James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Aquaculture: Hatchery Techniques


Prerequisites: 12 units of level 3 subjects (AQ subjects and/or MI3031)
Inadmissable Subject Combination: AQ4021 AQ4022

26 tutorials, 10 hours per week of workshops/practicals. First semester.

Staff: Dr P Southgate.

This subject covers design, operation and evaluation of the success of a hatchery culture system. It also covers broodstock husbandry, spawning induction methods, techniques for larval and early nursery culture and production and use of live feeds.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to engage students in realistic aquaculture hatchery and larval rearing production;
  2. to provide practical skills required for broodstock management, spawning induction and larval rearing;
  3. to provide the practical skills required for production of live feeds and management of a live feeds laboratory;
  4. to provide experience in all aspects of aquaculture hatchery protocol;
  5. to develop the problem solving and organisational skills required in commercial hatchery production;
  6. to develop skills in the critical assessment of methodology and evaluation of success in hatchery production;
  7. to develop skills in preparing and presenting major technical reports.

Assessment by an evaluation report (50%); production success measured by output (25%); student participation and involvement (25%).
