James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Indigenous Australian Issues 2

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: IA1015 IA1016 IA2015

26 lectures, 26 tutorials. Second semester on-campus and flexible delivery (Townsville campus); second semester flexible delivery (Cairns campus).

Staff: Mr J Scott.

This subject will use the most relevant up to date reports, compiled largely by Indigenous peoples to examine the legal issues facing Indigenous Australians today. This content will allow students to apply the skills from Unit 1 – a rights-based approach to human rights and social justice–to legal issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, today.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain an understanding of the historical, political, social and cultural frameworks of Indigenous affairs (in the Australian context);
  2. develop a rights-based terms of reference in critically analysing government policies towards Indigenous Australians;
  3. develop an understanding of the unique nature of Indigenous Legal Issues;
  4. gain an understanding of the complex social and legal issues facing Indigenous Australians in contemporary Australia.
  5. gain a knowledge of human rights and social justice and the role of advocacy in promoting Indigenous well-being through law reform.

Assessment by attendance (10%); participation (10%); journal (activities-based) (30%); oral seminar (20%); formal academic writing (30%).
