James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2012

PY5003 - Adult Psychopathology

Credit points: 03
Year: 2012
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: School of Arts & Social Sciences

Available to MPsych or DPsych students or with permission of course coordinator.

This subject addresses the aetiology, presentation, classification and treatment of psychopathology in adults. The role that physical health may play in the occurrence of some psychological disorders will also be considered, as will the effects of different neuropharmacological forms of treatment. The subject assumes a basic knowledge of psychopathology and deals, at an advanced level, with the recognition, explanation, and treatment of psychopathology in clients.

Learning Outcomes


External, Study Period 1
Census Date 22-Mar-2012
Coord/Lect: Dr Stephen Morgan.
Method of Delivery:CDROM
Restrictions: An enrolment quota applies to this offering.

JCU Singapore, Internal, Study Period 58
Census Date 22-Mar-2012
Coordinator: Nigel Marsh
Lecturer: Dr Paul Fisher.

Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.