for careers in IT intensive original equipment manufacturing industries.
In addition, a joint Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration program is available with the E-Business major only. There is a growing demand for graduates skilled in a range of multimedia, computing, networking and software technologies. In addition there is a worldwide demand for graduates with critical business skills for managing in the twenty-first century. This joint degree provides a blend of skills as required in technology management careers.
All programs are accredited at the highest level, the professional level, by the Australian Computer Society.
Many programs include preparation for industry certification, including Cisco (CCBA), Microsoft (MCSE) and Oracle.
Degrees administered by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology:
Graduate Certificate of Information Technology (GCertInfTech)
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (GDipInfTech)
Master of Information Technology (MInfTech)
Master of Information Technology (Extended) (MInfTech).
Degrees administered jointly by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts:
Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration (MInfTech-MBA)
Master of Information Technology (Extended)-Master of Business Administration (MInfTech-MBA)
The prescribed course of study for each major is a program of study which is:
approved by the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology for the E-Business, Industry Research and Development, Multimedia, Multimedia Game Development, and Networking majors;
approved by both the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology and the head of a Science school for the Science Informatics major;
in the case of the Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration and the Master of Information Technology (Extended)-Master of Business Administration, approved by both the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts and the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
12 credit points in which:
at least 6 credit points are CP subjects assessed at postgraduate level
at least 9 credit points are assessed at postgraduate level
24 credit points in which:
at least 12 credit points are CP subjects assessed at postgraduate level
at least 18 credit points are assessed at postgraduate level
36 credit points in which:
at least 18 credit points are CP subjects assessed at postgraduate level
at least 27 credit points are assessed at postgraduate level
48 credit points in which:
12 credit points are CP subjects as directed by the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology to extend the IT knowledge of a particular student, as appropriate for the major(s) chosen. These may be undergraduate level subjects
plus 36 credit points which satisfy the requirements for the Master of Information Technology
48 credit points in which:
at least 21 credit points are CP subjects assessed at postgraduate level
at least 21 credit points are LB subjects assessed at postgraduate level
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5220:03 | On-line Multimedia Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
a total of 30 credit points of subjects selected from either level 5 CP subjects or level 5 LB subjects consisting of a minimum of 3 credit points from CP subjects and a minimum 21 credit points from: | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Global is at ion, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5210:03 | Independent Studies |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
60 credit points in which:
12 credit points are CP subjects as directed by the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology to extend the IT knowledge of a particular student, as appropriate for the major chosen. These may be undergraduate level subjects
plus 48 credit points which satisfy the requirements of the Master of Information Technology-Master of Business Administration
The Extended nomenclature does not appear on the testamur
Students who exit an enrolled program prior to completion but who have completed the award requirements of a lesser program are entitled to be granted that lesser award
12 credit points of core subjects selected from: | |
CP1010:03 | Introduction to Multimedia |
CP1200:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 1 |
CP1300:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 2 |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
CP2001:03 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CP2402:03 | Operating Systems and Architectures |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5220:03 | On-line Multimedia Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
a total of 30 credit points of subjects selected from either level 5 CP subjects or level 5 LB subjects consisting of a minimum of 3 credit points from CP subjects and a minimum 21 credit points from | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5210:03 | Independent Studies |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane, Singapore | |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5220:03 | On-line Multimedia Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
18 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane, Singapore | |
12 credit points of subjects selected from: | |
CP1010:03 | Introduction to Multimedia |
CP1200:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 1 |
CP1300:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 2 |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
CP2001:03 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CP2402:03 | Operating Systems and Architectures |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5220:03 | On-line Multimedia Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
18 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane, Singapore | |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5220:03 | On-line Multimedia Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
12 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane, Singapore | |
CP5220:03 | On-line Multimedia Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
6 credit points selected from: | |
level 5 CP subjects and/or | |
level 5 LB subjects |
MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Industry Research and Development) | |
Townsville, Cairns | |
CP5001:06 | Thesis Project (Part 1 of 2) |
CP5003:06 | Thesis Project (Part 2 of 2) |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5080:03 | Literature Review and Research Proposal |
CP5090:03 | Scientific Research Methods |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
9 credit points selected from the following: | |
CP5030:03 | Special Topics 1 |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (EXTENDED) Industry Research and Development) | |
Townsville, Cairns | |
12 credit points of subjects selected from: | |
CP2001:03 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CP2402:03 | Operating Systems and Architectures |
CP3020:03 | Advanced Database Management |
CP3050:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP3070:03 | Principles of Data Communications |
