James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Secondary Curriculum and Teaching Studies 1


Prerequisites: ED2901 ED2921
Inadmissable Subject Combination: ED3301

78 lectures, 39 tutorials. Full year.

Available to Bachelor of Education students.

Staff: Professor P Gilbert

This subject is an introduction to research and practice in curriculum and teaching in the secondary school, with particular reference to two subject areas. Topics include: assumptions underlying the secondary curriculum and its value for students; approaches to curriculum development and teaching, including planning, instructional and management skills, communication and assessment; issues in the teaching of selected subjects in the secondary school.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understand and critically reflect on curricular goals, syllabuses and teaching approaches in the secondary school;
  2. understand and critically reflect on philosophies, theories and issues related to secondary school teaching in specialist subject areas;
  3. develop competence in planning and teaching in specialist subject areas.

Assessment by core strand: two short answer tests (10% each), one 2,000-word written project (20%); each of two specialist teaching areas: seminars, resource folders and tests on planning, teaching and assessment in the specialist subjects (30% each).
