James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000




Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: Consult HOS
Inadmissable Subject Combination: BS2001 BZ2400

30 lectures, 26 tutorials, 12 hours workshops. First semester.

Available to students enrolled for the degrees of MSc (including MSc Qualifying), MAppSc, BAppSc or Graduate Diplomas.

Staff: Dr R Rowe (Townsville campus), Dr J Seymour (Cairns campus).

An introduction to the statistical analysis of experimental and field data for students without particular training in higher mathematics. Topics include distributions, contingency tables, analysis of variance, regression, correlation, non-parametric statistics and packaged computer programs. Students will normally be required to attend BS2001 (Townsville), BZ2400 (Cairns) lectures and tutorials.

Learning Objectives:

  1. development of skills in selecting and applying appropriate analytical methods to biological and ecological data;
  2. familiarisation with appropriate data management, analytical and graphical software;
  3. development of skills in the design, execution and reporting of biological and ecological experiments and survey programs.

Assessment by examination; assignments.