or | |
Other subjects approved by the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology. | |
CP5001:06 | Thesis Project (Part 1 of 2) |
CP5003:06 | Thesis Project (Part 2 of 2) |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5080:03 | Literature Review and Research Proposal |
CP5090:03 | Scientific Research Methods |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
9 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or | |
CP5030:03 | Special Topics 1 |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Industry Research and Development) | |
Townsville, Cairns | |
CP5001:06 | Thesis Project (Part 1 of 2) |
CP5003:06 | Thesis Project (Part 2 of 2) |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5080:03 | Literature Review and Research Proposal |
CP5090:03 | Scientific Research Methods |
3 credit points selected from the following: | |
CP5030:03 | Special Topics 1 |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
Townsville, Cairns | |
CP5080:03 | Literature Review and Research Proposal |
CP5090:03 | Scientific Research Methods |
6 credit points selected from the following: | |
CP5001:06 | Thesis Project (Part 1 of 2) |
CP5003:06 | Thesis Project (Part 2 of 2) |
CP5030:03 | Special Topics 1 |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5310:03 | E-Business Technologies |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5503:03 | Enterprise Database Systems - Oracle |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Multimedia Game Development) | |
Cairns | |
CP2046:03 | Directed Project 1 - Games Principles |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5410:03 | Advanced Game Design |
CP5420:03 | Graphics and Animation Technologies |
CP5430:03 | Computer Games - Characteristics and Culture |
CP5560:03 | Computer Graphics Principles |
18 credit points selected from: | |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
Cairns | |
12 credit points of subjects selected from: | |
CP1010:03 | Introduction to Multimedia |
CP1200:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 1 |
CP1300:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 2 |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
CP2001:03 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CP2402:03 | Operating Systems and Architectures |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP2046:03 | Directed Project 1 - Games Principles |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5410:03 | Advanced Game Design |
CP5420:03 | Graphics and Animation Technologies |
CP5430:03 | Computer Games - Characteristics and Culture |
CP5560:03 | Computer Graphics Principles |
18 credit points selected from: | |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
Cairns | |
CP2046:03 | Directed Project 1 - Games Principles |
CP5410:03 | Advanced Game Design |
CP5420:03 | Graphics and Animation Technologies |
CP5430:03 | Computer Games - Characteristics and Culture |
12 credit points selected from: | |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
Cairns | |
CP2046:03 | Directed Project 1 - Games Principles |
CP5410:03 | Advanced Game Design |
6 credit points of subjects selected from: | |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5150:03 | Algorithms and Complexity |
CP5170:03 | Topics in Systems and Networks |
CP5290:03 | Unix - Linux Systems |
CP5377:03 | Portable Programming |
CP5504:03 | Object Oriented Programming with Java |
CP5610:03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering |
CP5620:03 | Object Oriented Software Engineering |
Townsville, Singapore | |
CP3070:03 | Principles of Data Communications |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5241:03 | Advanced Internetworking |
CP5250:03 | Network Administration 1 |
15 credit points of electives, with a minimum of 6 credit points from level 5 CP subjects; the remaining credit points to be selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Singapore | |
12 credit points of subjects selected from: | |
CP1010:03 | Introduction to Multimedia |
CP1200:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 1 |
CP1300:03 | Introduction to Computer Science 2 |
CP1500:03 | Introduction to Database Principles |
CP2001:03 | Data Structures and Algorithms |
CP2402:03 | Operating Systems and Architectures |
CP3070:03 | Principles of Data Communications |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5047:03 | ICT Project 2: Implementation and Commissioning |
CP5110:03 | Cryptography |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5241:03 | Advanced Internetworking |
CP5250:03 | Network Administration 1 |
15 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects: | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Singapore | |
CP5046:03 | ICT Project 1: Analysis and Design |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5241:03 | Advanced Internetworking |
CP5250:03 | Network Administration 1 |
12 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or: | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
Townsville, Singapore | |
CP5231:03 | Internetworking Principles |
CP5250:03 | Network Administration 1 |
6 credit points selected from level 5 CP subjects and/or: | |
LB5002:03 | Data Management and Information Technology |
LB5003:03 | Economics for Managers |
LB5004:03 | Business and the Law |
LB5201:03 | Business: A Global Perspective |
LB5202:03 | Marketing and Innovation |
LB5203:03 | Sustainable Enterprise |
LB5204:03 | Globalisation, Governance and the State |
LB5205:03 | Human Relations in the Workplace |
LB5206:03 | Competitive Strategy |
LB5207:03 | Entrepreneurship |
LB5208:03 | Leadership in Contemporary Organisations |
LB5209:03 | Managing Globally |
LB5211:03 | Finance for Managers |
LB5212:03 | Accounting for Managers |
JCU enjoys national and international recognition for its teaching and research in tropical marine biology. The School of Marine and Tropical Biology offers both research and coursework postgraduate programs dedicated to the study of tropical shallow water marine systems, with an emphasis on whole-organism biology, the ecology and biogeography of tropical marine organisms and the evolutionary mechanisms that underlie their diversity.
Coursework postgraduate programs consist of introductory subjects (of one teaching period duration) and more advanced block mode subjects in a variety of areas including quantitative marine ecology, fisheries science and marine conservation. Other subjects focus on the life histories, biogeography and evolution of tropical marine animals. Postgraduate coursework emphasises quantitative and analytical approaches through specialist subjects in sampling design and modelling.
Research postgraduate programs benefit from the unparalleled opportunities provided by JCU’s proximity to the Great Barrier Reef, which facilitates investigations of ecological and evolutionary questions for reef fish, corals and other marine animals. Current research activities within the school, many of which are ARC (Australian Research Council) funded, provide a diversity of research opportunities for postgraduate students.
