James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2015

SS1103 - An Introduction to Social Science Research Practices

Credit points: 03
Year: 2015
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: College of Arts, Society & Education

This subject is about how research is conducted in the social sciences. The subject is designed to provide students with the basic skills to identify and develop research questions, and organise, analyse, interpret and present the kinds of data encountered in social research. It is conventional to divide social research methods into two types: a) qualitative, and b) quantitative. This subject introduces students to both approaches. Qualitative research is an umbrella term covering different types of research, including for example, interviews, focus group discussions, life histories, and participant observation. It seeks to interpret the meanings people make of their own lives and how people interact with one another in natural social contexts. Quantitative research has been defined as empirical research where the researcher explores research questions using numbers. This type of research focuses on measurement of the variables of interest in larger samples or groups. In this section of the subject students will be introduced to the logic of the experimental and quasi-experimental methods as well as basic data analysis techniques.

Learning Outcomes


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
Census Date 27-Aug-2015
Coordinator: Dr Roger Wilkinson
Contact hours:
  • 13 hours lectures - One hour lecture per week for 13 weeks
  • 14 hours practicals - 2 hour practicals will be held each week for 7 weeks of the semester only. Other exercises will be conducted via LearnJCU.
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); quizzes or tests (25%); assignments (25%).

    External, Study Period 2
    Census Date 27-Aug-2015
    Coordinator: Dr Roger Wilkinson
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); quizzes or tests (25%); assignments (25%).

    Cairns, Internal, Study Period 2
    Census Date 27-Aug-2015
    Coordinator: Dr Roger Wilkinson
    Contact hours:
    • 13 hours lectures - One lecture per week for 13 weeks
    • 14 hours practicals - 2 hour practicals for 7 weeks of the semester only. Other exercises will be conducted via LearnJCU
      Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); quizzes or tests (25%); assignments (25%).

      Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.