James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2017

ED5882 - Transformative Digital Learning

Credit points: 03
Year: 2017
Student Contribution Band: Band
Administered by: Education

As machines, clothing, buildings, even body parts become 'smarter', humans' digital learning practices need to be anticipatory to avoid disruption. This requires anticipatory digital literacy practices that are pre-active, not reactive to sociotechnical change. This subject helps students understand what digital literacies practices they need to acquire and/or abandon to successfully adapt to new sociotechnical realities characterised by linear exponential technological change. This subject is designed to assist students in successfully using anticipatory digital literacies practices to engage in strategic foresight exercises. By engaging with digital technologies, students will learn how to use a foresight methodology to create viable solutions to personal, local or global issues. They will also map preferable futuresover probable onesto identify the potential barriers and opportunities these futures present and engage in possibility thinking to design innovative solutions, products, services or ideas that satisfy emerging needs. A student who is pre-active can use this evidence-based methodology to aggressively identify problems before they happen and view them as viable opportunities for change from within. This kind of digital learning is about engaging in transformative practices that lead to praxis or the redesign of existing pre-active meaning-making practices from one context to another.

Learning Outcomes

Students will have high level academic literacy, including the ability to research, analyse and synthesise scholarly readings. Students will be able to formulate and communicate complex ideas in academic writing genres.
Prerequisites:ALLOW CONCURRENT ENROLMENT; ED5880,ED5911, ED5914 AND ED5190


External, Study Period 1
Census Date 23-Mar-2017
Contact hours:
  • 39 hours - on-line supported learning
    Method of Delivery:WWW - LearnJCU
    Assessment:foresight project to build capacity in foresight methods application and using/acquiring proficiency in anticipatory digital literacies practices to address a personal, local or global issue identified (40%); essay: using the six pillars of futures thinking to recover agency and create the world in which you wish to live (30%); reflection on subject learning via discussion board posts (30%).

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.