James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Creating Music 3B


Prerequisites: MU3421
Inadmissable Subject Combination: MU3312

26 lectures, 13 hours workshops. Second semester.

Available to BMus students.


Dr S Campbell.

Students will gain an appreciation of film music from the 1950s through to the present and an understanding of the various functions of music in film, television and radio. This subject concludes the previous studies in orchestraton, with the arrangement of musical themes for full orchestra. Students will develop practical skills in music creation in a weekly workshop and through the development of multi-media presentations.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain an understanding of techniques used in the composition of film music and music for television and radio;
  2. gain an understanding of techniques used in the orchestration and arrangement of music for film, television and radio;
  3. gain a practical knowledge of composing music for film, television and radio through the development of multi-media works.

Assessment by composition project; portfolio (40%); presentation/performance (30%); orchestration (20%); attendance/participation (10%).
