James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2008

ZL5005 - Invertebrate Zoology

Credit points: 03
Year: 2008
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
Administered by: School of Marine & Tropical Biology

Available to students enrolled for the degrees of MSc (including a two-semester customised GDipResMeth), MAppSc, BAppSc or graduate diplomas.

An advanced treatment of the major groups of invertebrate animals. Emphasis will be placed on the evolution and physical diversity of the phyla and on their main biological and life-history features. Topics include phylogenetic relationships among the metazoans; biodiversity represented by invertebrate animals; patterns of evolution within the major phyla; reasons for the success of major invertebrate phyla. Students will be required to attend lectures and practical classes for ZL2005 and prepare an essay or literature review on a topic to be set by the subject coordinator.

Learning Outcomes

ZL2005 and MB2080 and MB5380


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
Census Date 05-Sep-2008
Coordinator: Professor David Blair
Lecturers: Professor David Blair, Dr Richard Rowe.
Contact hours:
  • 36 hours lectures
  • 26 hours practicals
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); quizzes or tests (20%); essays (10%); literature review on a topic to be set by subject coordinator; (20%).

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.