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
18 credit points selected from the following subjects: | |
Study Period 1 | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5055:03 | Biological Oceanography |
MB5070:03 | Marine Evolution and Biogeography |
MB5160:03 | Evolution and Ecology of Reef Fishes |
MB5400:03 | Life History and Evolution of Reef Corals |
Study Period 2 | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
MB5190:03 | Coral Reef Ecology |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
MB5260:03 | Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling |
MB5270:03 | Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems |
MB5380:03 | Marine Invertebrate Biology |
Block Mode Subjects | |
MB5005:03 | Scientific Diving and Diving Physiology |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management (odd years) |
MB5340:03 | Ecological Dynamics: Modelling With Data (even years) |
MB5350:03 | Current Issues in Coral Reef Ecology (odd years) |
MB5370:03 | Techniques in Marine Biology |
MB5430:03 | Behaviour of Marine Animals (even years) |
MB5450:03 | Molecular Approaches to Marine Ecology and Evolution |
Level 5 MB subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
plus 21 credit points selected from the following subjects: | |
Study Period 1 | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5055:03 | Biological Oceanography |
MB5070:03 | Marine Evolution and Biogeography |
MB5160:03 | Evolution and Ecology of Reef Fishes |
MB5400:03 | Life History and Evolution of Reef Corals |
Study Period 2 | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
MB5190:03 | Coral Reef Ecology |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
MB5260:03 | Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling |
MB5270:03 | Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems |
MB5380:03 | Marine Invertebrate Biology |
Block Mode Subjects | |
MB5005:03 | Scientific Diving and Diving Physiology |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management (odd years) |
MB5340:03 | Ecological Dynamics: Modelling With Data (even years) |
MB5350:03 | Current Issues in Coral Reef Ecology (odd years) |
MB5370:03 | Techniques in Marine Biology |
MB5430:03 | Behaviour of Marine Animals (even years) |
MB5450:03 | Molecular Approaches to Marine Ecology and Evolution |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
9 credit points selected from the following subjects: | |
Study Period 1 | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5055:03 | Biological Oceanography |
MB5070:03 | Marine Evolution and Biogeography |
MB5160:03 | Evolution and Ecology of Reef Fishes |
MB5400:03 | Life History and Evolution of Reef Corals |
Study Period 2 | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
MB5190:03 | Coral Reef Ecology |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
MB5260:03 | Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling |
MB5270:03 | Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems |
MB5380:03 | Marine Invertebrate Biology |
Block Mode Subjects | |
MB5005:03 | Scientific Diving and Diving Physiology |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management (odd years) |
MB5340:03 | Ecological Dynamics: Modelling With Data (even years) |
MB5350:03 | Current Issues in Coral Reef Ecology (odd years) |
MB5370:03 | Techniques in Marine Biology |
MB5430:03 | Behaviour of Marine Animals (even years) |
MB5450:03 | Molecular Approaches to Marine Ecology and Evolution |
Students can study for the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy under the supervision of one or more members of the academic or research staff in Marine Biology. Associate supervision by staff members of other University schools and by staff members of the Australian Institute of Marine Science may be arranged. Students seeking enrolment in the Master of Science may be required to undertake a Graduate Diploma of Research Methods or Graduate Certificate of Research Methods within the Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology program.
The discipline of Mathematics and Statistics is contained in the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
A variety of postgraduate courses are available for students wishing to pursue a higher degree in Mathematics and Statistics. These include:
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Applied Science
Master of Science
Graduate Diploma of Science
The Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees consist of directed study and a research project. They both provide research training in modern mathematics and statistics.
Admission to the course requires an honours degree or equivalent in mathematics or a closely related discipline. A minimum of one academic year of full-time study for a Master’s degree and three years for a doctorate are required to complete the course. Programs of study are subject to the approval of the Head of School.
The Master of Applied Science in Mathematics and Statistics provides specialist training in the principles of modern mathematics and statistics, together with a project in an area of current research.
Admission to the course requires a degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (usually in the mathematical, biological, chemical, environmental or health sciences). The minimum mathematical prerequisite is at least two teaching periods of mathematics at university level. Normally, 18 months of full-time study, or three years of part-time study will be required to complete the course. Programs of study are subject to the approval of the Head of School.
The course comprises 36 credit points of coursework which will normally be chosen in Mathematics at graduate and upper undergraduate level. Typically, the project will count for a total of 12-15 credit points. The course may also include up to 6 credit points in a related discipline.
Select 24 credit points from the following: | |
MA5101:03 | Mathematical Methods |
MA5402:03 | Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis |
MA5403:03 | Applied Statistical Computation |
MA5405:03 | Data Mining |
MA5410:03 | Mathematical Statistics |
MA5411:03 | Statistical Consulting |
MA5611:03 | Continuum Mechanics |
MA5621:03 | General Relativity |
At least 12 credit points from: | |
MA5030:03 | Literature Review |
MA5050:06 | Research Project A |
MA5051:06 | Research Project B |
The Graduate Diploma of Science in Mathematics and Statistics provides specialist training in the principles of modern mathematics and statistics.
Admission to the course requires a degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline (usually in the mathematical, biological, chemical, environmental or health sciences fields). The minimum mathematical prerequisite is at least two teaching periods of mathematics at university level. Normally, one year of full-time study, or two years of part-time study will be required to complete the course. Programs of study are subject to the approval of the Head of School.
The course comprises 24 credit points of coursework which will normally be chosen in Mathematics at graduate and upper undergraduate level. The course may also include up to 6 credit points in a related discipline.
Subject to the approval of the Head of School, students enrolled in the course may be permitted to transfer to the Master of Applied Science degree on completion of one teaching period of the course with good grades.
