James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2017

AQ5010 - Aquaculture: Production and Evaluation Report

Credit points: 06
Year: 2017
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
Administered by: College of Science and Engineering

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Science, Certificate of Science, Graduate Diploma, Master of Applied Science, Masters programs, Graduate Certificate of Development Practice, Graduate Diploma of Development Practice, Master of Science and Masters of Development Practice..

This subject is a hands-on, teamwork based subject. It covers the design, construction, operation and evaluation of the success of an aquatic animal recirculating tank culture system.

Learning Outcomes

Students enrolling in this subject should have an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline (eg biology or environmental science) or have acquired equivalent knowledge through other study or industry experience. They should have an excellent understanding of science subjects, including basic biology, chemistry, aquaculture and statistics.


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 1
Census Date 23-Mar-2017
Coord/Lect: Assoc. Professor Chaoshu Zeng.
Contact hours:
  • 26 hours lectures
    Assessment:production success measured by output; (25%); assignments (40%); student initiative involvement and leadership ability in project (35%).

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.