Marine Invertebrate Biology
HECS Band 2
26 hours lectures, 5 hours tutorials, 33 hours practicals, 8 hours field work. Semester 2. Students will be required to attend lectures, practicals, tutorials and field trips in MB2080.
Available to GDipResMeth, GCertResMeth, GDipSc, MAppSc and MSc students.
Staff: Ms G Brodie.
This subject covers the biology and taxonomy of those invertebrate groups that have a significant representation and diversity in the marine environment. Field and laboratory techniques for identifying difficult groups will be included and there is a strong focus on tropical fauna. A diversity of marine invertebrate phyla will be studied through an integrated series of lectures, practicals, tutorials and field trips.
Learning Objectives:
- become familiar with a wide range of marine invertebrate phyla and their tropical representatives;
- develop a working knowledge of the features used to identify marine invertebrate groups;
- recognise the biological and environmental significance of invertebrates;
- develop a high level of information retrieval and oral discussion skills.
Assessment by a practical/field book, group discussion tutorials and course project.