James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Applied Illustration Major Study 6


Prerequisites: GA3112 GA3122
Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA3190

13 lectures, 52 hours workshops. Second semester.

Staff: Ms K Carter.

An introduction to digital illustration theory and practice. This is the sixth unit of a six semester advanced program for students studying illustration. Students enrolled in this subject will undertake a series of lectures, tutorials and practical exercises designed to develop a broad understanding of the function, philosophy and role of digital illustration in contemporary society. Emphasis will be given to the development of an analytical approach to the creative visual process, building upon the student’s pre-established foundation level understanding of core illustration activities.

Studies will include: introduction to page layout applications; analytical studies of digital imagery; professional presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. demonstrate substantial creative and visual digital techniques;
  2. demonstrate a basic understanding of computer animation;
  3. concentration on and further development of personal style with the use of various computer applications;
  4. utilise available computer software and information resources for creative, research and technical purposes.

Assessment by tutorial presentation (20%); three practical assignments (60%); visual journal (20%). Attendance of 80% at practical workshops is required to pass this subject unless prior arrangement has been made with the lecturer, academic adviser or Head of College.
