James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Education

Doctor of Psychology

Doctor of Public Health

Higher Doctorate

Co-tutelles Arrangements between James Cook University and other Institutions



In these Requirements —

Qualifications for enrolment

A person may be permitted to enrol for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy if:

Procedure for application for candidature

A person wishing to enrol for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:




Confirmation of candidature

Generic skills training

Duration of candidature

Attendance at the University

Progress Reports

Final Year (Exit) Seminar Presentation


Examination of thesis

Show Cause Procedure


* If there are personal circumstances which will delay completion, the candidate should consider suspending their candidature. Full-time candidates may also consider changing their candidature to part-time.


1.  The degree of Doctor of Education may be undertaken in the School of Education.

2.  A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Education if that person has practised in education or a related field approved by the Head of School of Education for a minimum of three years and has:

3.  A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the BPS, on the recommendation of the Head of School of Education, for each year of candidature.

4.  The period of candidature normally shall be a minimum of three years and a maximum of six years.

5.  Evaluation

A portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

6.  Candidates are encouraged to publish work during candidature and published works may be included in the portfolio provided they or their substantive content have not been submitted for credit for another academic qualification.

7.  An original and three copies of the portfolio must be submitted to the Research Students Office for examination.

8.  The portfolio will be examined by three examiners, at least two of whom must be external to the University. One of the external examiners may be an appropriately qualified professional from the education field.

9.  The BPS will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of School of Education.

10.  Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the Head of School of Education to the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee (BPSC).

11.  Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Education program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

12.  The BPS, on the recommendation of the examiners may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

13.  The BPS, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the Head of School of Education, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Education.

14.  Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

15.  If the degree is awarded, the original of the portfolio shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Education.

16.  Credit for previous studies

Up to one year of advanced standing is permitted for previous work deemed to be at doctoral level by the Head of School of Education in consultation with the Director of Postgraduate Studies and any research or scholarly products from this work may be submitted as part of the portfolio up to a maximum of 10,000 words.

17.1  Supervision of candidates

A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Education shall be assigned a supervisor who shall be a member of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one associate supervisor will be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need to be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the BPSC, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

17.2  Supervisors and associate supervisors will work collaboratively with the academic teams responsible for each of the structured research tasks.

17.3  A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

17.4  The supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School of Education, the c andidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the BPS the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.

18.  Recommendation for the award of the degree

A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the BPS for the award of the Doctor of Education.


1.  The degree of Doctor of Psychology may be undertaken in the School of Psychology.

2.  A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Psychology if that person has:

3.  A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the Board of Postgraduate Studies (BPS), on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Psychology for each year of candidature.

4.  The period of candidature normally shall be a mimimum of three years and a maximum of six years.

5.  Evaluation

A thesis of not less than 30,000 words and not more than 50,000 words must be submitted for examination. The thesis must constitute a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in psychology.

6.  An original and three copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Research Students Office for examination.

7.  The thesis will be examined by three examiners, at least two of whom must be external to the University. One of the external examiners may be an appropriately qualified professional psychologist.

8.  The BPS will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of the School of Psychology.

9.  Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the Head of the School of Psychology to the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee (BPSC).

10.  Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Psychology program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the course to be assessed through the material they examine.

11.  The BPS, on the recommendation of the examiners may require the candidate to undertake a further written or oral examination on the topics covered in the portfolio.

12.  The BPS, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, the award of the degree subject to revision of the thesis to the satisfaction of the Head of the School of Psychology, not award the degree, appoint another examiner, invite the candidate to resubmit the thesis for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the thesis or parts thereof either rewritten or containing further research material for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Psychology.

13.  Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

14.  If the degree is awarded, the original of the thesis shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy shall be kept in the School of Psychology.

15.1  Credit for previous studies

Students who have successfully completed subjects that form part of the DPsych while enrolled in other postgraduate courses at the University, will receive full transfer of credit for those subjects. Students can obtain credit for DPsych subjects taken as part of a conferred postgraduate certificate or postgraduate diploma, but they must relinquish that qualification prior to conferral of the DPsych.

15.2  Students enrolled in any postgraduate psychology course at the University, who satisfy the requirements for admission to the DPsych, may apply to transfer to the DPsych program at any time with credit for subjects completed that form part of the DPsych. Students who are not otherwise qualified for entry to the DPsych, may apply to transfer only after they have completed all level 5000 subjects plus PY6001 Practicum 1 and only if they have achieved a Distinction average in all completed coursework subjects. Masters students granted permission to transfer to the DPsych, who are enrolled in PY6006 Research Dissertation, will need to withdraw from that subject and enrol in PY6009 Doctoral Research Thesis 1.

