James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Design in Contemporary Society


Prerequisites: GA2020
Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA3231 VA3232 VA3241 VA3242

26 lectures, 26 tutorials. Full year.

Staff: Ms S Albanus.

Students will explore a range of issue and topics varying from the psychology of Sigmund Freud, the structures of myths, popular music and postmodern theory, fashion and feminism, symbolic creativity and the practice of everyday life to “high” culture revisited.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide students with a map of the development of the study of popular culture across a wide field of cultural theory drawn from the postdisciplinary perspective of cultural studies. The cultural field is defined by the struggle to articulate, disarticulate and rearticulate cultural texts and practices for particular ideologies and politics.

Assessment by journal/notebook/diary (30%); tutorials/participation (30%); project/essay/presentation (40%).
