James Cook University Course and Subject Handbook - 2008

Postgraduate Courses

University Requirements


For current information refer to the following website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/office/grs/docs/postgraduate_courses_framework.pdf



It is expected that students who have successfully completed a four-year degree will normally enrol in the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods; those who have completed a three-year degree will normally enrol in the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods unless they can demonstrate substantial relevant experience.

Both courses will be offered at the postgraduate level.


To determine whether the student has the capacity for independent research.

2. To provide training in research methods appropriate to the research aspirations of the student.

3. To provide other training in advanced coursework as required.

4. To fulfil the University’s confirmation of candidature requirements for a Research Masters degree.


Entry to the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods shall normally require a three year bachelors degree in the relevant discipline with a third year grade point average of at least Credit average.

2. A candidate for the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods shall follow a course of study to obtain a minimum of 24 coursework and research credit points, as required by their Head of School. The credit points should be chosen to enable the student to complete the University’s confirmation of candidature requirements for a Research Masters degree.

3. The requirements for the Graduate Diploma of Research Methods shall normally be completed in not less than two teaching periods of full-time study. Advanced standing may be granted for recognised prior learning.

4. Candidates seeking eligibility to enrol for a Masters by Research degree will be required to obtain at least a Credit in their first minor project and an overall Credit average in order to be considered by the faculty for Masters candidature.


Entry to the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods shall normally require a four year bachelors degree in the relevant discipline with a fourth year grade point average of at least Credit average. On recommendation by the Head of School and with approval of the faculty, candidates who have successfully completed all relevant coursework within a three year bachelors degree may also be permitted entry provided that they:

2. A candidate for the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods shall follow a course of study to obtain a minimum of 12 coursework and research credit points, as required by their Head of School. The credit points should be chosen to enable the student to complete the University’s Confirmation of Candidature requirements for a Research Masters degree.

3. The requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Research Methods shall be completed in not less than one teaching period of full-time study.

4. Candidates seeking eligibility to enrol for a Masters by Research degree will be required to obtain at least a Credit in their first minor project and an overall Credit average in order to be considered by the faculty for Masters candidature.

Award Abbreviation
Graduate Certificate of Research Methods GCertResMeth
Graduate Diploma of Research MethodsGDipResMeth



A degree of Masters by Research may be undertaken in any school. The degree will be awarded in recognition of research.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Masters by Research if that person has:


Each candidate’s personal course of study and any modifications of that course shall require the approval of the relevant Head of School and the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Sub Committee (BHDRSC).

3.2 An international candidate shall be required to complete the International Bridging Program in the first six months of enrolment.

3.3 All candidates shall be required to attend a workshop on ethical research practice as part of their generic skills program and as a condition of their confirmation of candidature.

3.4 A candidate is not permitted to enrol concurrently for any other degree, diploma or certificate at this or any other institution without the written permission of the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Sub Committee. Concurrent enrolments will normally only be considered where the total enrolment does not exceed the equivalent of a full-time load.

3.5 If the proposed research involves working with children under 18 years of age, the candidate must be eligible to hold a “suitability card” (Blue Card) or equivalent as required by government legislation, which must be included in any ethics application submitted to the Human Ethics Sub-Committee. Ethics approval will not be granted until a copy of the “suitability card” (Blue Card) or equivalent required documentation, is received.


The candidate shall undertake a course of study leading to the submission of a thesis for examination. The thesis may not normally be submitted earlier than one calendar year nor later than two (for a full-time candidate) or four (for a part-time candidate) calendar years after enrolment, except that in special circumstances the BHDRSC may grant an extension of the relevant period.

4.2 If Requirement 3.4 is applicable, continued enrolment shall be contingent upon the candidate remaining eligible to hold a “suitability card” (Blue Card) or equivalent as required by government legislation. If the candidate becomes ineligible, the candidate will be required to show cause why candidature should not be terminated.

4.3 The University will not normally accept a candidate who has been enrolled at another institution for more than one year (full-time equivalent) or release a candidate who has been enrolled for more than one year (full-time equivalent).


The relevant faculty shall appoint for each candidate a Supervisory Committee which shall be a group convened to support the Principal Supervisor, as Chair of the Committee, and the Head of the School in their supervision of a candidate.

The Head of School shall nominate, at the time of enrolment, a replacement Supervisor, who is a member of the Supervisory Committee as a Co-Supervisor or Associate Supervisor and who is eligible to assume the role of Chair, if the Principal Supervisor leaves the University.

Members of the Supervisory Committee shall:

5.2 The Supervisory Committee shall include:

5.3 The full Supervisory Committee shall participate in the confirmation of candidature and exit seminar processes. The day-to-day management of the candidature shall be performed by the Principal Supervisor (and any Co-Supervisors or Associate Supervisors) under the direction of the relevant Head of School.


The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed:

6.2 The candidate shall present seven days before the seminar, to the Chair of the BHDRC through the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, a 2000 word project proposal including the aims, methodology, budget, timeline, progress to date and any other academic and/or artistic issues arising from the program of work, together with a second piece of substantive written work, usually a literature review.

6.3 The candidate shall orally present a seminar on the work. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

6.4 The seminar presentation and the proposal shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BHDRC.

6.5 In considering the reports on the seminar presentation the BHDRC may interview the candidate, and if appropriate, members of the Supervisory Committee, and any other relevant person.

6.6 The BHDRC may make suggestions to the candidate as to how the research might be improved and may seek independent peer review. The Principal Supervisor and the head of the School shall also be informed of such suggestions. The advice provided need not necessarily be accepted by the candidate.

