James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003

Bachelor of Social Science in Environmental Studies

Townsville, Cairns

The objectives of this course are two-fold:

Students must complete

A total of at least 54 units must be taken from Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects, with a minimum of 27 from Table 1a, and all other requirements of the BSocSc (Environmental Studies) must be met.

The following core subjects must be completed along with selected subjects from one of the chosen supporting disciplines/fields of study listed below. Students should consult with the relevant Heads of Schools in selecting these subjects.

level 1

EV1001:03 Introduction to Environmental Science
EV1004:03 Foundations of Environmental Studies (Townsville)
GE1300:03 Introduction to Human Geography (Townsville)
GE1350:03 Society, Space and the Environment (Cairns)
At least 6 units of level 1 subjects from chosen supporting discipline.

level 2

EV2002:03 Environmental Law and Policy
EV2003:03 Introduction to Environmental Economics
PY2109:03 Environmental Psychology (Cairns only)
At least 8 units of level 2 subjects from chosen supporting discipline.

level 3

EV3001:03 Environmental and Regional Planning
EV3002:03 Environmental Impact Assessment
EV3003:03 Teamwork for Environment Professionals (Townsville)
EV3205:03 Conserving Tropical Rainforests (Cairns)
EV5252:03 Indigenous Environmental Management in Australia (Cairns)
At least 8 units of level 3 subjects from chosen supporting discipline.

level 4

EV5008:03 Professional Vacation Placement (or equivalent) – selected students only
(Honours level students only)
EV4003:12 Environmental Science Honours Project
EV5007:03 Contemporary Approaches to Research in Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography
Honours subject code for chosen supporting discipline
Subjects to a total value of 35 units chosen from the Master Schedule of Subjects and in accordance with the Award Requirements.
Supporting disciplines
Anthropology; Archaeology; Cultural Heritage Studies; Human Geography; History; Political Science; Psychology; Resource Management; Sociology; Spatial Analysis; Welfare Studies.