James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2015

WS2008 - International Exchange

Credit points: 03
Year: 2015
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: College of Arts, Society & Education

Available to BA, BSW, BSocSc, BMmJourn, BLang students

This subject introduces students to the concept of inter-cultural, or cross-cultural learning and provides the opportunity to put that learning into practice through participation in a three week international exchange in either India or Thailand. Students will complete an online module which will develop their ability to recognise and understand their own cultural context as an essential prerequisite for understanding and interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. Once this module is complete students will travel to either India or Thailand and participate in a range of community based projects supported by staff and students of the host university. The subject promotes an inter-cultural learning approach which encourages students to develop an understanding of culture and cultural difference, in a way that requires reflection on student's own context and experience. During the exchange students will be engaged with a variety of projects aimed at providing opportunties to place their intercultural understandings into practice.

Learning Outcomes

Students must have completed 24 credit points before enrolling in this subject.


Townsville, Limited, Study Period 6
Census Date 25-Jun-2015
Face to face teaching (To be advised)
Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Debra Miles, Dr Nigel Chang
Lecturers: Dr Nonie Harris, Mr Peter Jones.
Contact hours:
  • 4 hours - Pre field trip meetings.
  • 80 hours fieldwork
Assessment:presentations (20%); tutorial attendance and participation (20%); assignments (60%).
Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

Townsville, Limited, Study Period 11
Census Date 10-Dec-2015
Face to face teaching (To be advised)
Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Debra Miles, Dr Nigel Chang
Lecturers: Dr Nonie Harris, Mr Peter Jones.
Contact hours:
  • 4 hours - Pre field trip meetings.
  • 80 hours fieldwork
Assessment:presentations (20%); tutorial attendance and participation (20%); assignments (60%).
Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.