15.3  Students who have completed subjects that are part of an APS-accredited postgraduate program at another Australian university may apply to credit those subjects towards the DPsych degree at the University. Credit normally will be granted where a subject completed elsewhere is, in the opinion of the Director of Clinical and Professional Programs and the Head of School, equivalent in content and standard to a subject that forms part of the University's DPsych program.

15.4  Applicants who already hold an APS-accredited Master of Psychology degree, or its equivalent – whether from the University or elsewhere – must complete, in addition, PY6009:09 Doctoral Research Thesis 1; PY6101:15 Doctoral Research Thesis 2; PY6102:06 Advanced Practicum 2; PY6017:03 Advanced Geropsychology and PY6103:03 or PY6104:03 or PY6105:03 or PY6106:03 Doctoral Seminars in their chosen specialisation; and any other subjects required to complete the prescribed course for their chosen specialisation. The doctoral research project must be on a topic distinctively different from that submitted for their Master of Psychology degree.

15.5  Applications for credit for previous studies and for transfer between postgraduate programs shall be subject to the approval of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies.

16.1  Supervision of candidates

A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Psychology shall be assigned a supervisor who shall be a member of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one associate supervisor may be appointed because of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need to be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the Postgraduate Studies Committee, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

16.2  Supervisors and associate supervisors will work collaboratively with the academic teams responsible for each of the structured research tasks.

16.3  A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

16.4  The supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of the School of Psychology, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the BPS the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.

17.  Continuation of candidature

A candidate for the Doctor of Psychology degree must maintain a Distinction rolling average in all coursework subjects to remain in the course. In this context, the rolling average is the mean grade obtained by the candidate in all completed subjects at any given point in the course.

18.  Transfer of credit

To provide appropriate exit options in the event of withdrawal from the degree for any reason, subjects successfully completed while enrolled in the DPsych can be credited towards any other single University postgraduate qualification for which those subjects are specified or allowed.

19.  Recommendation for the award of the degree

A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these regulations together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended to the BPS for the award of Doctor of Psychology.


1.  The degree of Doctor of Public Health may be undertaken in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

2.  A person may enrol for the degree of Doctor of Public Health if that person has practised in a relevant health-related area for a minimum of five years and:

3.  A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the Board of Postgraduate Studies upon the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, for each year of candidature.

4.  The period of candidature shall be a minimum of six and a maximum of ten semesters full-time equivalent study, except where approved by the Board of Postgraduate Studies, upon the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.


Coursework component

5.1  A candidate shall complete 24, 36 or 48 units of coursework, from approved subjects listed in the Handbook of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, of which at least 24 units should be completed in the core areas of public health specialisation, from the approved list given in the Handbook of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

5.2  A candidate may include up to a maximum of 12 units of Masters level coursework provided that these units have not also been credited towards another award, as approved by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

Research component

5.3  A candidate shall complete 24, 36 or 48 units for a research and/or development project culminating in a thesis.

Assessment and Evaluation procedures

5.4  Assessment procedures will include a thesis and may include any of the following: dissertation, assignments, research project and report papers, publications, viva voce examinations, written examinations, tutorial, seminar and conference presentations, project and placement reports, exegesis, and assessment of clinical work.

5.5  A thesis may not be submitted by a candidate earlier than three semesters or later than ten semesters from the date of initial enrolment, provided that in special circumstances, the BPS may on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine grant an extension or a variation to this requirement, provided that the candidate has passed all the required coursework.

5.6  The original and two copies of the thesis shall be submitted to the Research Student’s Office.

5.7  Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the thesis, provided that they have not been submitted to support or form part of all of the thesis for another academic qualification.

5.8  The BPS, on advice from the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, shall appoint three examiners of whom at least two shall be external to the University.

5.9  The BPS, on the recommendation of the Examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or oral examination or both on the topic of the thesis.

5.10  The BPS, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree; the award of the degree subject to revision of the thesis to the satisfaction of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine; not award the degree; appoint another examiner; invite the candidate to resubmit the thesis for an appropriate Masters degree, or require the candidate to resubmit the thesis either rewritten or containing further research material for the degree of Doctor of Public Health.