Select 24 credit points from the following: | |
MA5101:03 | Mathematical Methods |
MA5402:03 | Time Series and Spatial Data Analysis |
MA5403:03 | Applied Statistical Computation |
MA5405:03 | Data Mining |
MA5410:03 | Mathematical Statistics |
MA5411:03 | Statistical Consulting |
MA5611:03 | Continuum Mechanics |
MA5621:03 | General Relativity |
(See Engineering)
(See also Environmental Science)
Coordinated by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the graduate Certificate of Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science and Master of Applied Science programs in Natural Resource Management aim to educate students in the background, principles and practices of natural resource management applied to tropical systems. The wide range of electives allows students to specialise in the management of marine or terrestrial environments.
Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including weighting of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual candidate’s background and requirements.
Research degrees in natural resource management may be undertaken through a Doctor of Philosophy or a Master of Science program in environmental studies.
Further details of opportunities for coursework degrees can be obtained by contacting the Course Coordinator in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and all students should consult the Course Coordinator when arranging their subject enrolment.
Townsville, Cairns
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
EV5007:03 | Introduction to Research |
At least four of the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV5001:03 | Environmental and Regional Planning |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5003:03 | Environmental Economics |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5203:03 | Conserving Marine Wildlife: Sea Mammals, Birds, Reptiles |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5254:03 | Tropical Agroforestry |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
LA5902:03 | Environmental Law and Policy |
18 credit points of level 5 EV electives that may, upon the approval of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences include a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
EV5007:03 | Introduction to Research |
At least four of the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV5001:03 | Environmental and Regional Planning |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5003:03 | Environmental Economics |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5203:03 | Conserving Marine Wildlife: Sea Mammals, Birds, Reptiles |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5254:03 | Tropical Agroforestry |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
LA5902:03 | Environmental Law and Policy |
6 credit points of level 5 EV electives that may, upon the approval of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, include EV5913:03 and EV5923:03. |
Townsville, Cairns
Complete 12 credit points (four subjects) from the following: | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV5001:03 | Environmental and Regional Planning |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5003:03 | Environmental Economics |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5203:03 | Conserving Marine Wildlife: Sea Mammals, Birds, Reptiles |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5254:03 | Tropical Agroforestry |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
LA5902:03 | Environmental Law and Policy |
The study of Oceanography and Meteorology is contained in the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
A variety of postgraduate courses are available for students wishing to pursue a higher degree in Oceanography and Meteorology. These include:
Doctor of Philosophy.
Master of Applied Science
Master of Science
Graduate Diploma of Science
The Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees consist of direct study and a research project. They both provide research training in Applied Physics, in Physical Oceanography and/or Meteorology.
Admission to the course requires an honours degree or equivalent in Physics or a closely related discipline. A minimum of one academic year of full-time study for a masters degree and three years for a doctorate are required to complete the course. Programs of study are subject to the approval of the Head of School.
This course, taken by coursework and minor project, provides training in the background, principles and practices of physics.
Admission to the course requires a degree in an appropriate discipline (normally in physical sciences, mathematics or engineering).
PH5008:03 | Physical Oceanography |
Select 21 credit point from the following: | |
MA5020:03 | Special Study A * |
MA5021:03 | Special Study B * |
MA5621:03 | General Relativity |
PH5004:03 | Electronics |
PH5006:03 | Data Analysis |
PH5007:03 | Radar Techniques |
PH5008:03 | Physical Oceanography |
PH5010:03 | Directed Study |
PH5011:03 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
PH5012:03 | Meteorology |
PH5013:03 | Quantum Mechanics |
Complete 12 credit points of the research project: | |
PH5050:06 | Research Project A |
PH5051:06 | Research Project B |
*Note: MA5020 and MA5021 may be completed if the mathematics background of the student is not satisfactory. |
The Graduate Diploma of Science in Oceanography and Meteorology by coursework and minor project provides specialist training in the background, principles and practices of applied physics, specialising in Environmental Physics.
Physics has research activities in coastal oceanography, micro- and meso-scale meteorology, air-sea interactions and radar remote sensing and it is likely that project work would be offered in these areas.
Students are urged to discuss their study program with the Head of Physics at an early stage. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including weighting of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements. The course comprises 24 credit points.
PH5008:03 | Physical Oceanography |
PH5030:03 | Literature Review |
PH5050:06 | Research Project A |
Select 12 credit points from the following: | |
MA5020:03 | Special Study A * |
MA5021:03 | Special Study B * |
PH5004:03 | Electronics |
PH5006:03 | Data Analysis |
PH5007:03 | Radar Techniques |
PH5010:03 | Directed Study |
PH5013:03 | Quantum Mechanics |
*Note: MA5020 and MA5021 are completed only when the mathematics background of the student is not satisfactory. |
Physics offers full-time or part-time research to qualify for the degree of Master of Applied Science, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy. Students graduating with a Bachelor of Science with Honours at a suitably high level from other universities may normally carry out research work in Physics to qualify for the degree of Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy. Students graduating from other universities without honours would normally be considered for entry to a Graduate Diploma of Science in Applied Physics.
The Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees consist of direct study and a research project. They both provide research training in Physics and Applied Physics. Admission to the course requires a degree or equivalent in Physics or a closely related discipline. A minimum of one academic year of full-time study for a Masters degree and three years for a doctorate are required to complete the course. Programs of study are subject to the approval of the Head of the School.
This course, taken by coursework and minor project, provides training in the background, principles and practices of physics.
Admission to the course required a degree in an appropriate discipline (normally in physical sciences, mathematics or engineering).
