James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Crustal Processes


Prerequisites: EA1001 or EA1100
Inadmissable Subject Combination: EA2002

26 lectures, 52 hours practicals, 16 hours field work. Second semester.

Staff: Dr M Rubenach, Professor T Bell, Dr P Williams.

Faults, folds, foliations, lineations, overprinting criteria and structural features of compressional and extensional crustal domains. Metamorphic facies, microstructures, isograds and zones; thermal metamorphism. Whole earth geochemistry and geochemical cycles. Ore deposits related to magmatic hydrothermal, volcanogenic, meteoric, diagenetic and metamorphic fluids.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop expertise in the use of sterographic projections to solve problems in structural geology and to provide experience in solving geometric problems on maps of multiply deformed terrains;
  2. to gain an understanding of basic deformation/metamorphic processes, such as fold and foliation development and dissolution during deformation and microstructural processes;
  3. to develop skills in identifying metamorphic minerals and rocks, both in hand specimen and in thin sections. To gain experience in identifying metamorphic facies and in understanding the significance of metamorphic isograds;
  4. to develop an understanding of element distribution and cycling, which is essential background in understanding the geochemistry of rocks, fluids and ore deposits;
  5. to provide skills in recognition of major mineralisation suites and understanding the processes involved in the formation of magmatic, volcanogenic and surficial ore deposits.

Assessment by a three-hour theory examination (50%); one two-hour practical examination in structural geology (20%); practical tests and assignments (30%).