6.7 The BHDRC shall approve one of the following:

6.8 The decision of the BHDRSC shall be conveyed to the candidate in writing within 14 days of the date of the decision with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 13 below.


A candidate shall normally be expected to undertake a program of transferable (generic) skills training as detailed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

7.2 A candidate must develop an individual program in collaboration with the Principal Supervisor, the Co-Supervisor and any Associate Supervisors as soon as possible after the commencement of candidature to reflect the candidate’s research training needs and career aspirations.

7.3 A candidate’s progress shall be reviewed as part of the confirmation of candidature, annual reporting and exit seminar processes.


A progress report must be submitted by a candidate annually. The report shall be on the prescribed form which shall be forwarded to the candidate by the Registrar.

8.2 The completed form shall bear the comments of the candidate, the Principal Supervisor and the head of the School (or nominee).

8.3 In the event of problems being identified in the report, the candidate’s progress shall be formally monitored by the Head of School for a prescribed period.

8.4 In the event of an unsatisfactory progress report, the BHDRC shall interview the candidate and/or the Principal Supervisor and recommend one of the following:

8.5 The recommendation shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 13 below.


A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum during the final year of candidature. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

9.2 The seminar presentation on the work shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BHDRC.

9.3 The BHDRC shall then approve one of the following:


The normal maximum length of the thesis is 60,000 words.

10.2 At the appropriate time for each candidate, the BHDRC shall appoint two examiners. Both examiners shall normally be external to the University. On receipt of the examiners’ reports the BHDRC shall recommend:

10.3 The following material shall be released to the candidate without request, after examination:

10.4 The degree may be conferred only when a final unbound copy, and normally a PDF file, of the thesis have been deposited in the Library or a written guarantee has been provided by the appropriate Head of School that the said School holds all the material necessary for the preparation of these copies.


Candidates who have fulfilled the requirements of the Masters by Research award in which they are enrolled and have complied with all Statutes and other requirements applicable to them may be granted the Award.


A candidate must be asked to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated if the BDHDRSC determines that the candidate has not:

12.2 Under Requirement 5.1, if a replacement Principal Supervisor is required during candidature, the BHDRSC must make reasonable attempts to ensure that the candidate is able to complete the award with the University.

If the University is unable to provide a suitable replacement in an appropriate timeframe, the candidate must be notified to that effect and given an opportunity to make representations as to why the candidature should not be terminated. The BHRDSC must have regard to any representations made by the candidate, before deciding whether to terminate the candidature.

12.3 If Requirement 3.3 is applicable, continued enrolment shall be contingent upon the candidate remaining eligible to hold a “suitability card” (Blue Card) or equivalent as required by government legislation. If the candidate becomes ineligible, the candidate will be required to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated.


A candidate affected by a decision of the BHDRC pursuant to the Masters by Research Requirements may appeal against the decision. Such appeal shall be instituted by a notice in writing setting out the grounds thereof and shall be submitted to the University Registrar within 28 days of the notification to the candidate of the decision appealed from.

13.2 The Appeal shall be determined by an Appeal Panel which is independent of the BHDRC and established by the University Registrar.

13.3 The Appeal Panel shall consist of the Chair, Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members appointed by the Chair. Two members of the Appeal Panel shall be postgraduate research students, who have completed the confirmation of candidature process, chosen in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate Student Association.

13.4 The Appeal Panel shall meet within 28 days of the University Registrar receiving the notice in writing from the candidate as outlined in 12.1 above.

13.5 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:

13.6 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing; and to be represented by a Student Association Case Worker or another member of the University community not acting in a legal capacity, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the University Registrar at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.

13.7 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision; or vary the decision of the BHDRC.

13.8 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the University Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the University Registrar shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panel’s decision. The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall also advise the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Committee of the outcome and any recommendations made by the Appeal Panel.

13.9 The Appeal Panel’s decision shall be final.

13.10 A candidate who has successfully appealed against a decision of the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Committee pursuant to the Masters by Research Requirements is not permitted a second appeal against a decision regarding the same matter.




In these Requirements —


A person may be permitted to enrol for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy if:


A person wishing to enrol for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:














* If there are personal circumstances which will delay completion, the candidate should consider suspending their candidature. Full-time candidates may also consider changing their candidature to part-time.

• An oral examination may be required if candidature has been accelerated.


see also Courses, Doctor of Astronomy

1. A Doctor of Astronomy may be undertaken in the Centre for Astronomy of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.

2. A person may enrol for the Doctor of Astronomy if that person:


A student shall normally complete the requirements for the degree in six teaching periods of full-time equivalent study. The maximum duration shall be five years full-time equivalent (ten teaching periods).


The candidate must complete the two compulsory Group A subjects (12 credit points) provided in the schedule before enrolling in the research subject.

4.2 Research thesis for the Doctor of Astronomy: A candidate shall complete a research thesis and/or portfolio, normally of a maximum of 50,000 words, in a bound volume. The thesis may include any of the following: dissertation, research papers, publications, all on a unified topic.

4.3 Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the thesis, provided that they have not been submitted to support or to form part or all of a thesis for another academic qualification.

4.4 The research thesis for the Doctor of Astronomy may not be submitted by a candidate earlier than six teaching periods (of full-time equivalent study) or later than 10 teaching periods from the date of initial enrolment, provided that in special circumstances, the Dean of Graduate Resaerch Studies may, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, grant a variation to this requirement, provided that the candidate has passed the 12 credit points of coursework.

4.5 The original, plus three copies of the thesis, shall be submitted to the Graduate Research School.

4.6 The Board of Higher Degrees by Research, on the advice from the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, shall appoint a minimum of two external examiners for the research thesis. The Board of Higher Degrees by Research shall inform the examiners of the scope and nature of the thesis requirements for the Doctor of Astronomy degree.

