James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Introductory Physics


Prerequisites: Senior Maths B and Physics or Maths C
Inadmissable Subject Combination: PH1000 PH1011

39 lectures, 13 tutorials, 39 hours laboratory/ workshops. First semester; flexible delivery second semester.

This subject covers mechanics and thermodynamics and forms the basis for further studies in physics and related disciplines and allows access to the more challenging and interesting jobs that are based on the discipline. The subject is taught with a high degree of rigour and contains a high level of mathematical analysis. It is designed for students with an OP10 or better. Students who do not have this level of preparation will be encouraged to consider PH1001 to build their foundation in physics. Teaching is focussed on small groups, particularly during tutorials and a high level of assistance and encouragement is available.

Assessment by an end of semester examination; on course tests; tutorial problem solving; laboratory work.
