James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2017

ED5301 - Curriculum Design and Assessment Practices in Higher Education

Credit points: 03
Year: 2017
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: Division of Tropical Environments & Societies

In ED5301 you will build on prior learning to develop your knowledge and skills in designing curriculum and assessment relevant to your higher education context. You will explore a range of authentic student-centred pedagogical approaches for contemporary learning contexts and purposes; such as work integrated, project-based, problem-based, inquiry and service learning. You will extend your knowledge of effective assessment practices including designing to meet learning outcomes, moderation and grading, feedback, peer and self assessment, underpinned by a critical engagement with contemporary assessment literature. This will include consideration of the diagnosis, development and assurance of English language and numeracy proficiency within disciplinary contexts. An integral part of this subject will be to evaluate and engage with a range of technologies that support 21st century learning. You will develop a professional teaching portfolio that demonstrates your continued learning as a reflective practitioner and presents artefacts that evidence a range of transferable skills relevant to the role of an academic in higher education.

Learning Outcomes



Townsville, Limited, Study Period 1
Census Date 23-Mar-2017
Non-standard start/end 09-Feb-2017 to 16-Jun-2017
Face to face teaching 09-Feb-2017 to 02-Jun-2017 (9/10 February and 2 June)
Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Cecily Knight
Contact hours:
  • 23 hours - face to face and online participation
    Assessment:curriculum project (50%); eportfolio (50%).

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.