4.7 The Board of Higher Degrees by Research, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or oral examination or both on the topic of the research thesis.

4.8 The examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be forwarded to the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology for recommendation to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty.

4.9 A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Doctor of Astronomy.

4.10 If the degree is awarded, the original of the thesis and normally a PDF file of the thesis, shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy of the bound thesis and supporting material shall be kept at the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.

5. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for Doctoral degrees.


Subjects in related disciplines, and at the graduate level, may be allowed advanced standing towards the Doctor of Astronomy degree up to a maximum of 12 credit points at the discretion of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies on advice from the Head of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Astronomy shall be assigned a Principal Supervisor who shall be a member of staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University.

8. At least one co- or associate supervisor, who is on the Register of Supervisors, will be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidates intended program of study. Additional associate supervisors need not be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience.

9. A candidate must maintain regular contact with the School as required by the candidate’s Principal Supervisor.

10. The Principal Supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head of School may recommend to the Board of Higher Degrees by Research the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed:

11.2 The candidature shall orally, or by electronic communication, as specified in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students, present a seminar on the doctoral work. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee, which includes the Head of School, Head of Discipline and candidate’s Research Student Monitor (or their nominees), must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

11.3 The candidate shall present seven days before the seminar, to the Chair of the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Committee (BHDRC) through the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, a 2000 word project proposal including the aims, methodology, budget, timeline, progress to date and any other academic and/or artistic issues arising from the program of work, together with a second piece of substantive written work, usually a literature review.

11.4 The seminar presentation and the proposal shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BHDRC.

11.5 In considering the reports on the seminar presentation the BHDRC may interview the candidate, and if appropriate, any member(s) of the Supervisory Committee, and any other relevant person.

11.6 The BHDRC may make suggestions to the candidate as to how the research might be improved and may seek independent peer review. The Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School shall also be informed of such suggestions. The advice provided need not necessarily be accepted by the candidate.

11.7 The BHDRC shall then approve one of the following:

11.8 The decision of the BHDRC on a recommendation from Requirement 12.7 shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to the University’s appeal procedures for Doctoral degrees.


A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum orally or by electronic communication, as specified in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students, during the final year of candidature. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

12.2 The seminar presentation on the work shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BHDRC.

12.3 The BHDRC shall then approve one of the following:


1. The degree of Doctor of Education may be undertaken in the School of Education.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Education if that person has practised in education or a related field approved by the Head of School of Education for a minimum of three years and has:

3. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the BHDR, on the recommendation of the Head of School of Education, for each year of candidature.

4. The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of two years and a maximum of five years, equivalent full-time enrolment.


A portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

6. Candidates are encouraged to publish work during candidature, beside that of their published article, and such published works during the candidature may be included in the portfolio provided they or their substantive content have not been submitted for advanced standing for another academic qualification.

7. An original and three copies of the portfolio must be submitted to the Research Students Office for examination.

8. The portfolio will be examined by two examiners external to the University. One of these may be an appropriately qualified professional from the education field.

9. The BHDR will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of School of Education.

10. Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the Head of School of Education to the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Committee (BHDRC).

11. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Education program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

12. The BHDR, on the recommendation of the examiners may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

13. The BHDR, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the Head of School of Education, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Education.

14. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

15. If the degree is awarded, the original of the portfolio shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Education.


Up to one year of advanced standing is permitted for previous work deemed to be at doctoral level by the Head of School of Education in consultation with the Director of Postgraduate Studies and any research or scholarly products from this work may be submitted as part of the portfolio up to a maximum of 10,000 words.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Education shall be assigned a supervisor who shall be a member of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one associate supervisor will be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need to be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the BHDRC, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

17.2 A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

17.3 The supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School of Education, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the BHDR the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the BHDR for the award of the Doctor of Education.


see also Courses, Doctor of Health Professional Education

1. The degree of Doctor of Health Professional Education may be undertaken in one of the schools within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Health Professional Education if that person has professional experience in a relevant health-related area approved by the appropriate Head of School for a minimum of five years and has:

3. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the BHDRC, on the recommendation of the relevant Head of School, for each year of candidature.

4. The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years, equivalent full-time enrolment.


A portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

6. Candidates are encouraged to publish work during candidature and published works may be included in the portfolio provided they or their substantive content have not been submitted for advanced standing for another academic qualification.

7. An original and three copies of the portfolio must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

8. The portfolio will be examined by a minimum of two and a maximum of three examiners. Two of the examiners must be external to the University and one of these may be an appropriately qualified professional from the education field.

9. The BHDRC will appoint examiners on the advice of the relevant Head of School.

10. Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the relevant Head of School to the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Committee (BHDRC).

11. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Health Professional Education program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

12. The BHDRC, on the recommendation of the examiners may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

13. The BHDRC, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the relevant Head of School, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Health Professional Education.

14. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

15. If the degree is awarded, the original of the portfolio and normally a PDF file of the portfolio shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School.

16. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for Doctoral degrees.


Up to one year of advanced standing is permitted for previous work deemed to be at doctoral level by the relevant Head of School in consultation with the Dean of Graduate Research Studies and any research or scholarly products from this work may be submitted as part of the portfolio up to a maximum of 10,000 words.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Health Professional Education shall be assigned a Principal Supervisor who shall be a member of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one associate supervisor will be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need not be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the BHDRC, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

18.2 A candidate must maintain regular contact with the School as required by the candidate’s Principal Supervisor.

18.3 The Principal Supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head of School may recommend to the BHDRC the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


A candidate shall apply to have his or her candidature confimed, normally within the first six months of enrolment for a full-time candidate, or normally within the first twelve months of enrolment for a part-time candidate.


