James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Drawing 2


Prerequisites: VA1111

78 hours practicals. Full year.

Staff: Mr J Brown.

This subject will encompass a study of spatial relationships, composition and media handling skills with emphasis on life drawing.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understand and develop a range of mark making procedures;
  2. be competent in the manipulation of a variety of different media;
  3. have a working knowledge of the various historical/contemporary methods of representing two-dimensional space;
  4. have the necessary technical skills to represent human form from specific objective/view points.

Assessment will be based on the average grade of prescribed folios of drawings. The folios will be of equal mark-weighting and will be assessed at progressive stages throughout the year. An attendance of 80% of classes will be required to pass this subject (unless prior arrangement has been made in writing and signed by the relevant lecturer). All elements of the subject will be completed. Four Major Assignments (20% each) (80%); participation and attendance (10%); research journal (10%).
