James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2008

PY3105 - Behaviour in Organisations

Credit points: 03
Year: 2008
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: Discipline of Psychology

This subject presents a contextual approach to organisational psychology encompassing both theoretical roots and their application to the workplace. The psychology of behaviour in organisations is explored at descriptive and analytic levels and linked to its use in intervention. Topics range from understanding the impact of context on organisations, managing change and organisation development to specifics such as criterion development, job analysis, performance appraisal, staff selection and management. Both lectures and tutorials will be interactive. This subject draws heavily on the social psychological approach to understanding organisations, but explores an area of psychology which may be viewed as being more applied than pure. As such, in addition to presenting a sound introduction for students interested in specialising in organisational psychology or human resource management fields, it provides insight into how organisations function. This insight can be useful for any employee.

Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites:Completion of at least 48 units in degree course


JCU Singapore, Block, Study Period 51
Census Date 28-Mar-2008
Face to face teaching 03-Mar-2008 to 13-Jun-2008 (First week two days lectures. Then group A does 3 days of tute/prac while group B has no formal contact. Second week will be two days lectures then group B does 3 days tute/prac while group A has no formal contact. On the weekend 4-5 March there will be a final wrap-up.)
Coordinator: Dr Barbara Kennedy
Lecturer: Dr Koong Foo.
Contact hours:
  • 26 hours lectures
  • 24 hours tutorials
  • 0 hours practicals
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); folio (50%).

    JCU Singapore, Block, Study Period 52
    Census Date 25-Jul-2008
    Face to face teaching 30-Jun-2008 to 10-Oct-2008 (First week two days lectures. Then group A does 3 days of tute/prac while group B has no formal contact. Second week will be two days lectures then group B does 3 days tute/prac while group A has no formal contact. On the weekend 4-5 March there will be a final wrap-up.)
    Coordinator: Dr Barbara Kennedy
    Lecturer: Dr Koong Foo.
    Contact hours:
    • 26 hours lectures
    • 24 hours tutorials
    • 0 hours practicals
      Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); folio (50%).

      JCU Singapore, Block, Study Period 53
      Census Date 28-Nov-2008
      Face to face teaching 27-Oct-2008 to 06-Feb-2009 (First week two days lectures. Then group A does 3 days of tute/prac while group B has no formal contact. Second week will be two days lectures then group B does 3 days tute/prac while group A has no formal contact. On the weekend 4-5 March there will be a final wrap-up.)
      Coordinator: Dr Barbara Kennedy
      Lecturer: Dr Koong Foo.
      Contact hours:
      • 26 hours lectures
      • 24 hours tutorials
      • 0 hours practicals
        Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); folio (50%).

        Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.