James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Fundamental Physics


Prerequisites: Senior Maths B and Physics or Maths C
Inadmissable Subject Combination: PH1000 PH1011 PH1220

39 lectures, 13 tutorials, 39 hours laboratory/ workshops. Second semester.

This subject starts with the classical physics of electricity, magnetism and optics and finishes with an introduction to Albert Einstein’s relativity and quantum physics which covers the foundation of physics on which the semiconductor revolution in electronics and computers is based. PH1005 and PH1006 together provide an understanding of the fundamental physics upon which almost all science and engineering is based. Physics is the most applied of all the basic science disciplines. It is the laws of physics which dictate the way the Universe works and it is upon the knowledge of physics accumulated over the last couple of centuries, that the profession of engineering is largely based.

Assessment by an end of semester examination; on course tests; tutorial problem solving; laboratory work.
