James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Drawing 3


Prerequisites: VA2121

78 hours practicals. Full year.

Available to all students subject to prerequisites.

Staff: Mr R Preston.

The subject will encompass the rounding out and deepening of the previous two years of study with particular emphasis being placed in drawing as a design tool, an investigative and expressive means and a powerful perceptual and technical discipline.

The employment and integration of media and heightening of skills development will be reviewed in relation to form and content.

Synthesis — content, structure and style will be examined; strategies for formulating and realising complex abstract and narrative ideas and concepts; the translation and manipulation of the autographic image through electronic media; the presentation and development of visual research and thought experiences; the use of a wide range of subject/object material, including the human figure to deepen the individual’s knowledge of theoretical and formal concerns in drawing.

Learning Objectives:

  1. acquire conceptual skills and a very high level of technical expertise which will allow a command of graphic visual language and which demonstrate individual investigation and expressivity;
  2. attain and deepen understanding of the creative and technical use of media in relation to image making and design functions;
  3. evolve strategies for undertaking synthesising and presenting visual research thoughts, experiences and investigations;
  4. research and devise strategies for the realisation of narrative pictorial concepts through the employment of abstract design to constructs;
  5. further development in the ability to translate and manipulate a finished autographic image into a fully realised mature graphic product;
  6. research at practical and conceptual levels in the interrelationship of structure, style and content;
  7. exposure to a variety of subject and object matter including the figure with a view to providing technical and conceptual tools which will enhance aspects of students specialist study.

Continuous assessment of studio techniques notebook (20%); a body of work based on contractual agreement assessed through the year at progressive stages. This will include studio practice (40%) and work resulting from an individual research proposal (40%). All elements of the subject must be satisfactorily completed.