Select 24 credit points from the following: | |
MA5020:03 | Special Study A * |
MA5021:03 | Special Study B * |
MA5621:03 | General Relativity |
PH5004:03 | Electronics |
PH5006:03 | Data Analysis |
PH5007:03 | Radar Techniques |
PH5008:03 | Physical Oceanography |
PH5010:03 | Directed Study |
PH5011:03 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
PH5012:03 | Meteorology |
PH5013:03 | Quantum Mechanics |
Complete 12 credit points of the research project: | |
PH5050:06 | Research Project A |
PH5051:06 | Research Project B |
*Note: MA5020 and MA5021 may be completed if the mathematics background of the student is not satisfactory. |
This course, taken by coursework and minor project, provides specialist training in the background, principles and practices of applied physics.
Admission to the course requires a degree in an appropriate discipline (normally in physical sciences, mathematics or engineering). Please refer to the Award Requirements in this handbook.
Students enrolled in the course may be permitted to transfer to the Master of Science (Physics) degree course on the completion, with good grades, of at least three graduate coursework subjects.
Select 15 credit points from the following: | |
MA5020:03 | Special Study A * |
MA5021:03 | Special Study B * |
MA5621:03 | General Relativity |
PH5004:03 | Electronics |
PH5006:03 | Data Analysis |
PH5007:03 | Radar Techniques |
PH5008:03 | Physical Oceanography |
PH5010:03 | Directed Study |
PH5011:03 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
PH5012:03 | Meteorology |
PH5013:03 | Quantum Mechanics |
9 credit points to complete the research project as follows: | |
PH5030:03 | Literature Review |
PH5050:06 | Research Project A |
*Note: MA5020 and MA5021 may be completed if the mathematics background of the student is not satisfactory. |
(See also Environmental Science)
Coordinated by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the Graduate Certificate of Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science and Master of Applied Science in Protected Area Management provide specialist training in the background, principles and practice of protected area management with particular emphasis on tropical environments. The wide range of electives allows students to specialise in the management of marine or terrestrial environments.
Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including weighting of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual candidate’s background and requirements.
Research degrees in protected area management may be undertaken as a Doctor of Philosophy or a Master of Science program in environmental studies.
Further details of opportunities for coursework degrees can be obtained by contacting the Course Coordinator in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and all students should consult the Course Coordinator when arranging their subject enrolment.
Townsville, Cairns
At least 9 credit point to be selected from: | |
EV5007:03 | Introduction to Research |
EV5208:03 | World Heritage and National Estate Processes |
EV5209:03 | Principles and Practices of Protected Area Management |
EV5210:03 | Management of Marine Protected Areas |
EV5251:03 | Environmental Impacts of Human Activities in Protected Areas |
TO5002:03 | Introduction to Tourism and the Environment |
At least 9 credit points from the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5203:03 | Conserving Marine Wildlife: Sea Mammals, Birds, Reptiles |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
SS5100:03 | Qualitative Research in Social Science |
TO5005:03 | Managing Tourism in Protected Areas |
or | |
TO5025:03 | Ecotourism and Wildlife Tourism Management |
18 credit points of subjects that may, upon the approval of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences include a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
At least 9 credit point to be selected from: | |
EV5007:03 | Introduction to Research |
EV5208:03 | World Heritage and National Estate Processes |
EV5209:03 | Principles and Practices of Protected Area Management |
EV5210:03 | Management of Marine Protected Areas |
EV5251:03 | Environmental Impacts of Human Activities in Protected Areas |
TO5002:03 | Introduction to Tourism and the Environment |
At least 9 credit points from the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5203:03 | Conserving Marine Wildlife: Sea Mammals, Birds, Reptiles |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
SS5100:03 | Qualitative Research in Social Science |
TO5005:03 | Managing Tourism in Protected Areas |
or | |
TO5025:03 | Ecotourism and Wildlife Tourism Management |
6 credit points of subjects that may, with the approval of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences include the research subjects EV5913:03 and EV5923:03. |
Townsville, Cairns
Choose at least one subject (3 credit points) from: | |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5210:03 | Management of Marine Protected Areas |
EV5251:03 | Environmental Impacts of Human Activities in Protected Areas |
EV5208:03 | World Heritage and National Estate Processes |
or | |
EV5209:03 | Principles and Practices of Protected Area Management |
Subjects to complete the award requirements of 12 credit points from the following: | |
EV3201:03 | Managing Coastal and Marine Environments |
or | |
EV5100:03 | Coastal Management |
EV5203:03 | Conserving Marine Wildlife: Sea Mammals, Birds, Reptiles |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
TO5002:03 | Introduction to Tourism and the Environment |
(See Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis)
(See Mathematics)
The Master of Applied Science, Graduate Diploma of Science and Graduate Certificate of Science in Tropical Agriculture provide students with general and specific skills in the science of agriculture through coursework subjects of a generic and specialised nature with an emphasis on tropical systems.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements.
