Secondary Specialist Curriculum Studies
Prerequisites: ED3211
Inadmissable Subject Combination: ED4211
40 lectures, 60 workshops. Full year.
The subject deals with research, issues and practices in curriculum and teaching in students’ two teaching areas. Topics include current developments in policy and practice in the teaching area; critical analysis of relevant curriculum documents and their implication for teaching; skills of planning and managing learning environments; effective use of information technologies; assessment and evaluation; student diversity, including compulsory and postcompulsory learners.
Learning Objectives:
- ability to critically analyse approaches to curriculum policies, research and practices in major teaching areas;
- ability to work collaboratively as members of a team in the development and teaching of the specialist areas;
- a broad repertoire of knowledge, skills, processes and attitudes relevant to planning, teaching and assessing in the specialist areas;
- understanding of the implications for curriculum and teaching practices in the specialist areas of diversity of secondary school students at compulsory and post compulsory ages.
Assessment by individual and group papers, seminars, micro-teaching and action research projects on planning, teaching and assessment of the specialist teaching areas.