5.11  If the degree is awarded, the original of the thesis shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy of the thesis and supporting material shall be kept at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

6.  Credit for previous studies

A candidate who has satisfactorily completed coursework at this or another University or completed research and development work which is deemed by the BPS, on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed for this degree may be granted credit for prior learning by the BPS, subject only to the requirement that a candidate must complete at least 50% of the study and/or work for the Doctor of Public Health while enrolled in the degree at this University and has not been counted as part of another award.

7.1  Supervision of candidates

A candidate enrolled for the thesis shall be assigned a supervisor who shall be a member of the academic staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University. At least one Associate Supervisor will be appointed on account of their professional experience, expertise and their special knowledge of the candidate’s approved program of study. Associate Supervisors need not be staff members of this University but should have appropriate professional experience and expertise.

7.2  With the approval of the BPS on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, another associate supervisor may be appointed with appropriate professional experience and expertise to ensure effective supervision of the candidate during any periods spent elsewhere than at the University.

7.3  A candidate must maintain at least quarterly contact with the School as required by the candidate’s supervisor.

7.4  The supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may recommend to the BPS termination or other action as the Head deems necessary.

8.  A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these Requirement together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the Unviersity shall be recommended to the BPS for the award of the Doctor of Public Health.


1.  The higher doctorate degrees listed in the Schedule below may be awarded for original work of distinction which constitutes a substantial contribution to the knowledge and understanding of any branch or branches of learning with which the corresponding faculty is concerned.

2.  A candidate for these degrees shall be:

  1. a graduate of the corresponding bachelor degree in the Schedule below of not less than seven years’ standing; or
  2. a graduate of another university, whose qualifications are deemed to be equivalent to those in Requirement 2(a) and who satisfies the faculty that he or she is justified in seeking the degree from this University rather than from another university. Such graduates will be expected to have had at least two years’ active involvement with scholarly research within this University; or
  3. in the case of a Doctor of Engineering or Doctor of Science, a graduate of another faculty of this University, admitted ad eundem statum for the purpose of becoming a candidate for the degree.

3.  Application for candidature shall normally be made in writing to the Registrar for transmission to the faculty and shall include three (3) copies of the work which it is proposed to submit for examination, together with statements of:

  1. the academic qualifications of the applicant;
  2. the extent to which the applicant was responsible for the initiation, conduct and direction of any such conjoint research as resulted in a portion or the whole of the work submitted;
  3. which portions, if any, of the work submitted have been used by the applicant to obtain a higher degree of any university.

4.  The faculty, on the advice of a sub-committee of the faculty which shall include the Head of the School to which the candidate’s research is most closely linked, shall determine whether the applicant shall be allowed to proceed to candidature. The applicant shall be informed of the decision of the faculty at this stage.

5.  The work submitted by the candidate shall be examined by three examiners, at least two of whom shall be from outside this University.

6.  The faculty shall appoint a sub-committee to consider the examiners’ reports and to make recommendations concerning the award of the degree.

7.  A candidate who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements shall be recommended for the award of the appropriate higher doctorate degree.


Higher Doctorate Faculty Bachelor Degree
Doctor of Letters Arts, Education and Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts
Doctor of Commerce Law, Business and the Creative Arts Bachelor of Commerce
Doctor of Economics Law, Business and the Creative Arts Bachelor of Economics
Doctor of Educational Studies Arts, Education and Social Sciences Bachelor of Education
Doctor of Engineering Science and Engineering Bachelor of Engineering
Doctor of Medicine Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery
Doctor of Science Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science


Since 1994, James Cook University has entered into a number of co-tutelle arrangements which provides an opportunity for James Cook University students to study for their joint doctoral thesis in a significantly improved research training environment or for overseas students to undertake their joint doctoral thesis at their own institution and James Cook University.

Application for candidature under a Co-tutelle Agreement

A candidate who wishes to be considered for PhD candidature, under a co-tutelle agreement, must submit a formal application to the proposed partner institution and to the Board of Postgraduate Studies. The application should state the academic reasons for the arrangement and detail the proposed administrative arrangements for negotiation by the two institutions.

The Agreement

The agreement approved for the co-tutelle study arrangement is listed below:

A separate co-tutelle agreement must be drawn up between the two participating institutions in respect of each candidate detailing the specific arrangements pertaining to each individual candidature. Normally such agreements take effect from the beginning of each candidature.