Townsville, Cairns
The Master of Applied Science in Tropical Agriculture is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
At least 9 credit points selected from: | |
AG5001:03 | Advanced Tropical Crops and Pastures |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5004:03 | Novel Crops and Products |
AG5005:03 | Advanced Agroecology |
BT5106:03 | Contemporary Issues in Agriculture |
BT5108:01 | Tropical Agricultural Field Studies (Part 1 of 2) |
BT5109:02 | Tropical Agricultural Field Studies (Part 2 of 2) |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
EV5254:03 | Tropical Agroforestry |
At least 12 credit points selected from: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BT5320:03 | Revegetation and Land Rehabilitation (not offered in 2008) |
BT5340:03 | Structure and Dynamics of Tropical Savannas (not offered in 2008) |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, TV subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Science in Tropical Agriculture is two teaching periods full time or four teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
BT5106:03 | Contemporary Issues in Agriculture |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
AG5001:03 | Advanced Tropical Crops and Pastures |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5004:03 | Novel Crops and Products |
AG5005:03 | Advanced Agroecology |
BT5108:01 | Tropical Agricultural Field Studies (Part 1 of 2) |
BT5109:02 | Tropical Agricultural Field Studies (Part 2 of 2) |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
EV5254:03 | Tropical Agroforestry |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BT5320:03 | Revegetation and Land Rehabilitation (not offered in 2008) |
BT5340:03 | Structure and Dynamics of Tropical Savannas (not offered in 2008) |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, TV subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Certificate of Science in Tropical Agriculture is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
AG5001:03 | Advanced Tropical Crops and Pastures |
or | |
AG5004:03 | Advanced Novel Crops and Products |
or | |
BZ5501:03 | Special Topic 1 |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
or | |
AG5005:03 | Advanced Agroecology |
or | |
BZ5502:03 | Special Topic 2 |
3 credit points selected from the above, not taken as core subjects, or from: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BT5106:03 | Contemporary Issues in Agriculture |
BT5108:01 | Tropical Agricultural Field Studies (Part 1 of 2) |
BT5109:02 | Tropical Agricultural Field Studies (Part 2 of 2) |
BT5320:03 | Revegetation and Land Rehabilitation |
BT5340:03 | Structure and Dynamics of Tropical Savannas |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
Students can study for the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy under the supervision of one or more members of the academic or research staff in the School of Marine and Tropical Biology. Associate supervision by staff members of other University schools and by staff members of relevant agencies may be arranged. Students seeking enrolment in the Master of Science may be required to undertake a Graduate Diploma of Research Methods or Graduate Certificate of Research Methods.
The Master of Applied Science, Graduate Diploma of Science of Tropical Ecology and the Graduate Certificate of Science of Tropical Ecology provide students with general and specific skills in ecology through coursework subjects of a generic and specialised nature with a tropical emphasis. Specialisation is possible in a variety of disciplines.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements.
Townsville, Cairns
The Master of Applied Science is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
Plus | |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5005:03 | Advanced Agroecology |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Applied Science is two teaching periods full time or four teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
Plus | |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5005:03 | Advanced Agroecology |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Certificate of Science is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
At least 6 credit points selected from: | |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 12 credit points. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Doctor of Tropical Environmental Management is a research professional doctorate which includes 24 credit points of coursework and 48 credit points of research (36 research credit points and 12 credit points of professional placement). It requires students to undertake some coursework study at the University of Queensland and Charles Darwin University during their candidature at James Cook University. (at least one subject from each of UQ and CDU).
Tropical biology, environmental management and geography are research and teaching strengths in this faculty. This course will draw upon these strengths, and complementary teaching and research strengths at the University of Queensland and Charles Darwin University, and will provide students with a savanna-wide perspective on natural resource management. The course as a whole provides increased opportunities for links between tertiary education institutions and the land management agencies within the region.
JCU enjoys national and international recognition for its teaching and research in tropical marine biology. The School of Marine and Tropical Biology offers both research and coursework postgraduate programs dedicated to the study of tropical shallow water marine systems, with an emphasis on whole-organism biology, the ecology and biogeography of tropical marine organisms and the evolutionary mechanisms that underlie their diversity.
Coursework postgraduate programs consist of introductory subjects (of one teaching period duration) and more advanced block subjects in a variety of areas including quantitative marine ecology, fisheries science and marine conservation. Other subjects focus on the life histories, biogeography and evolution of tropical marine animals. Postgraduate coursework emphasises quantitative and analytical approaches through specialist subjects in sampling design and modelling.
Research postgraduate programs benefit from the unparalleled opportunities provided by JCU’s proximity to the Great Barrier Reef which facilitates investigations of ecological and evolutionary questions for reef fish, corals and other marine animals. Current activities within the school (many of which are ARC funded) provide a diversity of research opportunities for postgraduate students.
