Marine Invertebrate Biology
HECS Band 2
26 hours lectures, 5 hours tutorials, 33 hours practicals, 8 hours field work. Semester 2.
Staff: Ms G Brodie.
Subject will extend basic invertebrate knowledge into those groups that have a significant representation and diversity in the marine environment. Field and laboratory techniques for identifying difficult marine invertebrate groups will be reviewed. Marine phyla will be closely studied through an integrated series of lectures, practicals, tutorials and field trips.
Learning Objectives:
- to provide thorough training in the taxonomic and functional morphological diversity of marine invertebrates;
- to increase the field and hands-on laboratory experience of students, particularly observational and recording expertise;
- to develop subject specific library and information retrieval skills.
Assessment by a three-hour examination (50%); practical/field book (35%); tutorials (15%).