A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the portfolio in a public forum during the final year of candidature.


A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Doctor of Health Professional Education.


see also Courses, Doctor of Medical Education

1. The degree of Doctor of Medical Education may be undertaken in the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Medical Education if that person has professional experience in a relevant health-related area approved by the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry for a minimum of five years and has:

3. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the BHDRC, on the recommendation of the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry, for each year of candidature.

4. The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years, equivalent full-time enrolment.


A portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

6. Candidates are encouraged to publish work during candidature and published works may be included in the portfolio provided they or their substantive content have not been submitted for advanced standing for another academic qualification.

7. An original and three copies of the portfolio must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

8. The portfolio will be examined by a minimum of two and a maximum of three examiners. Two of the examiners must be external to the University and one of these may be an appropriately qualified professional from the education field.

9. The BHDRC will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry.

10. Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry to the Board of Higher Degrees by Research Committee (BHDRC).

11. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Medical Education program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

12. The BHDRC, on the recommendation of the examiners may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

13. The BHDRC, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Medical Education.

14. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

15. If the degree is awarded, the original of the portfolio and normally a PDF file of the portfolio shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

16. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for Doctoral degrees.


Up to one year of advanced standing is permitted for previous work deemed to be at doctoral level by the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry in consultation with the Dean of Graduate Research Studies and any research or scholarly products from this work may be submitted as part of the portfolio up to a maximum of 10,000 words.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Medical Education shall be assigned a Principal Supervisor who shall be a member of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one associate supervisor will be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need not be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the BHDRC, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

18.2 A candidate must maintain regular contact with the School as required by the candidate’s Principal Supervisor.

18.3 The Principal Supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the BHDRC the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


A candidate shall apply to have his or her candidature confimed, normally within the first six months of enrolment for a full-time candidate, or normally within the first twelve months of enrolment for a part-time candidate.


A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the portfolio in a public forum during the final year of candidature.


A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Doctor of Medical Education.


see also Courses, Doctor of Nursing Science

1. The degree of Doctor of Nursing Science will be undertaken in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition with options to enrol in appropriate elective subjects on research methodology from other disciplines either within or external to the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Science if that person has a minimum of five years post-registration experience or experience approved by the Head of School and has:

3. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the BHDRC, on the recommendation of the relevant Head of School, for each year of candidature.

4. The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of three years (six years part-time) and a maximum of five years (ten years part-time).


A doctoral research portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

6. Candidates are encouraged to publish work during candidature and published works may be included in the portfolio provided they or their substantive content have not been submitted for advanced standing for another academic qualification.

7. An original and three copies of the portfolio must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

8. The portfolio will be examined by a minimum of two and a maximum of three examiners. Two of the examiners must be external to the University.

9. The BHDRC will appoint examiners on the advice of the relevant Head of School.

10. Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the relevant Head of School to BHDRC.

11. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Nursing Science program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

12. The BHDRC, on the recommendation of the examiners may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

13. The BHDRC, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the relevant Head of School, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Science.

14. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

15. If the degree is awarded, the original of the portfolio and normally a PDF file of the portfolio shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy will be kept in the School.

16. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for Doctoral degrees.


Up to one year of advanced standing is permitted for previous work deemed to be at doctoral level by the Head of School in consultation with the Dean of Graduate Research Studies and any research or scholarly products from this work may be submitted as part of the portfolio up to a maximum of 10,000 words.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Nursing Science will be assigned a Principal Supervisor and a Co-Supervisor, both of whom will be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. One Associate Supervisor will be appointed because of her or his professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. This person need not be from the health service, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience to provide an industry perspective. These supervisors will provide support and advice to the candidates on matters pertaining to their overall performance. Supplementary supervisors with the requisite methodological and specialist skills may be appointed for discrete research dissertations as deemed appropriate by the course coordinator.

18.2 A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

18.3 The Principal Supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head of School may recommend to the BHDRC the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


A candidate will apply to have his or her candidature confimed, normally within the first six months of enrolment for a full-time candidate, or normally within the first twelve months of enrolment for a part-time candidate.


A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the portfolio in a public forum during the final year of candidature.


A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the BHDRC for the award of the Doctor of Nursing Science.


see also Courses, Doctor of Nursing Studies

Note: The Doctor of Nursing Studies is suspended for 2008. No new enrolments will be accepted.

1. The degree of Doctor of Nursing Studies will be undertaken in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition with options to enrol in three elective subjects from other disciplines either within or external to the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Studies if that person has a minimum of five years post-registration experience or experience approved by the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition and has:

3. The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of three years (six years part-time) and a maximum of five years (ten years part-time).

4. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the Board of Studies of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, on the recommendation of the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, for each year of candidature. A candiadte must maintain regular contact with the school as required by the candidate’ s Principle Supervisor.


Assessment procedures will include examination of the dissertation with a unifying essay and assessment as detailed within each subject description.

5.2 A dissertation and unifying essay must be submitted for examination. The dissertation will include:

6. The dissertation may not be submitted by a candidate earlier than three years (six years part-time) or later than five years (10 years part-time) from the date of initial enrolment. In special ciircumstances, the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition , on the recommendation of the Board of Studies of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, may grant and extension or a variation to this requirement, provided that the candidate has passed all of the required coursework.

7. Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the dissertation, provided that they have not been submitted to support or form part of another academic qualification.

8. The original and two copies of the dissertation shall be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

9. The BHDRC will appoint two examiners external to the University on the advice of the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition.

10. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Nursing Studies program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

11. The Board of Studies of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the dissertation.

12. The Board of Studies of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the dissertation to the satisfaction of the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the dissertation or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Studies.

13. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

14. If the degree is awarded, the original of the dissertation shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition.

15. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for coursework degrees.


Candidates will be able to apply for recognition of prior learning through professional achievement at the approved level (research reports, evidence of leadership, publications etc) and at the discretion of the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition. Advanced standing may be applied for on a case by case basis for incomplete masters. The amonut of advanced standing will depend on the relationship between the coursework subjects and subjects taken at masters level. No more than 50% advanced standing may be given. Applications for recognition of prior learning require the formal approval of the Board of Studies of the School of Nurisng Sciences.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Nursing Studies will be assigned a Principal Supervisor and a second supervisor, both of whom will be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. One Associate Supervisor will also be appointed because of her or his professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. This person need not be from the health service, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience to provide an industry perspective. These supervisors will provide support and advice to the candidates on matters pertaining to their overall performance and choice of subjects. Subject coordinators will liaise with the supervisors on matters of progression.

17.2 A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School of Nurisng Sciences as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

17.3 The supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Nutrition may recommend to the Board of Studies of Nursing Sciences, the termination of candidature or other action that he or she deems necessary.


A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Doctor of Nursing Studies.


see also Courses, Master of Psychology–Doctor of Philosophy


A person may enrol for the degree of joint Master of Psychology-Doctor of Philosophy if that person


An application to enrol for the degree shall be lodged with the University and will be considered by a Selection Committee comprising the Head of School of Psychology, the Director of Professional Programs and at least one other member of the psychology staff.


A full-time student normally will complete the course in no fewer than 4.5 years and no more than 5.5 years and for a part-time student the time limitation will be no fewer than 5.5 and no more than eight years. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty must approve any deviation from this requirement.


To qualify for the degree of joint Master of Psychology-Doctor of Philosophy, a candidate shall satisfactorily complete the requirements as specified by the University for the Doctor of Philosophy and 36 credit points consisting of:


Practica will be supervised by either a University supervisor or a supervisor employed by the placement facility. In all cases the Director of Professional Programs or delegate is responsible for the assessment of the practica and liaison with the field supervisor.


A candidate who has fulfilled the requirements for the degree as specified in 4 above, within the time limits defined in 3 and has met and complied with the requirements for the award of the Doctor of Philosophy and other applicable requirements and standards, will be awarded the degree Joint Master of Psychology-Doctor of Philosophy.


A candidate who does not meet the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy may transfer to the Master of Psychology crediting any completed designated coursework and practica from the Joint Master of Psychology and complete the remaining coursework and theses requirements for the single Master of Psychology award.


see also Courses, Doctor of Psychology

1. The degree of Doctor of Psychology may be undertaken in the School of Arts and Social Sciences.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Psychology if that person has:

Progression in the degree of Doctor of Psychology is contingent on:

3. Confirmation of candidature in the doctoral thesis occurs through the successful completion of PY6201 Research Thesis A and PY6212 Doctoral Thesis B (Part 1 of 2) and PY6216 Doctoral Thesis B (Part 2 of 2). Enrolment in certain subjects is restricted to students who have completed PY3107 (Introductory Psychometrics, Assessment and Ethics) or its equivalent.

4. The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of three years and a maximum of six years full-time equivalent.

To qualify for the degree of Doctor of Psychology, a candidate shall satisfactorily complete 72 credit points consisting of either:

30 credit points of designated coursework;

18 credit points from three supervised practica;

24 credit points by research dissertation;


33 credit points of designated coursework;

15 credit points from three supervised practica;

24 credit points by research dissertation.


A thesis of not less than 30,000 words and not more than 50,000 words must be submitted for examination. The thesis must constitute a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in psychology.

Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the dissertation, provided they have not been submitted to support or form part of another academic qualification.

The candidate in submitting published works shall state generally in a preface and specifically in notes the main sources from which the information is derived and the extent to which the candidate has made use of the work of others, especially where joint publications are concerned. Countersignature by co-authors is required. The candidate may also signify in general terms the portions of the work claimed as original or a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in psychology.

6. An original and three copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Research Students Office for examination.

7. The thesis will be examined by at least two external examiners and up to three examiners. One of the external examiners should normally be an appropriately qualified professional psychologist.

8. The BHDR will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of the School of Arts and Social Sciences. The examination of the thesis will be administered by the Graduate Research School.

9. Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be forwarded to the Head of the School of Arts and Social Sciences for recommendation to the Faculty Research and Postgraduate Studies Committee (FRPSC).

10. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Psychology program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the course to be assessed through the material they examine.

11. The FRPSC, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend

12. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge or practice in their profession.

13. If the degree is awarded, the original of the thesis shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Arts and Social Sciences.


Students who have successfully completed subjects that form part of the Doctor of Psychology while enrolled in other postgraduate courses at JCU, will receive full transfer of advanced standing for those subjects. Students can obtain advanced standing for Doctor of Psychology subjects taken as part of a conferred postgraduate certificate or postgraduate diploma, but they must relinquish that qualification prior to conferral of the Doctor of Psychology.

14.2 Students enrolled in the Master of Psychology program at JCU, who otherwise satisfy the requirements for admission to the Doctor of Psychology, may apply to transfer to the Doctor of Psychology program at any time with full advanced standing for subjects completed. Students in the Masters program who are not otherwise qualified for entry to the Doctor of Psychology, may apply to transfer only after they have completed all level 1 subjects, as shown under Postgraduate Studies, and only if they have achieved a Distinction average in all completed coursework subjects, unless otherwise approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty.

