Information for the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences
Undergraduate Award Requirements
Undergraduate Courses and Majors
The Faculty comprises the following schools:
School of Arts and Social Sciences
which includes the disciplines of
Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminology and Sociology
Communication, English, History, Journalism, Modern Languages (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese), Political Science and Public Policy
Social Work and Community Welfare and Women’s Studies
School of Education
School of Indigenous Australian Studies
The Arts and Social Sciences involve the study of how individuals, societies, cultures and political systems operate, in the present and the past. Its disciplines consider the essence of what it means to be human and provide vital knowledge for increasing our understanding of the peoples of the world and how they interact.
A wide choice of careers is possible by combining study in various disciplines — Community Welfare, Sociology and Anthropology to prepare for a career in community aid abroad, Archaeology and History to work in cultural heritage and environmental management, History and English are classic combinations for teachers, Political Science and Journalism are a popular combination, as are Sociology and Education, Political Science and Psychology for a career in public life. Other combinations open career opportunities in the public and private sectors such as health and welfare services, public policy, management, native title, conservation, museums and national parks, libraries, foreign affairs, counselling and many more.
The key to knowledge and life-long learning is acquiring the skills to collect, analyse, interpret and communicate information. An education in the Arts and Social Sciences provides students with the expertise to conduct this kind of independent examination of important world issues. The goal of the Faculty is to train well educated and highly skilled graduates who have a strong sense of professional ethics and social justice.
Study in the Arts and Social Sciences can be combined readily with the study of other disciplines. Consider some of these possible combinations: a combination of Social Policy and Public Health provides excellent training for work in health planning. Consider the career options of combining Maritime Archaeology and Environmental Studies or Psychology and Environmental Science. Students are encouraged to discuss proposed program of studies with the Faculty’s Academic Advisers who will assist with the choice of subjects.