James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2008

EG4011 - Thesis Part 1 of 2

Credit points: 03
Year: 2008
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
Administered by: School of Engineering

Except with the approval of the Associate Dean (Engineering), this subject must be studied in Study Period 1.

A major engineering project consisting of application of advanced laboratory, field or computer techniques for the research, design or solution of an engineering problem. Each student will work on a topic from a list presented by his/her engineering discipline. Multiple disciplinary topics are encouraged. Topics are based on research interests of academic and research staff and are often based on real world problems in cooperation with local and regional industry. Projects often take advantage of James Cook Universitys unique location, in the tropics and in close proximity to reef and rainforest World Heritage Areas.Components of this subject include planning; literature survey; research, development or design; proposal/progress written report and oral presentation; formal thesis document and seminar presentation of final results.

Learning Outcomes

Graduate Qualities

Prerequisites:(CL3010 and CL3021 and CL3030 and CH2012 and CS3008 and EG3021 and ME3512) or (CS3000 and CS3001 and CS3002 and CS3003 and CS3008 and EG3021) or (CC3501 and EE3001 and EE3700 and CP2004 and EE3300 and EE3600) or (EE3001 and EE3700 and EE3300 and EE3400 and EE3600) or (EV2002 and CS3008 and CH2012 and EG3021) or (ME3511 and ME3514 and CS3008 and ME3512 and ME3525 and EG3021)


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 1
Census Date 04-Apr-2008
Coordinator: Mr Phil Turner
Lecturers: Mr Phil Turner, Assoc. Professor Wenxian Lin, Dr Vinh Dao, jc172140.
Contact hours:
  • 28 hours - Lectures, tutorials, demonstrations, practicals, site visits and/or seminars. Refer to Subject Outline for details.
    Assessment:integrated assessment across subject chain (%).

    Townsville, Internal, Study Period 6
    Census Date 27-Jun-2008
    Coordinator: Mr Phil Turner
    Lecturers: Mr Phil Turner, Assoc. Professor Wenxian Lin, Dr Vinh Dao, jc172140.
    Contact hours:
    • 28 hours - Lectures, tutorials, demonstrations, practicals, site visits and/or seminars. Refer to Subject Outline for details.
      Assessment:integrated assessment across subject chain (%).
      Restrictions: Enrolment in this offering is restricted.

      Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
      Census Date 05-Sep-2008
      Coordinator: Mr Phil Turner
      Lecturers: Mr Phil Turner, Assoc. Professor Wenxian Lin, Dr Vinh Dao, jc172140.
      Contact hours:
      • 28 hours - Lectures, tutorials, demonstrations, practicals, site visits and/or seminars. Refer to Subject Outline for details.
        Assessment:integrated assessment across subject chain (%).
        Restrictions: Enrolment in this offering is restricted.

        Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.