14.3 Students who have completed subjects that are part of an APS-accredited postgraduate program at another Australian university may apply to advanced standing those subjects towards the Doctor of Psychology degree at JCU. Advanced standing normally will be granted where a subject completed elsewhere is, in the opinion of the Director of Professional Programs and the Head of School, equivalent to a subject that forms part of the JCU Doctor of Psychology program.

14.4 Applicants who already hold an APS-accredited Master of Psychology degree, or its equivalent – whether from JCU or elsewhere – must complete, in addition, at least 36 credit points, of which 24 credit points comprise the thesis. The doctoral research project must be on a topic distinctively different from that submitted for their Master of Psychology degree. Students must enrol in all of PY6211 Doctoral Thesis A, PY6212 Doctoral Thesis B, (Part 1 of 2), PY6216 Doctoral Thesis B (Part 2 of 2), PY6213 Doctoral Thesis C, PY6214 Doctoral Thesis D (Part 1 of 2) and PY6215 Doctoral Thesis D (Part 2 of 2), entailing that their research project be spread over two calendar years.

14.5 Applications for advanced standing for previous studies and for transfer between postgraduate programs shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Psychology shall be assigned a primary and secondary supervisor who shall be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one associate supervisor may be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need not be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the FRPSC, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

15.2 The supervisor and candidate will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the FRPSC termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


To provide appropriate exit options in the event of withdrawal from the degree for any reason, subjects successfully completed while enrolled in the Doctor of Psychology can be credited towards any other single JCU postgraduate qualification for which those subjects are specified or allowed.


A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty for the award of Doctor of Psychology.


A candidate may appeal against a decision of the FRPSC. Such appeal shall be lodged in writing, setting out the grounds for the appeal and submitted to the Registrar within 28 days of the notification to the candidate of the decision being appealed.

18.2 The Appeal shall be determined by an Appeal Panel appointed by the FRPSC and independent of the original panel.

18.3 The Appeal Panel shall consist of a Head of one of the Schools in the faculty other than Psychology and two members of the faculty chosen by the FRPSC.

18.4 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:

18.5 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing and to be represented by the Student Association Academic Support Service Coordinator, the Student Association Welfare Coordinator, or another member of the University community, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the Registrar at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.

18.6 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision, or vary the decision of the FRPSC.

18.7 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the Registrar shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panel’s decision.

18.8 The Appeal Panel decision shall be final.



To qualify for entry into the Doctor of Psychological Medicine the applicant must have:

2. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the BHDRC, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Medicine and Dentistry (or where the Head of School is the supervisor, the head of the discipline of Psychiatry).


A candidate for the degree shall follow an approved course of study as specified in the program shown under Postgraduate Courses equivalent to three years of full-time study. This shall include any specified core subjects and elective subjects.

3.3 A candidate for the degree will be required to complete a portfolio of scholarship in relation to a research project or related projects that will comprise a 10,000 word critical literature review and two first authored research reports (5000 words each) prepared as for a peer-reviewed publication in a scientific journal or peer reviewed book.


The normal time for completion of the course is three years full-time study or six years part-time study.

5. The maximum time for completion is six years full-time or 12 years part-time.

6. The maximum time for leave of absence from the course is two years.


A doctoral research portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

8. An original and three copies of all written work must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

9. The portfolio wil be examined by a minimum of two and a maximum of three examiners. Two examiners must be external to the University.

10. The BHDRC willl appoint two examiners on the advice of the Head of the School of Medicine and Dentistry who will review the examiners reports. The examiners reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the Head of the School of Medicine and Dentistry to the BHDRC.

11. Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Psychological Medicine program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

12. The BHDRC, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

13. The BHDRC, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the Head of School of Medicine and Dentistry (or head of the discipline of Psychiatry), not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Master degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Psychological Medicine.

14. Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

15. If the degree is awarded, the original of the portfolio and normally a PDF file of the portfolio shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy will be kept in the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

16. Appeal procedures are as per the University appeals procedures for Doctoral degrees.


Advanced standing up to the equivalence of one year’s full-time study or 24 credit points may be given for:


Unless the faculty otherwise determines, advanced standing granted for any subject shall be cancelled six years after the date of the examination upon which the credit is based if by then the candidate has not completed the course.


The degree shall be administered by the School of Medicine and Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences.


see also Courses, Doctor of Public Health

1. The degree of Doctor of Public Health may be undertaken in the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Public Health if that person has practised in a relevant health-related area for a minimum of five years and:

3. Enrolment in Doctor of Public Health will require initial submission of a Doctoral Learning Plan developed by the candidate with assistance of potential supervisors and approved by Head of School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences on the advice of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences Board of Doctoral Studies.

4. The period of candidature shall be a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years full-time equivalent study, except where approved by the Board of Higher Degrees by Research, upon the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.


A candidate shall complete a 48 credit point thesis of original research in their area of specialisation.

5.2 A candidate shall pursue studies to complete 24 credit points of coursework from approved subjects listed in the Handbook of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, including any core subjects.

5.3 A candidate may include up to a maximum of 12 credit points of Masters level coursework provided that these credit points have not also been credited towards another award, as approved by the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.


The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed:

5.5 The candidate shall orally or by electronic communication, present a seminar on the DrPH work. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

5.6 The candidate shall present seven days before the seminar, to the Chair of the BHDRC through the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, a 2000 word project proposal including the aims, methodology, budget, timeline, progress to date and any other academic issues arising from the program of work, together with a second piece of substantive written work, usually a literature review.

5.7 The seminar presentation and the proposal shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BHDRC.

5.8 In considering the reports on the seminar presentation the BHDRC may interview the candidate, and if appropriate, any member(s) of the Supervisory Committee, and any other relevant person.

