James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Law of Business Organisations

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: CO1501 or LA1006
Inadmissable Subject Combination: LA3002

26 lectures, 26 tutorials. Second semester.

Staff: Ms L Smith (Townsville campus); Dr J Dabner (Cairns campus).

The law relating to partnerships and companies.

Learning Objectives:

  1. determine the legal rights and obligations of persons operating partnerships;
  2. explain the legal requirements relating to the set up and operation of a company;
  3. determine the legal obligations of company controllers;
  4. inform dissatisfied shareholders and other persons dealing with a company of their legal rights and forms of redress;
  5. explain the methods of terminating a company.

Assessment by assignment (15%); on-course test (15%); final examination (70%).
