James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2017

HS9002 - Health Behaviour in the Workplace

Credit points: 03
Year: 2017
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
Administered by: Sports & Exercise Science

This subject will focus on health behaviour frameworks and theories that have particular relevance to workplace settings. Concepts to be explored include the social cognitive theory, theory of planned behaviour, self-determination theory and the transtheoretical model. Students will apply the frameworks and theories to develop evidence-based behaviour change strategies and initiatives and referral processes in the context of managing employees with chronic health conditions in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes


External, Study Period 7
Census Date 06-Jul-2017
Coord/Lect: Assoc. Professor Fiona Barnett.
Contact hours:
  • 30 hours lectures - online learning content
  • 100 hours - self-directed study and assessment work
    Method of Delivery:WWW - LearnJCU
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); assignments (50%).
    Special Assessment Requirements:Students must pass each individual assessment item and achieve at least 50% overall in order to pass the subject.

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.