James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Creative Photographic Lighting


Prerequisites: PT1610 PT1710
Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA2192 VA2740

26 hours practicals, 13 hours workshops. First semester.

Available to Bachelor of Photography students.

Staff: Mr C Hutchison.

This subject comprises a study of the fundamentals of photographic lighting. Students will learn how to apply the theory to practical lighting situations. Topics to be covered include: control of available light; use and operation of tungsten studio lighting; use and operation of portable and studio electronic flash units; principles of lighting; form of light; contrast control; types of light.

  1. gain an understanding of the theoretical concepts of lighting;
  2. develop an understanding of the role of light and shadow in the creation of visual form and texture;
  3. ability to apply this theory to the practical modification and manipulation of lighting.

Assessment by two practical assignments (50%); written examination (25%); research project (15%); practical lighting demonstration (10%). Late submission of assessment items will attract penalties unless an extension has been granted in writing by the lecturer and work submitted by students with an attendance rate of less than 80% may not be eligible for assessment without prior written approval from the lecturer.
