James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*French 3 Advanced


Prerequisites: FR3121

26 lectures, 26 tutorials. Second semester.

Available to students who have passed FR3121 or have an equivalent knowledge of French.

Staff: Dr C Mann.

General French language appropriate to the objective outlined below.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to take students to a level of basic ‘vocational’ proficiency (approximately 3 on the ISLPR scale). Students will be able to handle confidently telephone conversations, to detect certain nuances from the French (rather than from extra-linguistics clues), such as irony or admiration. News items on television will be well understood, as well as from weekly news magazines such as L’Express. Novels will only occasionally present difficulties of idiom and vocabulary. Students will generally use a wide range of complex sentence structures accurately and be able to vary their style within limited parameters.

Assessment by in-class tests and presentations and/or end-of-semester examinations: listening (25%); speaking (25%); reading (25%); writing (25%).
