James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2019

NS3991 - Midwifery Clinical Practice 1

Credit points: 06
Year: 2019
Student Contribution Band: Band
Administered by:

This subject will provide students with extended clinical experience to develop their role of the midwife in providing woman centered care in alignment with the NMBA Midwifery Standards of Practice (2018). Students will apply their knowledge and skills to assess and plan evidence-based midwifery care in partnership with the woman. Decision making and reflective practice are emphasised to ensure safe and effective care is provided for both the woman and her baby in both hospital and community setting. Extended and applied midwifery practice will focus on normal with an introduction to the variations from normal.

Learning Outcomes



Townsville, , Study Period 2
Census Date 29-Aug-2019
Contact hours:
  • 20 hours - Online tutorials
  • 240 hours
Assessment:presentations (30%); assignments (40%); online unfolding scenario (30%); professional portfolio (%); recruit 2x cce (%).
Special Assessment Requirements:Students must complete and submit all items of assessment; Professional Portfolio 100% P/F; achieve a cumulative score of 50% or more for the subject; Continuity of Care Experiences - students recruit two CCE women.

Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.