James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2008

PY3102 - Social Psychology

Credit points: 03
Year: 2008
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: Discipline of Psychology

Social psychology is concerned with the broader social contexts of behaviour and how interactions with others influence constructions and understandings of self, others and social reality. While the level of analysis is often the individual, theories and research take into account ongoing transactions with social and environmental settings and contexts and individual and collective sense making and representations. The subject attempts to provide a historical and contemporary overview of social psychology and to examine more closely a number of recurrent theoretical, methodological and ethical issues which social psychologists have addressed. Time is spent on classic social psychological theory and research in the areas of attitudinal change, social influence, person perception and group dynamics, as well as on applications of social psychology with respect to the psychology of difference (prejudice, cultural difference, gender difference) and behaviour change in the domains of politics, health, marketing and the environment. Social psychology has a particular interest in the way other people influence thoughts, feelings and actions and the nature and importance of the social environment in information processing. Hence the subject considers and contextualises past and current ways of framing attitudes, beliefs and values and attribution and social inference, in the context of current models of social cognition and social representations. Finally, social psychology has made a substantial investment in the development of measures and methodologies for researching attitudes, group processes, social cognition and intervention effectiveness; an ongoing critical discussion of these methods is an integral part of the subject.

Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites:(PY1001 or PY1101) and (PY1002 or PY1102) and PY2103


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 1
Census Date 04-Apr-2008
Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Ben Slugoski
Contact hours:
  • 26 hours lectures
  • 24 hours tutorials
    Assessment:end of semester exam (25%); quizzes or tests (25% - 50%); practical work (25% - 50%).

    Cairns, Internal, Study Period 1
    Census Date 04-Apr-2008
    Coord/Lect: Dr Nerina Caltabiano.
    Contact hours:
    • 26 hours lectures
    • 24 hours tutorials
      Assessment:end of semester exam (25%); quizzes or tests (25% - 50%); practical work (25% - 50%).

      JCU Singapore, Block, Study Period 51
      Census Date 28-Mar-2008
      Face to face teaching 03-Mar-2008 to 13-Jun-2008
      Lecturers: jc158390, Dr Koong Foo.
      Contact hours:
      • 26 hours lectures
      • 24 hours tutorials
        Assessment:end of semester exam (25%); quizzes or tests (25% - 50%); practical work (25% - 50%).

        JCU Singapore, Block, Study Period 52
        Census Date 25-Jul-2008
        Face to face teaching 30-Jun-2008 to 10-Oct-2008
        Coordinator: Dr Nerina Caltabiano
        Lecturers: jc158390, Dr Koong Foo.
        Contact hours:
        • 26 hours lectures
        • 24 hours tutorials
          Assessment:end of semester exam (25%); quizzes or tests (25% - 50%); practical work (25% - 50%).

          JCU Singapore, Block, Study Period 53
          Census Date 28-Nov-2008
          Face to face teaching 27-Oct-2008 to 06-Feb-2009
          Coordinator: Dr Nerina Caltabiano
          Lecturers: jc158390, Dr Nicole Doherty Roe, Dr Koong Foo.
          Contact hours:
          • 26 hours lectures
          • 24 hours tutorials
            Assessment:end of semester exam (25%); quizzes or tests (25% - 50%); practical work (25% - 50%).

            Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.