James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Image Making – Darkroom to Digital


Inadmissable Subject Combination: PT1510 PT1710 VA1720 VA1711 VA1721

13 lectures/tutorials, 39 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to all students except Bachelor of Photography students.

Staff: Ms K Heritage.

This subject provides an introduction to the creation of photographc images. Students will explore both traditional darkroom black and white film processing and printing techniques, as well as gain a basic understanding of the exciting possibilities of contemporary computer based digital image manipulation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. improve and refine competency in the use of 35mm manual cameras;
  2. acquire basic expertise in the processing and printing of black and white photographic materials;
  3. explore the use of a variety of black and white darkroom image modification techniques;
  4. acquire basic expertise in the use of computers, image scanners, and Adobe Photoshop in manipulating photographic images;
  5. develop and demonstrate an understanding of safe and responsible work procedures and of the hazards associated with photographic chemistry and darkroom equipment.

Assessment will be progressive comprising four assignments (25% each). Practical work from students with an attendance of less than 80% will not be eligible for assessment unless prior approval has been obtained in writing from the lecturer in charge.