5.9 The BHDRC may make suggestions to the candidate as to how the research might be improved and may seek independent peer review. The Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School shall also be informed of such suggestions. The advice provided need not necessarily be accepted by the candidate.

5.10 The BHDRC shall then approve one of the following:

5.11 The decision of the BHDRC on a recommendation from Requirement 5.10 shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 16.


A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum orally or by electronic communication during the final year of candidature. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

5.13 The seminar presentation on the work shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BHDRC.

5.14 The BHDRC shall then approve one of the following:


Assessment procedures will include examination of the thesis and assessment is detailed within each subject description.

6.2 The thesis may not be submitted by a candidate earlier than three years or later than five years from the date of initial enrolment. In special circumstances, approved by the Head of the School of Pubic Health and Tropical Medicine and Board of Graduate Studies, grant an extension or a variation to this requirement, provided that the candidate has passed all the required coursework.

6.3 The original and two copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

6.4 Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the thesis, provided that they have not been submitted to support or form part of another academic qualification or subject.

6.5 The thesis will be examined by at least two external examiners.

6.6 The Board of Higher Degrees by Research will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences. The examination of the thesis will be administered by the Graduate Research School.

6.7 Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be forwarded to the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences for recommendation to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty.

6.8 Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Public Health program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the course to be assessed through the material they examine.

6.9 The Board of Higher Degrees by Research, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or oral examination or both on the topic of the thesis.

6.10 If the degree is awarded, the original of the thesis shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.


A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Public Health shall be assigned by the Board of Higher Degrees by Research a Principal Supervisor and a Co-supervisor who shall be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one Associate Supervisor may be appointed on account of their professional experience, expertise and their special knowledge of the candidate’s approved program of study. Associate Supervisors need not be staff members of this University but should have appropriate professional experience and expertise.

7.2 The Principal Supervisor shall, in respect of the candidate under supervision:


A candidate shall normally be expected to undertake a program of transferable (generic) skills training as detailed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

8.2 A candidate must develop an individual program in collaboration with the Principal Supervisor and any Co-supervisors or Associate Supervisors as soon as possible after the commencement of candidature to reflect the candidate’s research training needs and career aspirations.

8.3 A candidate’s progress shall be reviewed as part of the annual reporting and exit seminar processes.

9. A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences for the award of the Doctor of Public Health.


A candidate may appeal against a decision of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Such appeal shall be lodged in writing, setting out the grounds for the appeal and submitted to the University Registrar within 28 days of the notification to the candidate of the decision being appealed.

10.2 The Appeal shall be determined by an independent Appeal Panel established by the University Registrar.

10.3 The Appeal Panel shall consist of the Chair, Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members appointed by the Chair. Two members of the Appeal Panel shall be postgraduate students chosen in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate Student Association.

10.4 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:

10.5 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing, and to be represented by the Student Association Academic Support Service Coordinator, the Student Association Welfare Coordinator, or another member of the University community, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the Registrar at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.

10.6 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision, or vary the decision of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

10.7 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the Registrar shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panel’s decision.

10.8 The Appeal Panel decision shall be final.


see also Courses, Doctor of Public Health Studies


The degree of Doctor of Public Health Studies may be undertaken in the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.

2. A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Public Health Studies if that person has evidence of professional practice in a relevant health-related area for a minimum of five years and:

3. A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the Board of Doctoral Studies of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, for each year of candidature.

4. The period of candidature shall be a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years full-time equivalent study, except where approved by the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.


A candidate shall pursue studies to complete 72 credit points of coursework from approved subjects listed in the Handbook of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, including all core subjects as specified.

5.3 A candidate may include up to a maximum of 12 credit points of Masters level coursework provided that these credit points have not also been credited towards another award, as approved by the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.


Assessment procedures will include examination of the dissertation and assessment is detailed within each subject description.

6.2 The dissertation may not be submitted by a candidate earlier than three years or later than five years from the date of initial enrolment. In special circumstances, the Board of Doctoral Studies of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences may on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, grant an extension or a variation to this requirement, provided that the candidate has passed all the required coursework.

6.3 The original and two copies of the dissertation shall be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

6.4 Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the dissertation, provided that they have not been submitted to support or form part of another academic qualification.

6.5 The Board of Doctoral Studies of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, on advice from the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, shall appoint two examiners, both external to the University.

6.6 The Board of Doctoral Studies of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or oral examination or both on the topic of the dissertation.


A candidate enrolled for the dissertation shall be assigned a Principal Supervisor and a Co-supervisor by the Board of Doctoral Studies, School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences who shall be members of the academic staff of the University. At least one Associate Supervisor may be appointed on account of their professional experience, expertise and their special knowledge of the candidate’s approved program of study. Associate Supervisors need not be staff members of this University but should have appropriate professional experience and expertise.

7.2 With the approval of the Board of Doctoral Studies and on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, another Associate Supervisor may be appointed with appropriate professional experience and expertise to ensure effective supervision of the candidate during any periods spent elsewhere than at the University.

7.3 A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

7.4 The student and supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work against a learning plan approved by the Board of Doctoral Studies. If, in the opinion of the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences termination or other action as the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences deems necessary.


A candidate shall normally be expected to undertake a program of transferable (generic) skills training as detailed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

8.2 A candidate must develop an individual program in collaboration with the Principal Supervisor and any Co-supervisors or Associate Supervisors as soon as possible after the commencement of candidature to reflect the candidate’s research training needs and career aspirations.

