James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Black & White Processing and Printing


Prerequisites: PT1710 or equivalent

13 lectures, 39 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to Bachelor of Photography students.

Staff: Mr G Evans.

This subject will introduce students to the processing of a range of B&W photographic materials and establish their proficiency in basic darkroom procedures and safe working practices. Accurate processing of B&W sensitised materials including panchromatic, orthochromatic and infrared films and fibre and resin-coated papers, as well as processing procedures that produce special effects will be examined. Topics to be covered include types and functions of different B&W films and developers; types and functions of different B&W photographic papers and developers; use and operation of condenser and diffusion enlargers of different film formats; a range of special effects such as texture screens, Sabattier Effect, toning, spray and brush developing, burning, dodging and vignetting; advanced printing techniques such as use of split filtration; safe working practices for chemical handling and darkroom procedures.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain a thorough knowledge of B&W sensitised materials and their uses;
  2. develop competency in processing a wide range of 35mm films;
  3. develop competency in B&W printing and processing including a range of specialised techniques;
  4. demonstrate a working knowledge of safe work practices to be employed in B&W darkroom and chemical preparation procedures.

Assessment by four practical assignments (80%); practical B&W printing test (20%). Late submission of assessment items will attract penalties unless an extension has been granted in writing by the lecturer and work submitted by students with an attendance rate of less than 80% may not be eligible for assessment without prior written approval from the lecturer.
