James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Japanese 3: Intermediate


Prerequisites: JA2002 JA2012 or equivalent
Inadmissable Subject Combination: JA2121 JA3011 JA3111 JA3121

39 practicals. First semester.

Staff: Mr G Kutash.

Students will revise and learn new communicative skills at a higher level of sophistication than those encountered at level 2. They will be using a great deal of authentic material, such as Japanese TV programs and text from the print media. Major topics will include seeking and giving advice, expressing hearsay, aim and purpose, resolutions. Some tasks will require summarising and discussing the content of Japanese TV dramas and documentaries both in speech and writing. Students will be expected to be familiar with 250 of the most frequently used Kanji characters on completion of this subject. Studying for this subject combines individual study and attending practicals. Assessment by oral/aural and written examinations: listening (25%); speaking (25%); reading (25%); writing (25%).
