James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Primary Curriculum and Teaching Studies 2


Prerequisites: ED3201 or ED3101
Inadmissable Subject Combination: ED4202

65 lectures, 5 tutorials, 10 hours practicals, 60 hours workshops, at least eight weeks of field work. Full year RATEP mode.

Available to RATEP students only.

This subject further develops an integrated view of planning, teaching and assessment, especially long-term planning and curriculum development. Particular emphasis is placed on arts education, inclusive curricula, teaching students with special abilities and disabilities, classroom management and human relationships education.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop skilled, responsive teachers capable of both independent and collaborative planning and teaching;
  2. to develop an ability to plan and implement integrated studies over a broad range of age and ability levels;
  3. to develop a capacity to plan for, teach and assess students with special cultural, physical, emotional or intellectual needs.

Equal assessment in five component areas of art education; human relationships education; music education; professional development; special needs.