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
Plus | |
18 credit points selected from the following subjects: | |
Study Period 1 | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5055:03 | Biological Oceanography |
MB5070:03 | Marine Evolution and Biogeography |
MB5160:03 | Evolution and Ecology of Reef Fishes |
MB5400:03 | Life History and Evolution of Reef Corals |
Study Period 2 | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
MB5190:03 | Coral Reef Ecology |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
MB5260:03 | Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling |
MB5270:03 | Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems |
MB5380:03 | Marine Invertebrate Biology |
Block Mode Subjects | |
MB5005:03 | Scientific Diving and Diving Physiology |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management (odd years) |
MB5340:03 | Ecological Dynamics: Modelling With Data (even years) |
MB5350:03 | Current Issues in Coral Reef Ecology (odd years) |
MB5370:03 | Techniques in Marine Biology |
MB5430:03 | Behaviour of Marine Animals (even years) |
MB5450:03 | Molecular Approaches to Marine Ecology and Evolution |
Plus | |
15 credit points of level 5 MB subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
Plus | |
21 credit points selected from the following subjects: | |
Study Period 1 | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5055:03 | Biological Oceanography |
MB5070:03 | Marine Evolution and Biogeography |
MB5160:03 | Evolution and Ecology of Reef Fishes |
MB5400:03 | Life History and Evolution of Reef Corals |
Study Period 2 | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
MB5190:03 | Coral Reef Ecology |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
MB5260:03 | Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling |
MB5270:03 | Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems |
MB5380:03 | Marine Invertebrate Biology |
Block Mode Subjects | |
MB5005:03 | Scientific Diving and Diving Physiology |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management (odd years) |
MB5340:03 | Ecological Dynamics: Modelling With Data (even years) |
MB5350:03 | Current Issues in Coral Reef Ecology (odd years) |
MB5370:03 | Techniques in Marine Biology |
MB5430:03 | Behaviour of Marine Animals (even years) |
MB5450:03 | Molecular Approaches to Marine Ecology and Evolution |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
Plus | |
9 credit points selected from the following subjects: | |
Study Period 1 | |
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
MB5003:03 | Fisheries Science |
MB5055:03 | Biological Oceanography |
MB5070:03 | Marine Evolution and Biogeography |
MB5160:03 | Evolution and Ecology of Reef Fishes |
MB5400:03 | Life History and Evolution of Reef Corals |
Study Period 2 | |
MB5004:03 | Marine Conservation Biology |
MB5190:03 | Coral Reef Ecology |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
MB5260:03 | Ecological Dynamics: An Introduction to Modelling |
MB5270:03 | Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems |
MB5380:03 | Marine Invertebrate Biology |
Block Mode Subjects | |
MB5005:03 | Scientific Diving and Diving Physiology |
MB5310:03 | Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management (odd years) |
MB5340:03 | Ecological Dynamics: Modelling With Data (even years) |
MB5350:03 | Current Issues in Coral Reef Ecology (odd years) |
MB5370:03 | Techniques in Marine Biology |
MB5430:03 | Behaviour of Marine Animals (even years) |
MB5450:03 | Molecular Approaches to Marine Ecology and Evolution |
The Master of Applied Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science and the Graduate Certificate of Science in Tropical Plant Sciences, provide students with general and specific skills in the Tropical Plant Sciences through coursework subjects of a generic and specialised nature with an emphasis on tropical systems. Specialisation is possible in the disciplines of plant systematics and population biology, plant ecology, plant physiology and metabolism, cytology, genetics and novel crop development, marine and freshwater plant biology, tropical soils and the theoretical and applied aspects of tropical agroforestry, tropical crops and pastures and horticulture.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements.
Townsville, Cairns
The Master of Applied Science in Tropical Plant Sciences is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
or | |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
or | |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
Plus | |
At least 12 credit points selected from: | |
AG5001:03 | Advanced Tropical Crops and Pastures |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5004:03 | Advanced Novel Crops and Products |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Science in Tropical Plant Sciences is two teaching periods full time Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate to the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
or | |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
or | |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
Plus | |
At least 9 credit points selected from: | |
AG5001:03 | Advanced Tropical Crops and Pastures |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5004:03 | Advanced Novel Crops and Products |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
Plus | |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Certificate of Science in Tropical Plant Sciences is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate to the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
BT5010:03 | Advanced Biology of Plant Survival |
or | |
BT5400:03 | Advanced Tropical Flora of Australia |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
or | |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
Plus | |
3 credit points from the above when not taken as core subjects or from the following: | |
AG5001:03 | Advanced Tropical Crops and Pasture |
AG5002:03 | Advanced Ecological Economics of Agricultural Systems |
AG5004:03 | Advanced Novel Crops and Products |
AG5005:03 | Advanced Agroecology |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
Students can study for the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy under the supervision of one or more members of the academic or research staff in the School of Marine and Tropical Biology. Associate supervision by staff members of other University schools and by staff members of relevant agencies may be arranged. Students seeking enrolment in the Master of Science may be required to undertake a Graduate Diploma of Research Methods or Graduate Certificate of Research Methods.
(See also Human Geography)
Professionally trained environmental and urban planners are increasingly coming to the fore in the process of ecologically sustainable development. The initial skills needed to assess whether development is acceptable and which elements of project design are appropriate can best be gained through a course of tertiary study. This program provides a career qualification that is widely recognised by employers.
The program, administered by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, may be taken towards the Graduate Certificate of Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science or Master of Applied Science as a coursework degree. The aim of the program is to provide a broadly-based postgraduate education for planners in urban, shire and regional settings, as well as to provide scope for allied professionals to widen their accreditation in the field of planning.
Research degrees in tropical urban and regional planning may be undertaken as a Doctor of Philosophy or a Master of Science program in Human Geography.
Further details of opportunities and programs in tropical urban and regional planning can be obtained by contacting the school and all students should consult the Course Coordinator when arranging their subject enrolment.
