James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2018

ED5913 - Communicating Sustainability and Climate Change

Credit points: 03
Year: 2018
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: College of Arts, Society & Education

This subject is available to all students who possess a relevant undergraduate degree or diploma. ED5913 is offered in external or internal mode in Australia where lectures and one assessment task are conducted online through Learn JCU with video linked tutorials. ED5913 is offered in limited mode in Singapore.

This subject introduces you to contemporary and purposeful communication approaches, strategies and techniques based on an ethic of care for our socio-ecological future. You will explore different ways of developing and communicating ideas, feelings and actions for transformative change. Key topics are communication design, analysis, planning and evaluation; interpretation and extension; science communication; and complex issues in climate change communication. Traditional and digital modalities are considered. The major assessment task will develop your skills in professional communication planning. ED5913 is an AQF level 9 subject that aims to develop your ability to communicate and consolidate your knowledge of socio-ecological systems and processes.

Learning Outcomes


External, Study Period 2
Census Date 23-Aug-2018
Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Hilary Whitehouse
Contact hours:
  • 39 hours - On line engagement through Learn JCU platform
    Method of Delivery:WWW - LearnJCU
    Assessment:tutorial attendance and participation (30%); assignments (50%); communication product (20%).

    Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
    Census Date 23-Aug-2018
    Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Hilary Whitehouse
    Contact hours:
    • 39 hours workshops/Seminars
      Assessment:tutorial attendance and participation (30%); assignments (50%); communication product (20%).

      JCU Singapore, Limited, Study Period 51
      Census Date 05-Apr-2018
      Face to face teaching (to be advised)
      Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Hilary Whitehouse
      Contact hours:
      • 25 hours workshops/Seminars
        Assessment:tutorial attendance and participation (30%); assignments (50%); communication product (20%).

        Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.