James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2015

LS0200 - English Language Preparatory Program Level 2

Credit points: 12
Year: 2015
Student Contribution Band: Band 3
Administered by:

Level 2 is designed to help students to continue to develop their ability in English, moving from more familiar to unfamiliar topics, and from general topics to more academic content. This programme will better match the trimester structure of the university and segue into the Undergraduate programmes delivered by JCUS. At the end of the course, students will have the English level needed to proceed to Level 3.

Learning Outcomes


JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 91
Census Date 02-Apr-2015
Coordinator: Ms Wen Huey Lau
Lecturers: Ms Adaline Scheerder, Mr Paul Dixon.
Contact hours:
  • 260 hours workshops/Seminars - 5 hours per day as per CPE
    Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); other exams (20%); presentations (10%); assignments (30%).
    Special Assessment Requirements:Nil
    Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

    JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 92
    Census Date 30-Jul-2015
    Coordinator: Ms Wen Huey Lau
    Lecturers: Ms Adaline Scheerder, Mr Paul Dixon.
    Contact hours:
    • 260 hours workshops/Seminars - 5 hours per day as per CPE
      Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); other exams (20%); presentations (10%); assignments (30%).
      Special Assessment Requirements:Nil
      Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

      JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 93
      Census Date 26-Nov-2015
      Coordinator: Ms Wen Huey Lau
      Lecturers: Ms Adaline Scheerder, Mr Paul Dixon.
      Contact hours:
      • 260 hours workshops/Seminars - 5 hours per day as per CPE
        Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); other exams (20%); presentations (10%); assignments (30%).
        Special Assessment Requirements:Nil
        Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

        JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 94
        Census Date 29-Jan-2015
        Coordinator: Ms Wen Huey Lau
        Lecturers: Ms Adaline Scheerder, Mr Paul Dixon.
        Contact hours:
        • 260 hours workshops/Seminars - 5 hours per day as per CPE
          Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); other exams (20%); presentations (10%); assignments (30%).
          Special Assessment Requirements:Nil
          Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

          JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 95
          Census Date 04-Jun-2015
          Coordinator: Ms Wen Huey Lau
          Lecturers: Ms Adaline Scheerder, Mr Paul Dixon.
          Contact hours:
          • 260 hours workshops/Seminars - 5 hours per day as per CPE
            Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); other exams (20%); presentations (10%); assignments (30%).
            Special Assessment Requirements:Nil
            Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

            JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 96
            Census Date 01-Oct-2015
            Coordinator: Ms Wen Huey Lau
            Lecturers: Ms Adaline Scheerder, Mr Paul Dixon.
            Contact hours:
            • 260 hours workshops/Seminars - 5 hours per day as per CPE
              Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); other exams (20%); presentations (10%); assignments (30%).
              Special Assessment Requirements:Nil
              Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

              Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.