James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2008

WC5003 - Advanced Women's Studies

Credit points: 06
Year: 2008
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: Discipline of Social Work & Community Welfare

Advanced interdisciplinary study of feminist theoretical and epistemological issues as they relate to select topics in womens studies. Disciplinary areas of study will draw from feminist scholarship in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Topics of study may include: women in cross-cultural perspectives; women, science and technology; women and popular culture; womens health and health care; women and counselling; women and politics.

Learning Outcomes

Graduate Qualities

Prerequisites:Permission of Director, Centre for Women's Studies


External, Study Period 2
Census Date 05-Sep-2008
Coord/Lect: Dr Nonie Harris.
Method of Delivery:CDROM
Assessment:reflective journal (40%); research paper (60%).

Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.