James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Analysis of Practice


Prerequisites: Credit level in MU3302 or MU3312 and Distinction level in MU3303 or MU3313
Inadmissable Subject Combination: MU4011 MU4021

Contact hours as negotiated with the Head of College through the supervisor. Full year.

Available, at the discretion of the Head of College, to all students with a Bachelor of Music or equivalent qualification undertaking the Bachelor of Music Honours (Practice) degree.


Head, College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre.

The research paper offers the candidate the opportunity to reflect critically upon the creative process and product in its broader aesthetic and technical context consistent with sound honours level study.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop the technical and aesthetic aspects of performance;
  2. develop a critical appraisal and evaluation of current research in music;
  3. become familiar with a range of research techniques;
  4. further abilities in working as an independent researcher and musician by following an individual program of research.

Assessment by undertaking a number of tasks by negotiation with their supervisor relating to the analysis of their practice both prospectively and retrospectively.