Townsville, Cairns
Students complete the following: | |
EV5001:03 | Environmental and Regional Planning |
EV5301:03 | Urban Geography and Design |
EV5603:03 | Planning Legislation and Professional Practice |
EV5605:03 | Professional Planning Work Experience |
EV5916:06 | Independent Project and Dissertation Part 1 |
EV5926:06 | Independent Project and Dissertation Part 2 |
At least one subject from: | |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
EV5606:03 | Disasters: Vulnerability, Mitigation and Planning |
At least one subject from: | |
EV5502:03 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems |
EV5503:03 | GIS for Environmental Analysis |
EV5505:03 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |
At least one subject from: | |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5209:03 | Principles and Practices of Protected Area Management |
EV5210:03 | Management of Marine Protected Areas |
EV5251:03 | Environmental Impacts of Human Activities in Protected Areas |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
Plus | |
Level 5 EV subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. | |
Students are advised to consult the school’s website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/ees/ for advice on selecting the campus and commencement date of the course. |
Townsville, Cairns
Students complete the following: | |
EV5001:03 | Environmental and Regional Planning |
EV5301:03 | Urban Geography and Design |
EV5603:03 | Planning Legislation and Professional Practice |
EV5605:03 | Professional Planning Work Experience |
EV5901:03 | Special Topic 1 |
One subject from: | |
EV5252:03 | Indigenous Environmental Management |
EV5601:03 | Social Impact Assessment: Environmental Management |
EV5606:03 | Disasters: Vulnerability, Mitigation and Planning |
One subject from: | |
EV5502:03 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems |
EV5503:03 | GIS for Environmental Analysis |
EV5505:03 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |
One subject from: | |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5200:03 | Terrestrial Resource Management |
EV5205:03 | Conserving Tropical Rainforests |
EV5209:03 | Principles and Practices of Protected Area Management |
EV5210:03 | Management of Marine Protected Areas |
EV5251:03 | Environmental Impacts of Human Activities in Protected Areas |
EV5255:03 | Managing Rainforest Wildlife |
EV5401:03 | Coasts and Catchments: Geomorphology and Management |
Students are advised to consult the school’s website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/ees/ for advice on selecting the campus and commencement date of the course. |
Townsville, Cairns
Complete the following: | |
EV5001:03 | Environmental and Regional Planning |
EV5002:03 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EV5301:03 | Urban Geography and Design |
EV5603:03 | Planning Legislation and Professional Practice |
Students are advised to consult the School’s website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/ees/ for advice on selecting the campus and commencement date of the course. |
The Master of Applied Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science and the Graduate Certificate of Science - Wildlife Ecology and Management, provide students with general and specific skills in the broad theoretical and practical disciplines relevant to Wildlife Ecology and Management through coursework subjects of a generic and specialised nature. Specialisation is possible in a variety of disciplines. The Master of Applied Science is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. The Graduate Diploma of Science is two teaching periods full time or four teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research can be tailored to the individual students’s background and requirements.
Townsville, Cairns
The Master of Applied Science is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
15 credit points from: | |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Level 5 AG, BT, BZ, EV, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Science is two teaching periods full time or four teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
At least 15 credit points from: | |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Level 5 BT, BZ, EV, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Certificate of Science is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
9 credit points from: | |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Note: A maximum of 3 credit points of subjects outside the above may be taken with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology. |
The Master of Applied Science, the Graduate Diploma of Science and the Graduate Certificate of Science in Zoology provide students with general and specific skills in Zoology through coursework subjects of a generic and specialised nature with an emphasis on tropical systems. Specialisation is possible in a variety of disciplines.
Prospective students should consult the Course Coordinator. Within the broad framework of the Award Requirements, each student’s program, including the relative component of coursework and research, can be tailored to the individual student’s background and requirements.
Townsville, Cairns
The Master of Applied Science is three teaching periods full time or six teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
9 credit points from: | |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management (not offered in 2008) |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5420:03 | Ornithology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
6 credit points from: | |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
Level 5 BZ, MB, ZL subjects to complete the award requirements of 36 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 15 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Diploma of Science is two teaching periods full time or 4 teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
At least 6 credit points from: | |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
ZL5420:03 | Ornithology |
At least 6 credit points from: | |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
Level 5 BZ, ZL Level 5 subjects to complete the award requirements of 24 credit points. Subjects may, with the approval of the School of Marine and Tropical Biology, include a maximum of 6 credit points of research subjects. |
Townsville, Cairns
The Graduate Certificate of Science is one teaching period full time or two teaching periods part time. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the faculty.
BS5001:03 | Quantitative Methods in Biology |
or | |
MB5230:03 | Design and Analyses in Ecological Studies |
or | |
MB5300:03 | Sampling and Experimental Design |
At least 6 credit points from: | |
BZ5215:03 | Conservation Biology |
BZ5440:03 | Ecology and Conservation |
BZ5450:03 | Ecological and Conservation Genetics |
ZL5005:03 | Invertebrate Zoology |
ZL5026:03 | Animal Behaviour |
ZL5061:03 | Topics in Animal Behaviour |
ZL5203:03 | The Australian Vertebrate Fauna |
ZL5205:03 | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
ZL5211:03 | Tropical Australian Herpetology |
ZL5420:03 | Ornithology |
ZL5501:03 | Tropical Entomology |
Any remaining credit points from: | |
BZ5210:03 | Ecology of Tropical Forest Ecosystems |
BZ5212:03 | Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management |
BZ5220:03 | Rainforest Populations and Communities |
BZ5400:03 | Advanced Population and Community Ecology |
BZ5420:03 | Genetics for Biology |
BZ5490:03 | Advanced Tropical Ecosystems and Climate Change |
Students can study for the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy under the supervision of one or more members of the academic or research staff in the School of Marine and Tropical Biology. Associate supervision by staff members of other University schools and by staff members of relevant agencies may be arranged. Students seeking enrolment in the Master of Science may be required to undertake a Graduate Diploma of Research Methods or Graduate Certificate of Research Methods.