James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Primary Curriculum and Teaching Studies 1


Prerequisites: (LD2220 or ED2101) (PD2210 or ED2111)
Inadmissable Subject Combination: ED3090 ED3092 ED3093 ED3190 ED3190 ED3191 ED3191 ED3201

36 teleconferences, 25 days field work. Full year

Available to RATEP students only.

Staff: Dr P McNally.

This subject assists students to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for teaching competently within P-10 curriculum, with particular emphasis on science, physical education and social education. A central component is 25 days of professional experience.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop competence in the use of the instructional skills and strategies required of a teacher in the P-10 curriculum. These include, among others, the ability to plan, implement those plans, evaluate children’s progress towards curriculum objectives and to establish and manage an effective learning environment;
  2. to develop the particular instructional competence needed to achieve equity in educational outcomes for a diverse group of children within science, physical education and social education;
  3. to develop a reflective and analytical view of teaching, and especially the students’ own teaching;
  4. to develop the ability and desire to work collaboratively with colleagues (student teachers, supervising teachers during professional experience) as a basis for long-term professional development.

Assessment: Semester 1 — social education project (25%); micro teaching report (10%); examination physical education (25%); Semester 2 — learning centre (15%); examination science education (25%). Assessment in this subject for all students enrolled in an education program shall be in accordance with the Assessment of Professional Experience Policy as specified in the student handbook.
