James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Language Arts in Primary School


Prerequisites: LD1020 or ED1421
Inadmissable Subject Combination: ED2192

39 lectures, 13 hours workshops, 13 hours other. Second semester in RATEP mode.

Available to RATEP students only.

Staff: Dr G Ward.

This subject introduces the major concepts and structures of the Queensland English 1-10 Curriculum, and principles and practices in teaching of English Language Arts. It aims to equip students with an understanding of language in use and language learning and how English language processes and abilities may be fostered within school programs.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understand the nature of English Language Arts teaching within the guidelines of the Queensland English Syllabus 1-10;
  2. understand the principles of planning within a Context-Text model;
  3. knowledge of a range of effective strategies for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening and related aspects of the English program;
  4. knowledge of a range of important genres and approaches for teaching them;
  5. knowledge of a range of children’s books suitable for classroom use and of a variety of non-book materials which can be used to enhance literacy learning;
  6. knowledge of some aspects of evaluation and assessment, particularly the use of portfolios and observation of reading behaviours;
  7. increased understanding of themselves as readers, speakers, writers, listeners, spellers.

Assessment by planning activities for classroom use of text 1,000 words (20%), text critique on journal article and community text (1,000 words) (20%), self-assessment on participation and other activities (10%) and a three-hour examination (50%).
