James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2014

CY3011 - Advanced Criminological Research Design

Credit points: 03
Year: 2014
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: School of Arts and Social Sciences (pre 2015)

This subject builds on the research and teaching expertise of staff in criminology, the criminal justice system, and broader areas related to social justice, to provide students with advanced criminological research and policy knowledge, focusing on broader questions of process and policy in criminal and social justice. Such knowledge includes trends and issues in contemporary criminology, inherent or distinctively significant issues relating to crime, justice and society in a North Queensland context, and contentious policy debates. Students are expected to apply appropriate research methods to design a research project in one area of the criminal justice system, or in related social policy or program initiatives, which they undertake in CY3012 in the following study period. Research ethics approval may be required for these projects.

Learning Outcomes

To undertake this subject, students must have successfully completed 12 credit points (four subjects) of level 1 study at tertiary level
Prerequisites:6 credit points of CY subjects


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 1
Census Date 27-Mar-2014
Coord/Lect: Dr Garry Coventry.
Contact hours:
  • 13 hours lectures
  • 26 hours workshops/Seminars
  • 26 hours fieldwork
Assessment:end of semester exam (30%); tutorial attendance and participation (10%); presentation of group report (10%); group project written report (50%).

Cairns, Internal, Study Period 1
Census Date 27-Mar-2014
Coord/Lect: Dr Garry Coventry.
Contact hours:
  • 13 hours lectures
  • 26 hours workshops/Seminars
  • 26 hours fieldwork
Assessment:end of semester exam (30%); tutorial attendance and participation (10%); presentation of group report (10%); group project written report (50%).

Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.