8.3 A candidate’s progress shall be reviewed as part of the annual reporting process.

9. A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences for the award of the Doctor of Public Health Studies.


see also Courses, Doctor of Tropical Environmental Management


The program, a research professional doctorate, includes coursework and a research portfolio which includes a professional placement. The multi-disciplinary program can be structured for an individual student’s needs and interests. Candidates will be required to undertake electives at Charles Darwin University and University of Queensland as well as James Cook University.


Students will select subjects from a range of specialist streams of study, which complement their previous professional experience or study, and include at least one unit from Charles Darwin University and University of Queensland.


The research portfolio will comprise a professional placement (one semester) and a research project (three semesters).


The research portfolio will include a one-semester professional placement. The professional placement will include opportunities for senior level mentoring of candidates within regional organisations and agencies. Formal arrangements for inter-departmental or inter-state secondments will be developed to facilitate hosts for placements. These arrangements will require students to be based in a regional host agency or institution, while being mentored by a senior staff member, under University supervision. The student will be required to prepare a report on the placement, of equivalent scope to 12 credit points at advanced postgraduate level.


The research component of the program has the dual aims of developing research expertise within the student, as well as developing an understanding of the role of research in professional practice. Students will be required to select research projects that have a management, application and/or a multi-disciplinary focus, and will be required to have an industry-based co-supervisor.

6. Candidates will be required to undertake original research, and will choose research topics with an applied, management or multidisciplinary focus.

7. The research projects will be undertaken with links to industry practice through co-supervision. These co-supervisory arrangements are a requirement of the program.

8. Given the likely part-time stautus of most students enrolling in the program, the preferred model for the research component is a portfolio of short projects, leading to publications. The professional placement report should be included within this portfolio.


The normal time for completion of the course is three years.

10. The maximum time for completion of the course is five years.

11. The total maximum amount of time a student can take as leave of absence from the course is 12 months.

12. The time to confirmation of candidature is six months after completion of coursework.

13. The timing of the pre-completion seminar is six months before submitting the research portfolio.


The length of the thesis/dissertation is 50,000 words.

15. Professional placement: The student will be required to submit a written report on the project undertaken during the professional placement. This report will not be graded but will be reviewed by the Placement Mentor who will:

A candidate whose Professional Placement report is deemed inadequate by the Placement Coodinator may be invited to re-work and re-submit their report until the goals are met. This process is analagous to those that may occur in the workplace.

The final Professional Placement report and Mentor’s report will be included in the candidate’s research portfolio and examined accordingly.


Students are entitled for Recognition of Prior Learning but will have to produce a Professional Placement report for inclusion in their reseach portfolio. Advanced standing is not available for the research portfolio component of the course.


The degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology (owner of the degree) and the Graduate Research School.


1. The higher doctorate degrees listed in the Schedule below are designed to give formal public recognition of career achievements which represent substantial, original and distinguished contributions to knowledge. Candidates for the Higher Doctorate are assessed on the basis of published work judged by national and international peers as an indication of the candidate’s authoritative standing in his/her field.

2. A candidate for these degrees shall be:

3. Application for candidature shall normally be made in writing to the faculty and shall include particulars of his/her research achievements and of the work to be submitted for the degree.

4. The faculty shall appoint a Panel:

5. The expert Panel will include at least three nominees of appropriate standing from the discipline of the application, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty, the Dean, Postgraduate Studies and the Chair, Academic Board. In reviewing the application, the Panel shall recommend to the Faculty:

6. If the faculty approves the subject or subjects of the work and the candidate proceeds with the submission, the Panel shall nominate three external examiners, including at least one international examiner, of appropriate standing.

7. To qualify for the degree, the candidate shall provide satisfactory evidence that he/she has made an original contribution of distinguished merit adding to the knowledge or understanding of his/her discipline.

8. The candidate in submitting published works shall state generally in a preface and specifically in notes the main sources from which the information is derived and the extent to which the candidate has made use of the work of others, especially where joint publications are concerned. The candidate may also signify in general terms the portions of the work claimed as original. Any part of the work submitted for a degree in this or any other university shall not be accepted.

9. The candidate shall lodge with the Graduate Research School, four copies of the work for examination. If the work is accepted for the degree, one copy will be transmitted to the University Library.

10. The Panel appointed by the faculty will consider the examiners’ reports and make recommendations to the faculty and the Academic Board concerning the award of the degree.

11. A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements shall be recommended for the award of the appropriate higher doctorate degree.


Higher Doctorate Faculty
Doctor of BusinessLaw, Business and the Creative Arts
Doctor of Commerce Law, Business and the Creative Arts
Doctor of EconomicsLaw, Business and the Creative Arts
Doctor of Educational Studies Arts, Education and Social Sciences
Doctor of Engineering Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Doctor of LawsLaw, Business and the Creative Arts
Doctor of Letters Arts, Education and Social Sciences
Doctor of MedicineMedicine, Health and Molecular Sciences
Doctor of Science Science, Engineering and Information Technology


Since 1994, James Cook University has entered into a number of conjoint arrangements which provides an opportunity for James Cook University students to study for their joint doctoral thesis in a significantly improved research training environment or for overseas students to undertake their joint doctoral thesis at their own institution and James Cook University.


A candidate who wishes to be considered for PhD candidature, under a conjoint agreement, must submit a formal application to the proposed partner institution and to the Board of Higher Degrees by Research. The application should state the academic reasons for the arrangement and detail the proposed administrative arrangements for negotiation by the two institutions.


The agreement approved for the conjoint study arrangement is listed below:

A separate conjoint agreement must be drawn up between the two participating institutions in respect of each candidate detailing the specific arrangements pertaining to each individual candidature. Normally such agreements take effect from the beginning of each candidature.