James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Research Practice


Prerequisites: Distinction level in (MU3302 or MU3312) and MU3303 or MU3313
Inadmissable Subject Combination: MU4012 MU4022

Contact hours as negotiated with the Head of College through the supervisor. Full year.

Available, at the discretion of the Head of College, to all students with a Bachelor of Music or equivalent qualification undertaking the Bachelor of Music Honours (Research) degree.


Head, College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre.

Following consultation with their supervisor/s, students will be required to undertake practical activities appropriate to their area of study.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop each student’s practical and research skills.

Assessment by:

Instrumental students: Performance of (a) a full public recital — normally of no longer than 60 minutes duration; (b) a concerto performance with orchestra or piano; (c) a lecture recital of 45 minutes.

Voice students: Performance of full public recitals consisting of (a) a Song Cycle of approximately 20 minutes duration, or, a set of Arias — one of which must be from Handel and approximately 20 minutes duration; (b) two recitals each of approximately 40 minutes duration.

Composition/Music Technology students: A major composition or portfolio of compositions which must (a) demonstrate an ability to write in either a single or large form - this should normally be for orchestra, or a variety of small orchestras and would generally contain at least one work for full orchestra; (b) offer evidence of originality of thought; (c) present appropriately in a clear, legible manuscript; (d) be of at least 20 minutes performing duration.

Theory students: Students will research an approved topic culminating in the presentation of a thesis of 20,000 words or appropriate papers in lieu.
