James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2001


Joint English Honours

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: 12 units of level 3 EL subjects including EL3005 and EL3025 (Townsville); sunstantial achievement in 3 levels of EL subjects (Cairns)
Inadmissable Subject Combination: EL4001 EL4002 EL4003 EL4005

Full year.

Arrangements can be made for combined honours programs with other schools in the Faculty. Students should consult the appropriate heads of schools and lecturers in charge of Honours programs.

One of the component parts of EL4001 and a portion of a joint honours thesis.

Subject content and learning objectives as per EL4003 and relevant component of EL4001.

Assessment by one seminar paper of 3,000 words (20%); seminar participation (10%); a four-hour examination (20%); thesis (joint) (50%).